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Technical Committee on Dependable Computing (DC)
Chair: Tomohiro Yoneda (NII) Vice Chair: Seiji Kajihara (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary: Masato Kitagami (Chiba Univ.), Michinobu Nakao (Renesas)

Fri, Jun 25, 2010 13:30 - 16:45



Fri, Jun 25 PM (13:30 - 15:00)

(1) 13:30 - 14:00
A Full Scan Design Method for Asynchronous Sequential Circuits Based on C-element Scan Paths
Hiroshi Iwata, Satoshi Ohtake, Michiko Inoue, Hideo Fujiwara (NAIST)

(2) 14:00 - 14:30
A Class of Partial Thru Testable Sequential Circuits with Multiplexers
Nobuya Oka, Yuki Yoshikawa, Hideyuki Ichihara, Tomoo Inoue (Hiroshima City Univ.)

(3) 14:30 - 15:00
A Binding Algorithm in High-Level Synthesis for Robust Testable Datapaths
Yuki Yoshikawa, Shun Maruya, Hideyuki Ichihara, Tomoo Inoue (Hiroshima City Univ.)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Fri, Jun 25 PM (15:15 - 16:45)

(4) 15:15 - 15:45
A test pattern matching method on BAST architecture using don't care identification for the detection of random pattern resistant faults
Yun Chen, Toshinori Hosokawa (Nihon Univ.), Masayoshi Yoshimura (Kyushu Univ.)

(5) 15:45 - 16:15
Note on Insertion Point and Area of Observation Circuit for On-Chip Debug Technique
Masayuki Arai, Yoshihiro Tabata, Kazuhiko Iwasaki (Tokyo Metro. Univ.)

(6) 16:15 - 16:45
An I/O Sequence Slicing Method for Post-silicon Debugging
Yeonbok Lee, Takeshi Matsumoto, Masahiro Fujita (Univ. of Tokyo.)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on Dependable Computing (DC) ===

Tue, Aug 3, 2010 - Thu, Aug 5, 2010: [Fri, Apr 23]
Tue, Aug 3, 2010 - Thu, Aug 5, 2010: Kanazawa Cultural Hall [Fri, Apr 23], Topics: Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing

Masato Kitakami
Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science,
Chiba University
1-33 Yayoi-cho Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522 JAPAN
TEL/FAX +43.290.3039

Last modified: 2010-04-17 00:47:06

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