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Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing (AI) [schedule] [select]
Chair Satoshi Kurihara (Osaka Univ.)
Vice Chair Shigeo Matsubara (Kyoto Univ.), Toshiharu Sugawara (Waseda Univ.)
Secretary Koichi Moriyama (Osaka Univ.), Daisuke Katagami (Tokyo Polytechnic Univ.)

Conference Date Thu, Oct 20, 2011 10:00 - 16:50
Conference Place Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Yoshida-Honmachi, Kyoto University 
Address Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8501, Japan.
Transportation Guide
Prof. Shigeo Matsubara

Thu, Oct 20 AM 
10:00 - 16:50
(1) 10:00-10:40 Proposal of Starter Sentences Mining Method to Create Example Sentence for Medical Field Using Web Search Engine Shun Ozaki, Taku Fukushima, Takashi Yoshino (Wakayama Univ.)
(2) 10:40-11:20 Reputation-Based Selection of Language Services Shinsuke Goto (Kyoto Univ.), Yohei Murakami (NICT), Toru Ishida (Kyoto Univ.)
(3) 11:20-12:00 Constructing a database of Japanese basic sentences with their various paraphrases Kazuki Shimamura (OECU), Yumi Nishimura (K.G.Univ), Kazuhiro Takeuchi (OECU)
  12:00-13:00 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
(4) 13:00-13:40 Verification of Translation Repair Support Using Plain Japanese Takuhiro Higashi (Wakayama Univ.), Mai Miyabe (The Univ. of Tokyo), Takashi Yoshino (Wakayama Univ.)
(5) 13:40-14:20 Difficulties of non-native speakers contributing to a multiparty audio conference Naomi Yamashita (NTT), Toru Ishida (Kyoto Univ.)
(6) 14:20-15:00 Effects of Cultural Knowledge on Text Chat between Japanese and Chinese Participants Takaya Yuizono (JAIST), Wei Li (Yamagishi)
  15:00-15:30 Break ( 30 min. )
(7) 15:30-16:10 Comparison of the cultural difference detection methods using the multilingual version Wikipedia Takashi Yoshino (Wakayama Univ.), Mai Miyabe (The Univ. of Tokyo)
(8) 16:10-16:50 User-Controlled Language Service Composition Yohei Murakami, Donghui Lin, Masahiro Tanaka (NICT)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
AI Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing (AI)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Secretaries of Special Interested Group of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge

Last modified: 2011-08-23 18:51:21

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