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Technical Committee on Ultrasonics (US) [schedule] [select]
Chair Kenya Hashimoto (Chiba Univ.)
Vice Chair Hiroshi Kanai (Tohoku Univ.), Shinichiro Umemura (Tohoku Univ.)
Secretary Hikaru Miura (Nihon Univ.), Shujiro Mitani (Univ. of Tokyo)
Assistant Tadashi Yamaguchi (Chiba Univ.)

Conference Date Mon, Sep 24, 2012 13:10 - 15:35
Topics General 
Conference Place Tegata Campus, Akita University 
Address 1-1 Tegatagakuenmachi, Akita-shi, 010-8502, Japan
Transportation Guide
Prof. Kazuhiko Imano
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by ASJ;Technical Committee on Ultrasonic and Underwater Acoustics, IEEE UFFC Society Japan Chapter.

Mon, Sep 24 PM 
13:10 - 15:35
(1) 13:10-13:35 Effects of the Randomized Distribution of On-source Pressure on Nonlinear Field Formation Tomoo Kamakura, Hideyuki Nomura, Gregory T. Clement (UEC)
(2) 13:35-14:00 Automated Detection of Intima-Media Complex Boundaries of Longitudinal Section of Carotid Artery by Fitting Echo Model Composed of Multiple Ultrasonic Pulses to Measured Signal Nabilah Ibrahim, Hideyuki Hasegawa, Hiroshi Kanai (Tohoku Univ.)
(3) 14:00-14:25 Tissue ultrasound imaging and displacement measurement using weighting of echo spectra and over-determined system
-- Included cases using high intensity ultrasound for thermal treatment and radiation force --
Chikayoshi Sumi, Yousuke Ishii (Sophia Univ)
  14:25-14:45 Break ( 20 min. )
(4) 14:45-15:10 Fabrication of polarity-inverted ZnO films using ion bombardment to the substrate during an RF magnetron sputtering Ryo Ikoma (Doshisha Univ.), Takahiko Yanagitani (Nagoya Inst.Tech.), Shinji Takayanagi (Doshisha Univ.), Masashi Suzuki (Nagoya Inst.Tech.), Hiroyuki Odagawa (Kumamoto NCT), Mami Matsukawa (Doshisha Univ.)
(5) 15:10-15:35 Evaluation of Silica Glasses by the Ultrasonic Microspectroscopy Technology
-- Effects of OH and Cl on Fictive Temperature Dependences of Acoustic Properties --
Mototaka Arakawa, Yuji Ohashi, Yuko Maruyama, Jun-ichi Kushibiki (Tohoku Univ.), Hideharu Horikoshi, Kenji Moriyama (Tosoh SGM)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
US Technical Committee on Ultrasonics (US)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Shujiro Mitani (University of Tokyo)
TEL: 03-5452-6122, FAX: 03-5452-6123
e--mail: iisu-
Hikaru Miura (Nihon University)
TEL: 03-3259-0776, FAX: 03-3293-8265
e--mail: ueletn-u 
Announcement Latest information will be presented on the homepage:

Last modified: 2012-09-22 23:28:16

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