講演抄録/キーワード |
講演名 |
2011-08-05 16:20
[ポスター講演]Effects of Vision and Language on Attention during Sentence Comprehension
-- A Visual World Study -- ○Nobuyuki Jincho(RIKEN)・Hiroaki Oishi(RIKEN/JSPS)・Reiko Mazuka(RIKEN/Duke Univ.) TL2011-16 |
抄録 |
(和) |
(まだ登録されていません) |
(英) |
This study investigates whether the bottom-up visual information can facilitate or disrupt the language-mediated attention shift. In a visual world paradigm experiment, a participant listened to an adjective phrase and chose the corresponding object from the display. We manipulated the visual information by moving a target or a distracter for a short time before the sentence presentation. We also controlled the timing of target identification. A participant could determine the target by hearing the pre-nominal adjective or noun. We found that the probability of target fixations was affected by both the object motion and the timing of disambiguation. However, the object motion did not facilitate/disrupt the rising rate of the target gaze during noun presentation, which suggests that visually guided attention does not interactively facilitate or disrupt attention mediated by language comprehension. |
キーワード |
(和) |
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(英) |
spoken language comprehension / visual world paradigm / visual attention / / / / / |
文献情報 |
信学技報, vol. 111, no. 170, TL2011-16, pp. 49-52, 2011年8月. |
資料番号 |
TL2011-16 |
発行日 |
2011-07-29 (TL) |
Print edition: ISSN 0913-5685 Online edition: ISSN 2432-6380 |
著作権に ついて |
技術研究報告に掲載された論文の著作権は電子情報通信学会に帰属します.(許諾番号:10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
PDFダウンロード |
TL2011-16 |