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Technical Committee on Electronic Information Displays (EID)

The Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ)

Technical Group on Electron Devices (IEE-EDD)

Technical Group on Information Display (ITE-IDY)
Chair: Yoshihide Fujisaki (NHK) Vice Chair: Munehiro Kimura (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)

Technical Group on Artistic Image Technology (ITE-AIT)
Chair: Nobuhiko Mukai (Tokyo Cisy Univ.)

The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ)

Technical Group on Three-Dimensional Image Technology (ITE-3DIT)
Chair: Tsutomu Horikoshi (Shonan Institute of Technology)

Mon, Nov 26, 2018 12:40 - 16:40


Museum Hyper-Realistic Display Forum 2018

Mon, Nov 26 PM (12:40 - 16:40)

----- Opening Address ( 5 min. ) -----

(1)/ITE-IDY 12:45 - 13:25
[Invited Talk]
"Beyond the Real"8K SUPER Hi-VISION
Keisuke Tsutsumi (NHK Educational)

(2)/ITE-IDY 13:25 - 14:05
[Invited Talk]
Takuya Handa (NHK)

(3)/ITE-AIT 14:05 - 14:45
[Invited Talk]
Koichi Obata, Koichi Yoshino, Keisuke Kishi, Yusuke Wakamoto (TOPPAN PRINTING)

----- Break ( 30 min. ) -----

(4)/ITE-AIT 15:15 - 15:55
[Invited Talk]
Role of Simulation in Modeling of Virtual World and Reality of Character
Shoichi Hasegawa, Hironori Mitake (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

(5)/ITE-3DMT 15:55 - 16:35
[Invited Talk]
Light-field optics and Reconstruction of Conditions of Rays in Air
-- Transformation between 3D light space and Light-field data on 2D plane --
Toru Iwane (Nicon)

----- Closing Address ( 5 min. ) -----

# Information for speakers
Invited Talk will have 35 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on Electronic Information Displays (EID) ===

Tue, Dec 25, 2018: [unfixed]
Thu, Jan 24, 2019 - Fri, Jan 25, 2019: Kagoshima University [Fri, Oct 19]

=== The Virtual Reality Society of Japan (VRSJ) ===

=== Technical Group on Electron Devices (IEE-EDD) ===

Thu, Jan 24, 2019 - Fri, Jan 25, 2019: Kagoshima University [Fri, Oct 19]

=== Technical Group on Information Display (ITE-IDY) ===

Tue, Dec 25, 2018: [unfixed]
Thu, Jan 24, 2019 - Fri, Jan 25, 2019: Kagoshima University [Fri, Oct 19]

=== Technical Group on Artistic Image Technology (ITE-AIT) ===

Tue, Feb 19, 2019 - Wed, Feb 20, 2019: Hokkaido Univ. [Tue, Dec 25], Topics: Image Processing, etc.

=== The Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ) ===

=== Technical Group on Three-Dimensional Image Technology (ITE-3DIT) ===

Last modified: 2018-10-24 17:09:38

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