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Technical Committee on Silicon Device and Materials (SDM) [schedule] [select]
Chair Tetsuro Endo (Tohoku Univ.)
Vice Chair Yasuo Nara (Fujitsu Semiconductor)
Secretary Yukinori Ono (NTT), Shintaro Nomura (Univ. of Tsukuba)
Assistant Yoshitaka Sasago (Hitachi)

Conference Date Thu, Oct 20, 2011 13:30 - 17:40
Fri, Oct 21, 2011 09:00 - 16:40
Topics Process science and new process technologies 
Conference Place Niche, Tohoku University 
Address Aza-Aoba 6-6-10, Aramaki, Aobaku, Sendai, 980-8579, Japan
Associate Prof. Tetsuya Goto

Thu, Oct 20 PM 
13:30 - 17:40
(1) 13:30-14:20 [Invited Talk]
Characteristics Variability and Random Telegraph Noise in Fully Depleted SOI MOSFETs
Toshiro Hiramoto (Univ. of Tokyo)
(2) 14:20-14:45 Reduction of Random Telegraph Noise with Broad Channel MOSFET Hiroyoshi Suzuki, Rihito Kuroda, Akinobu Teramoto, Akihiro Yonezawa, Hiroaki Matsuoka, Taiki Nakazawa, Kenichi Abe, Shigetoshi Sugawa, Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)
(3) 14:45-15:10 Statistical Evaluations of Generation and Recovery Characteristics of Anomalous Stress Induced Leakage Current Takuya Inatsuka, Yuki Kumagai, Rihito Kuroda, Akinobu Teramoto, Shigetoshi Sugawa, Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)
  15:10-15:20 Break ( 10 min. )
(4) 15:20-15:45 Effect of Si surface roughness on electrical characteristics of HfON gate insulator Dae-Hee Han, Shun-ichiro Ohmi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
(5) 15:45-16:10 On the relation between interface flattening effect and insulator breakdown characteristic of radical reaction based insulator formation technology Rihito Kuroda, Akinobu Teramoto, Xiang Li, Tomoyuki Suwa, Shigetoshi Sugawa, Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)
(6) 16:10-17:40 [Special Talk]
Science Based New Silicon Technologies
Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)
  17:40-18:00 Break ( 20 min. )
  18:00-20:00 Banquet ( 120 min. )
Fri, Oct 21 AM 
09:00 - 16:40
(7) 09:00-09:50 [Invited Talk]
Study of HfO2/Si/strained-Ge/SiGe using Angle Resolved x-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Hiroshi Nohira, Arata Komatsu, Kentarou Nasu, Yusuke Hoshi, Toru Kurebayashi, Kentaro Sawano (Tokyo City Univ.), M. Myronov (Univ. of Warwick), Yasuhiro Shiraki (Tokyo City Univ.)
(8) 09:50-10:15 Channel strain measurements in 32nm-node CMOSFETs Munehisa Takei, Hiroki Hashiguchi, Takuya Yamaguchi, Daisuke Kosemura, Kohki Nagata, Atsushi Ogura (Meiji Univ.)
(9) 10:15-10:40 Clear Difference between the Chemical Structure of SiO2/Si Interfaces Formed Using Oxygen Radicals and Oxygen Molecules Tomoyuki Suwa, Yuki Kumagai, Akinobu Teramoto (Tohoku Univ.), Toyohiko Kinoshita, Takayuki Muro (JASRI), Takeo Hattori, Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)
  10:40-10:50 Break ( 10 min. )
(10) 10:50-11:15 AR-XPS Study on Chemical Bonding State of In0.53Ga0.47As Surface treated by Various Surface Treatments Yuya Numajiri, Koji Yamashita, Arata Komatsu (Tokyo City Univ.), Darius Zade (FRC. Tokyo Inst. of Tech), Kuniyuki Kakushima (IGSSE. Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Hiroshi Iwai (FRC. Tokyo Inst. of Tech), Hiroshi Nohira (Tokyo City Univ.)
(11) 11:15-11:40 A study on contact resistivity lowering of PtSi by alloying with low work function metals Shun-ichiro Ohmi (Tokyo Tech)
(12) 11:40-12:05 Effect of peripheral region on the electrical properties of pentacene-based organic field-effect transistors with HfON gate insulator Min Liao, Hiroshi Ishiwara, Shun-ichiro Ohmi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
  12:05-13:10 Lunch Break ( 65 min. )
(13) 13:10-14:00 [Invited Talk]
Experiment-Integrated Multi-scale, Multi-physics Computational Chemistry Methods for Silicon-Materials and Devices
Akira Miyamoto, Ryo Nagumo, Ryuji Miura, Ai Suzuki, Hideyuki Tsuboi, Nozomu Hatakeyama, Hiromitsu Takaba, Sumio Kozawa (Tohoku Univ.)
(14) 14:00-14:50 [Invited Talk]
Design Framework for Parameter Fluctuation in MOSFET Damaged by Ion Bombardment during Plasma Etching
Koji Eriguchi, Yoshinori Nakakubo, Asahiko Matsuda, Yoshinori Takao, Kouichi Ono (Kyoto Univ.)
(15) 14:50-15:15 Electrical Characterization Techniques for Si Substrate Damage during Plasma Etching Yoshinori Nakakubo, Koji Eriguchi, Asahiko Matsuda, Yoshinori Takao, Kouichi Ono (Kyoto Univ.)
  15:15-15:25 Break ( 10 min. )
(16) 15:25-15:50 High Purity Metal Organic Gas Distribution System Satoru Yamashita, Hidekazu Ishii, Yoshinobu Shiba, Masafumi Kitano, Yasuyuki Shirai, Shigetoshi Sugawa, Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)
(17) 15:50-16:15 Performance Evaluation of 3D FPGA using Through Silicon Via Naoto Miyamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Yohei Matsumoto (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology), Hanpei Koike (AIST), Tadayuki Matsumura, Kenichi Osada, Yahoko Nakagawa (ASET), Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)
(18) 16:15-16:40 Silicon Wafer Wet Etching for Plug Protrusion of 3D chip-stacking technology with Through Silicon Via Kazuhiro Yoshikawa (PretechAT), Tatsuro Yoshida, Kazuki Soeda, Ryousuke Hiratuka, Tadahiro Ohmi (Tohoku Univ.)

Announcement for Speakers
General Talk (25)Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited Talk (50)Each speech will have 40 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Special Talk (90)Each speech will have 80 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
SDM Technical Committee on Silicon Device and Materials (SDM)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Yukinori Ono(NTT)
Tel 046-240-2641 Fax 046-240-4317
E--mail: o 

Last modified: 2011-08-21 12:03:35

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