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Technical Committee on Component Parts and Materials (CPM) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kiichi Kamimura
Vice Chair Kanji Yasui
Secretary Seiji Toyoda, Hidehiko Shimizu
Assistant Yasushi Takemura, Naoki Oba

Conference Date Fri, Sep 14, 2007 14:00 - 16:05
Conference Place  
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Fri, Sep 14 PM 
14:00 - 16:05
(1) 14:00-14:25 Phase code multiplexed recording in computer generated hologram memory CPM2007-77 Yoshitaka Satou, Shuhei Yoshida, Manabu Yamamoto (TUS)
(2) 14:25-14:50 Optical disc system using Micro-Reflector recording CPM2007-78 Kimihiro Saito, Toshihiro Horigome, Hirotaka Miyamato, Hisayuki Yamatsu, Norihiro Tanabe, Kunihiko Hayashi, Goro Fujita, Kobayashi Seiji, Hiroshi Uchiyama, Hiroshi Uchiyama (Sony Corp.)
(3) 14:50-15:15 High Speed Flexible Optical Disk with Cylindrically Concaved stabilizer CPM2007-79 Nobuaki Onagi, Shozou Murata, Yasunori Sugimoto, Yasutomo Aman (RICOH), Daiichi Koide, Yoshimichi Takano, Haruki Tokumaru (NHK STRL)
(4) 15:15-15:40 New DPD Tracking Servo Method by Signal Processing for High-Density ROM Discs CPM2007-80 Junya Shiraishi, Tsutomu Maruyama, Yoshihiro Takemoto, Isao Ichimura, Shoei Kobayashi (Sony)
(5) 15:40-16:05 Homodyne detection scheme for multi-layer optical disc CPM2007-81 Takeshi Shimano, Hideharu Mikami, Hiromi Kudo, Jiro Hashizume, Harukazu Miyamoto (Hitachi)

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
CPM Technical Committee on Component Parts and Materials (CPM)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Hidehiko Shimizu(Niigata University)
TEL 025-262-6811, FAX 025-262-6811
E--mail: engi-u

Yasushi Takemura(Yokohama National University)
TEL 045-339-4151, FAX 045-339-4151
E--mail: y 

Last modified: 2007-07-19 17:38:41

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