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Technical Committee on Intelligent Transport Systems Technology (ITS) [schedule] [select]
Chair Hiromao Habuchi (Ibaraki Univ.)
Vice Chair Fumihide Kojima (NICT), Takaya Yamazato (Nagoya Univ.)
Secretary Yusuke Takatori (Kanagawa Inst. of Tech.), Tomotaka Wada (Kansai Univ.)
Assistant Kohei Ohno (Tokyo Univ. of Science), Hiroyuki Hatano (Shizuoka Univ.)

Technical Meeting on Intelligent Transport Systems (IEE-ITS) [schedule] [select]
Chair Takashi Izumi
Vice Chair Toshihiko Oda
Secretary Yoshio Hamamatsu, Satoshi Takahashi

Special Interest Group on Intelligent Transport Systems (IPSJ-ITS) [schedule] [select]
Chair Tomoyuki Yashiro
Secretary Takaaki Umedu (KDDI研究所), Hidenori Endo, Hiroshi Shigeno

Conference Date Mon, Sep 10, 2012 10:20 - 17:15
Topics Measurement in Traffic, Communications, Information Processing, etc. 
Conference Place  

Mon, Sep 10 AM 
Chair: Yusuke Takatori
10:20 - 12:00
10:20-10:45 Performance comparisons between advanced demand signals schemes from the viewpoint of vehicular flow Toshimasa Aso (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology), Takaaki Hasegawa (Saitama Univ.)
10:45-11:10 On performance of direct signal control scheme Toshimasa Aso (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology), Takaaki Hasegawa (Saitama Univ.)
11:10-11:35 Automatic Incident Detection Based on Probe Car Data Hiroto Akatsuka (The University of Tokyo), Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi (NII)
11:35-12:00 Pedestrian-to-vehicle Communication Access Method and Field Test Results Makoto Nagai, Keisuke Higuchi, Ken Nakaoka, Yoshiharu Doi (Panasonic)
  12:00-13:10 Break ( 70 min. )
Mon, Sep 10 PM 
13:10 - 13:55
(5) 13:10-13:55  
  13:55-14:00 Break ( 5 min. )
Mon, Sep 10 PM 
14:00 - 14:50
(6) 14:00-14:25  
(7) 14:25-14:50  
  14:50-15:00 Break ( 10 min. )
Mon, Sep 10 PM 
15:00 - 16:15
(8) 15:00-15:25  
(9) 15:25-15:50  
(10) 15:50-16:15  
  16:15-16:25 Break ( 10 min. )
Mon, Sep 10 PM 
16:25 - 17:15
(11) 16:25-16:50  
(12) 16:50-17:15  

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
ITS Technical Committee on Intelligent Transport Systems Technology (ITS)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Yusuke Takatori

Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering,
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
1030 Shimo-Ogino Atsugi, Kanagawa, 243-0292 Japan.

IEE-ITS Technical Meeting on Intelligent Transport Systems (IEE-ITS)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  
IPSJ-ITS Special Interest Group on Intelligent Transport Systems (IPSJ-ITS)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  

Last modified: 2012-09-10 08:41:22

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