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Special Interest Group on Computer Vision and Image Media (IPSJ-CVIM)  (Searched in: 2016)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2016-09-05 to:2016-09-05'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 36  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   Stroke-by-stroke Order Evaluation of Online Handwritten Kanji Characters using Directional Feature
Kazuhiro Mita, Masaki Nakagawa (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. & Tech.) PRMU2016-54 IBISML2016-9
This paper presents a stroke order evaluation method for online handwritten Kanji characters written on a tablet. Previo... [more] PRMU2016-54 IBISML2016-9
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   PRMU2016-55 IBISML2016-10 (To be available after the conference date) [more] PRMU2016-55 IBISML2016-10
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   Document image retrieval using P2-invariant
Tomotaka Ohnishi, Yuji Oyamada, Kazu Mishiba, Katuya Kondo (Tottori Univ.) PRMU2016-56 IBISML2016-11
Given an image capturing a document, document image retrieval finds the closest image from a document image database.
... [more]
PRMU2016-56 IBISML2016-11
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   A Preliminarily Study on Multi-Frames Features for LIDAR-Based Pedestrian Detection
Yoshiki Tatebe, Daisuke Deguchi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase (Nagoya Univ.), Utsushi Sakai (DENSO) PRMU2016-57 IBISML2016-12
In this report, we study multi-frames features extracted by integrating point-clouds of LIDAR over multiple frames. We s... [more] PRMU2016-57 IBISML2016-12
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   Real-time Human Pose Tracking Using Depth Sensor by Connected Sphere Model
Daiki Fukuyama, Tsuyoshi Migita, Shakunaga Takeshi (Okayama Univ.) PRMU2016-58 IBISML2016-13
Human pose tracking on a depth image sequence can be achieved by using a generative-model-based method, where a human bo... [more] PRMU2016-58 IBISML2016-13
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   PRMU2016-59 IBISML2016-14  [more] PRMU2016-59 IBISML2016-14
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   An Approximate Expression of the Covariate-Vector in the Sparse Signal Analysis LASSO
Yuichi Kida (Ohu Univ.), Takuro Kida (Tokyo Tech) PRMU2016-60 IBISML2016-15
 [more] PRMU2016-60 IBISML2016-15
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   Approximate Projection Expression of Nonlinear Artificial Intelligent Systems Based on Matrix Operator Polynomial Approximations
Yuichi Kida (Ohu Univ.), Takuro Kida (Tokyo Tech.) PRMU2016-61 IBISML2016-16
 [more] PRMU2016-61 IBISML2016-16
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   Automatic Initial View Generation for 360 Degree Panoramic Images
Takayuki Hara, Akihiro Kakinuma, Satomi Tanaka, Naohiro Kamijo (Ricoh) PRMU2016-62 IBISML2016-17
We present an automatic initial view generation method for a 360 degree panoramic image adaptive to the image contents. ... [more] PRMU2016-62 IBISML2016-17
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   [Short Paper] Selective Inference for Time-series Change-Point Analysis
Yuta Umezu, Kazuya Nakagawa, Shigenori Inoue (NIT), Koji Tsuda (Tokyo Univ.), Mahito Sugiyama, Takuya Maekawa (Osaka Univ.), Toru Tamaki (Hiroshima Univ.), Ken Yoda (Nagoya Univ.), Ichiro Takeuchi (NIT) PRMU2016-63 IBISML2016-18
In this paper, we propose a statistical method for time series data after detecting a change point. Because the change p... [more] PRMU2016-63 IBISML2016-18
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   PRMU2016-64 IBISML2016-19 (To be available after the conference date) [more] PRMU2016-64 IBISML2016-19
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   PRMU2016-65 IBISML2016-20 (To be available after the conference date) [more] PRMU2016-65 IBISML2016-20
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   PRMU2016-66 IBISML2016-21  [more] PRMU2016-66 IBISML2016-21
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   [Fellow Memorial Lecture] Memorial Lecture for Fellow Award: Pattern Recognition in Image Analysis
Atsushi Imiya (Chiba Univ.) PRMU2016-67 IBISML2016-22
 [more] PRMU2016-67 IBISML2016-22
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   The Validity of Network In Network as a Visual System -- From the Point of View of the Orientation Selectivity Map --
Satoshi Suzuki, Hayaru Shouno (UEC) PRMU2016-68 IBISML2016-23
In recent years, Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) has shown excellent performance in image recognition field. DC... [more] PRMU2016-68 IBISML2016-23
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   Acoustic event detection and removal using LSTM-CTC for speech recognition
Yu Nasu (former Toshiba), Hiroshi Fujimura (Toshiba) PRMU2016-69 IBISML2016-24
Deep learning techniques have drastically increased the speech recognition performance. However, there are few practical... [more] PRMU2016-69 IBISML2016-24
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   Sparse learning for pattern mining problem by using Safe Pattern Pruning method
Kazuya Nakagawa, Shinya Suzumura, Masayuki Karasuyama (NIT), Koji Tsuda (Univ. of Tokyo), Ichiro Takeuchi (NIT) PRMU2016-70 IBISML2016-25
In this paper we study predictive pattern mining problems where the goal is to construct a predictive model based on a s... [more] PRMU2016-70 IBISML2016-25
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   【Invited Short Survey】 A Survey on Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Methods using Product Quantization
Yusuke Matsui (NII) PRMU2016-71 IBISML2016-26
(To be available after the conference date) [more] PRMU2016-71 IBISML2016-26
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   PRMU2016-72 IBISML2016-27 (To be available after the conference date) [more] PRMU2016-72 IBISML2016-27
PRMU, IPSJ-CVIM, IBISML [detail] 2016-09-05
Toyama   [Invited Short Survey] Integration of Convolutional Neural Networks and Conditional Random Fields
Masaki Saito (PFN) PRMU2016-73 IBISML2016-28
Although Convolutional Neural Networks are one of the most frequently used methods for solving various types of problems... [more] PRMU2016-73 IBISML2016-28
 Results 1 - 20 of 36  /  [Next]  
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