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Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP)
Chair: Keio Imai (Chuo Univ.) Vice Chair: Hiroo Ito (Univ. of Electro-Comm.)
Secretary: Jinhee Jon (Tohoku Univ.), Akitoshi Kawamura (Univ. of Tokyo)

Mon, Dec 10, 2012 09:30 - 17:50



Mon, Dec 10 AM (09:30 - 10:40)

(1) 09:30 - 10:05
Analysis of Alternative Rumor Spreading on Scale-Free Networks
-- For Simple Two Type Degree Networks --
Hiroki Yamaguchi, Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Tech)

(2) 10:05 - 10:40
Constructing Position Heaps for Various Pattern Matching
Yuhei Otomo, Kazuyuki Narisawa, Ayumi Shinohara (Tohoku Univ.)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Mon, Dec 10 AM (10:55 - 12:05)

(3) 10:55 - 11:30
Iterative rounding approximation algorithms for degree-bounded node-connectivity network design
Takuro Fukunaga (Kyoto Univ.)

(4) 11:30 - 12:05
Hamiltonicity of 4-connected projective-planar graphs
Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Kenta Ozeki (NII)

----- Lunch Break ( 85 min. ) -----

Mon, Dec 10 PM (13:30 - 15:00)

(5) 13:30 - 15:00
[Tutorial Lecture]
Introduction to Computational Complexity Theory (1): Basics and Average-Case Computational Complexity
Osamu Watanabe (Tokyo Tech)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Mon, Dec 10 PM (15:15 - 17:50)

(6) 15:15 - 15:50
A Lower Bound of Minimum Energy Broadcast on Two Dimensional Triangular Grid Wireless Networks
Youhei Kouchi, Akira Matsubayashi (Kanazawa Univ.)

(7) 15:50 - 16:25
Reconfiguration of List L(2,1)-Labelings in a Graph
Takehiro Ito, Kazuto Kawamura (Tohoku Univ.), Hirotaka Ono (Kyushu Univ.), Xiao Zhou (Tohoku Univ.)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

(8) 16:40 - 17:15
Enumeration of PLCP-orientations on the 4-cube
Komei Fukuda, Lorenz Klaus (ETH Zurich), Hiroyuki Miyata (Tohoku Univ.)

(9) 17:15 - 17:50
Comparison of Worst-case Polytopes for the Simplex Method
-- Klee-Minty Cubes Are Also Goldfarb Cubes --
Bernd Gaertner, Christian Helbling (ETH Zurich), Yoshiki Ota, Takeru Takahashi (Tohoku Univ.)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 25 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Tutorial Lecture will have 80 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP) ===

Mon, Mar 18, 2013: Gifu University [Fri, Jan 11]

Jinhee Chun
Graduate School of Information Sciences,
Tohoku University.
Aramaki aza Aoba 6-3-09, Aoba-ku Sendai
980-8579, Japan
Email: neisis

Last modified: 2012-10-19 14:39:59

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