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Special Interest Group on Document Communication (IPSJ-DC)  (Searched in: 2017)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2017-07-06 to:2017-07-06'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MoNA, LOIS, IPSJ-DC 2017-07-06
Tokyo   People indoor-movement prediction by online log analysis and its application for communication system operation
Kazuki Okamoto, Ryoichi Shinkuma (Kyoto Univ.) MoNA2017-8 LOIS2017-6
 [more] MoNA2017-8 LOIS2017-6
MoNA, LOIS, IPSJ-DC 2017-07-06
Tokyo   A Human Mobility Prediction Scheme By Using A Hierarchical Interest Model
Wei Liu, Yozo Shoji (NICT), Ryoichi Shinkuma (Kyoto Univ.) MoNA2017-9 LOIS2017-7
 [more] MoNA2017-9 LOIS2017-7
MoNA, LOIS, IPSJ-DC 2017-07-06
Tokyo   [Invited Talk] Research activities for Energy-efficient Smartphone Software
Takeshi Kamiyama (NTT DOCOMO) MoNA2017-10 LOIS2017-8
 [more] MoNA2017-10 LOIS2017-8
MoNA, LOIS, IPSJ-DC 2017-07-06
Tokyo   Information sharing and interorganizational collaboration on management of large-scale international sports tournaments and incident response
Naoko Kosaka, Akira Koyama, Tsuneko Kura, Koji Kishi (NTT), Tadayoshi Maruyama, Koichi Takamatsu (Organising Committee) MoNA2017-11 LOIS2017-9
Various risks are assumed at large international sporting events depending on the environment of the venue. The main tas... [more] MoNA2017-11 LOIS2017-9
MoNA, LOIS, IPSJ-DC 2017-07-06
Tokyo   Yield Management for Small Scale Accommodations using Web Big-data
Noriaki Koide (ROIS), Noboru Sonehara (Tsuda Univ.) MoNA2017-12 LOIS2017-10
 [more] MoNA2017-12 LOIS2017-10
MoNA, LOIS, IPSJ-DC 2017-07-06
Tokyo   Improving estimation accuracy of moving distance along stairs in indoor environment using a Rotation Sensor of a Smart Phone
Masaki Nishizaka, Hiroaki Morino (SIT) MoNA2017-13 LOIS2017-11
When evacuating from the building in case of disaster , if you can store the record of the evacuated route in smart phon... [more] MoNA2017-13 LOIS2017-11
MoNA, LOIS, IPSJ-DC 2017-07-06
Tokyo   A Basic Consideration of Semi-Scheduled Contacts and Delivery Time Estimation of Delay Tolerant Networks
Teruaki Kitasuka (Hiroshima Univ.) MoNA2017-14 LOIS2017-12
(To be available after the conference date) [more] MoNA2017-14 LOIS2017-12
 Results 1 - 7 of 7  /   
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