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Technical Committee on Dependable Computing (DC)
Chair: Takashi Aikyo (STARC) Vice Chair: Tomohiro Yoneda (NII)
Secretary: Masato Kitagami (Chiba Univ.), Michinobu Nakao (Renesas)

Mon, Feb 16, 2009 10:00 - 16:35



Mon, Feb 16 AM (10:00 - 11:15)

(1) 10:00 - 10:25
On the Acceleration of Threshold Test Generation Based on Fault Acceptability
Yusuke Nakashima, Yuki Yoshikawa, Hideyuki Ichihara, Tomoo Inoue (Hiroshima City Univ)

(2) 10:25 - 10:50
A test pattern generation method to reduce the number of detected untestable faults on scan testing
Masayoshi Yoshimura (Kyusyu Univ.), Hiroshi Ogawa (Nihon Univ.), Yusyo Omori (Fujitsu Microelectronics), Toshinori Hosokawa (Nihon Univ.), Koji Yamazaki (Meizi Univ.)

(3) 10:50 - 11:15
On the Acceleration of Redundancy Identification for Hard-to-ATPG faults Using SAT
Yusuke Akiyama, Toshinori Hosokawa (Nihon Univ.), Masayoshi Yoshimura (Kyusyu Univ.), Koji Yamazaki (Meiji Univ.)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Mon, Feb 16 AM (11:30 - 12:20)

(4) 11:30 - 11:55
Decimal adder using abacus architecture and its application to residue arithmetic
Tadahito Iijima, Shugang Wei (Gunma Univ.)

(5) 11:55 - 12:20
History based scheduling for reliable Volunteer Computing
Ryo Fujita, Kan Watanabe, Masaru Fukushi, Susumu Horiguchi (GSIS, Tohoku Univ.)

----- Lunch Break ( 90 min. ) -----

Mon, Feb 16 PM (13:50 - 15:05)

(6) 13:50 - 14:15
A method for generating defect oriented test patterns for combinational circuits
Hiroshi Takahashi, Yoshinobu Higami, Taisuke Izumi, Takashi Aikyo, Yuzo Takamatsu (Ehime Univ.)

(7) 14:15 - 14:40
On Tests to Detect Open faults with Considering Adjacent Lines
Tetsuya Watanabe, Hiroshi Takahashi, Yoshinobu Higami (Ehime Univ.), Toshiyuki Tsutsumi, Koji Yamazaki (Meiji Univ.), Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Masaki Hashizume (Univ, Tokushima), Yuzo Takamatsu (Ehime Univ.)

(8) 14:40 - 15:05
Note on Small Delay Fault Model for Intra-Gate Resistive Open Defects
Masayuki Arai, Akifumi Suto, Kazuhiko Iwasaki (Tokyo Metro. Univ.), Katsuyuki Nakano, Michihiro Shintani, Kazumi Hatayama, Takashi Aikyo (STARC)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Mon, Feb 16 PM (15:20 - 16:35)

(9) 15:20 - 15:45
A Method to Increase the Number of Don't care based on Easy- To-Detected Faults
-- Application for BAST Architecture --
LingLing Wan (Graduate Schoo of Nihon Univ.), Motohiro Wakazono (Graduate School of Nihon Univ.), Toshinori Hosokawa (Nihon Univ.), Masayoshi Yoshimura (Kyushu Univ.)

(10) 15:45 - 16:10
Resource Binding to Minimize the Number of RTL Paths
Yuichi Uemoto, Satoshi Ohtake, Michiko Inoue, Hideo Fujiwara (Nara Inst. of Scie and Tech.)

(11) 16:10 - 16:35
A Secure Scan Design Approach using Extended de Bruijn Graph
Hideo Fujiwara, Marie Engelene J. Obien (NAIST)

=== Technical Committee on Dependable Computing (DC) ===

Thu, Mar 5, 2009 - Fri, Mar 6, 2009: Sado Island Integrated Development Center [Tue, Jan 20], Topics: ETNET2009
Tue, Apr 21, 2009: Akihabara Satellite Campus, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. [Thu, Feb 19], Topics: Dependable Computer Systems, Security Technology, etc.
Mon, May 18, 2009 - Wed, May 20, 2009: [Mon, Mar 9]

Last modified: 2008-12-17 09:12:59

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