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Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Yasuharu Koike (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Vice Chair Mitsuyuki Nakao (Tohoku Univ.)
Secretary Jun Izawa (ATR), Takashi Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.)
Assistant Natsue Yoshimura (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Kazuhiro Nakamura (akita noken)

Conference Date Thu, Oct 11, 2012 10:20 - 15:05
Topics ME in general 
Conference Place Building 7, Shijonawate Campus, Osaka Electro-Communication University 
Transportation Guide
+72-876-5128 (Ext. 5188)

Thu, Oct 11 AM 
10:20 - 12:00
(1) 10:20-10:45 Evaluation of Automatic Cropping Method of Chest X-ray Image Masataka Imura (Osaka Univ.), Yoshito Tabata, Rikuta Ishigaki (Kyoto MSC), Yoshihiro Kuroda, Osamu Oshiro (Osaka Univ.)
(2) 10:45-11:10 The coherence analysis in EEG under emotional stress stimuli in smart phone related to the anxiety states Tetsuya Asakawa (Univ of Hyogo.), Takuto Hayashi (Aino Univ.), Masato Taya, Hiroyuki Yokoyama (KDDI Lab.), Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto (Univ of Hyogo.)
(3) 11:10-11:35 Separate neural substrates for two distinct rotational transformations in visuomotor learning Kenji Ogawa (ATR/JSPS), Hiroshi Imamizu (ATR/NICT)
(4) 11:35-12:00 Continuous Estimation of Finger Joint Angles Using Inputs from an EMG-to-Muscle Activation Model Jimson Ngeo, Tomoya Tamei, Tomohiro Shibata (NAIST)
  12:00-13:00 Lunch Break ( 60 min. )
Thu, Oct 11 PM 
13:00 - 15:05
(5) 13:00-13:25 Improvement of heart model constructing system from MR images and application to cardiac mechanics simulation Tohru Suzuki, Guo Qinglian, Masahiro Seto (KIT), Shin Inada, Kazuo Nakazawa (NCVC), Toshiaki Akita (KMU), Masashi Yamabe (KIT)
(6) 13:25-13:50 A method based on reinforcement learning to improve 3D sound localization. Shuhei Morioka, Isao Nambu (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Shohei Yano (Nagaoka College of Tech.), Haruhide Hokari, Yasuhiro Wada (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)
(7) 13:50-14:15 Design of Power Assist Control based on Prediction of Fatigue during Cycling Hiromu Minagawa, Kohichi Nishikata, Tohru Kiryu (Niigata Univ)
(8) 14:15-14:40 Investigation of three-dimensional beam focusing controls for development of vascular endoscope Daiki Goto, Masaki Hisaka (Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.)
(9) 14:40-15:05 PHR management system using Smart phone Manabu Horiuchi, Masayuki Nambu (OECU)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
MBE Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Natsue YOSHIMURA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
TEL: +81-45-924-5054
FAX: +81-45-924-5085
E--mail: cnspi 

Last modified: 2012-10-06 17:38:24

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