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Technical Committee on Information and Communication System Security (ICSS)
Chair: Daisuke Inoue (NICT)
Vice Chair: Akira Yamada (Kobe Univ.), Toshihiro Yamauchi (Okayama Univ.)
Secretary: Keisuke Kito (Mitsubishi Electric), Takeshi Sugawara (Univ. of Electro-Comm.)
Assistant: Yo Kanemoto (NTT), Masaya Sato (Okayama Prefectural Univ.)

Special Interest Group on Security Psychology and Trust (IPSJ-SPT)

Thu, Mar 21, 2024 10:55 - 16:35
Fri, Mar 22, 2024 08:30 - 15:45


Security, Trust, etc.

Thu, Mar 21 AM ICSS(1) (10:55 - 13:00)

(1)/ICSS 10:55 - 11:20
A comprehensive investigation of forgery attack on the Nostr protocol
Hayato Kimura (Univ. Hyogo), Ryoma Ito (NICT), Kazuhiko Minematsu (NEC), Takanori Isobe (Univ. Hyogo)

(2)/ICSS 11:20 - 11:45
Analyzing Attackers and Victims Actions via LockBit3.0 Website Data Dynamics
Yuji Sekine, Yin Minn Pa Pa, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)

(3)/ICSS 11:45 - 12:10
Security Analysis on End-to-End Encryption of Zoom Mail
Shogo Shiraki, Takanori Isobe (Univ.Hyogo)

(4)/ICSS 12:10 - 12:35
Unveiling the Shadows: Analyzing Cryptocurrency Address Management and Fund Movement of Darknet Markets
Aiman Syazwan Bin Abdul Razak, Yin Minn Pa Pa, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)

(5)/ICSS 12:35 - 13:00
A certain classification of trust services
Yuji Suga (IIJ)

----- Break ( 90 min. ) -----

Thu, Mar 21 AM SPT(1) (11:45 - 13:00)

(6) 11:45 - 12:10

(7) 12:10 - 12:35

(8) 12:35 - 13:00

----- Break ( 90 min. ) -----

Thu, Mar 21 PM ICSS(2) (14:30 - 16:35)

(9)/ICSS 14:30 - 14:55
(See Japanese page.)

(10)/ICSS 14:55 - 15:20
(See Japanese page.)

(11)/ICSS 15:20 - 15:45
Investigating the functionalities of IoT malware to disrupt the activities of other intruders
Shun Ikeda, Hiroki Yasui, Rui Tanabe, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)

(12)/ICSS 15:45 - 16:10
Enhanced Analysis of IoT Botnet Activity by Fusing Honeypots, Malware Dynamic Analysis, and C&C Observation
Yuki Endo, Rui Tanabe, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)

(13)/ICSS 16:10 - 16:35
One Million Routers Under Control: Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices with DDNS Service
Kanta Okugawa (Ritsumei/NICT), Yoshiki Mori, Masaki Kubo, Takahiro Kasama (NICT), Koichi Mouri (Ritsumei), Daisuke Inoue (NICT)

Thu, Mar 21 PM ICSS-SPT(1) (14:30 - 16:35)

(14)/ICSS 14:30 - 14:55
A poisoning-resilient LDP schema using oblivious transfer and Hadamard transform
Masahiro Shimizu, Hiroaki Kikuchi (Meiji Univ.)

(15)/ICSS 14:55 - 15:20
An Examination of Privacy-Aware Malicious Activity Detection Methods Using NII-SOCS Benchmark Data
Takeshi Ogawa (Nagoya Univ.), Hirokazu Hasegawa (NII), Yukiko Yamaguchi, Hajime Shimada (Nagoya Univ.)

(16) 15:20 - 15:45

(17) 15:45 - 16:10

(18)/ICSS 16:10 - 16:35
Considerations on Differential Privacy Mechanisms in MNIST
Naoki Kawahara, Pengxuan Wei, Ryunosuke Higashi, Kenta Okada, Tatsuhiro Yamatsuki, Atsuko Miyaji (Osaka Univ.)

Fri, Mar 22 AM ICSS(3) (08:30 - 10:35)

(19)/ICSS 08:30 - 08:55
Proposal of Moving Target Defense Approach on Reliability in Web Services
Mamoru Saita (Keio Univ.), Shunsuke Hashimoto (Univ. of Hyogo), Atsuo Inomata (Osaka Univ.), Hiroyuki Inoue (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.)

(20)/ICSS 08:55 - 09:20
A Method for Detecting Mirai Botnet Groups and Their C2 Servers Using Flow Data Collected in Large-Scale Network
Kosuke Murakami, Masataka Nakahara, Ayumu Kubota (KDDIR/KDDI)

(21)/ICSS 09:20 - 09:45
Design and Evaluation of Restricted Kernel Page to Mitigate Kernel Memory Corruption
Hiroki Kuzuno (Kobe Univ.), Toshihiro Yamauchi (Okayama Univ.)

(22)/ICSS 09:45 - 10:10
Prototyping of MPEG-DASH Player that Validates and Provides Content Provenance
Takumi Mouri, Satoshi Nishimura, Go Ohtake (NHK)

(23)/ICSS 10:10 - 10:35
Study of keyword-based search method for IoT devices deployed at important facilities
Mami Kawaguchi, Takayuki Sasaki, Kihara Momoka, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)

----- Break ( 20 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 22 AM SPT(2) (08:30 - 10:35)

(24) 08:30 - 08:55

(25) 08:55 - 09:20

(26) 09:20 - 09:45

(27) 09:45 - 10:10

(28) 10:10 - 10:35

----- Break ( 20 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 22 AM (10:55 - 13:00)

(29)/ICSS 10:55 - 11:20
Improved signature-embedding techniques against backdoor attacks on DNN models
Akira Fujimoto, Yuntao Wang, Atsuko Miyaji (OU)

(30)/ICSS 11:20 - 11:45
Evaluation of Feature Inference Risk from Explainable AI metrics LIME and Shapley Values
Ryotaro Toma, Hiroaki Kikuchi (Meiji Univ.)

(31)/ICSS 11:45 - 12:10
Impact of ChatGPT Assisted Polymorphic Malware on Antivirus Detection
Huang Zhewei, Yinn Minn Pa pa, Katsunari Yoshioka, Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)

(32)/ICSS 12:10 - 12:35
Study of the Label-Flipping Poisoning Attack on Machine-Learning Based Malicious URL Query Detection.
Akira Matsunami (Nagoya Univ.), Hirokazu Hasegawa (NII), Yukiko Yamaguchi, Hajime Shimada (Nagoya Univ.)

(33)/ICSS 12:35 - 13:00
Open Secrets of GPTs
Yusuke Kubo (NTT Communications), Tomoaki Tani (NTT Security), Ryusei Watanabe (N.F.Laboratories/Waseda Univ), Takuro Wakai, Yuto Toshikawa (Waseda Univ.), Tatsuya Mori (Waseda Univ. /NICT/ RIKEN)

----- Break ( 90 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 22 AM (10:55 - 12:35)

(34)/ICSS 10:55 - 11:20
Discovery of a Vulnerable Structure of SIMON Variants
Hayato Watanabe (Tokai Univ.), Ryoma Ito (NICT), Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.)

(35)/ICSS 11:20 - 11:45
Development of an Outsourcing Password Evaluation System using Intel SGX
Takeki Kitayama, Yuma Nishihira (Tokai Univ.), Akira Kanaoka (Toho Univ.), Yoshio Kakizaki, Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.)

(36)/ICSS 11:45 - 12:10
Fast and Secure Scalar Multiplication for the GLS254 Binary Elliptic Curve
Ryosuke Kido, Atsuko Miyaji (OU)

(37)/ICSS 12:10 - 12:35
Extension of the linear approximation for stream cipher ChaCha
Yurie Okada, Atsuko Miyaji (OU)

----- Break ( 115 min. ) -----

Fri, Mar 22 PM (14:30 - 15:20)

(38)/ICSS 14:30 - 14:55
A Search Method for Fake QR Codes Suitable for Long-Distance Attack Using Laser Irradiation
Dai Itakura, Taiga Manabe, Yuki Kamata, Ayana Oku, Hiroshi Yamamoto, Yoshihisa Takayama, Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.)

(39)/ICSS 14:55 - 15:20
Adversarial Examples with Missing Perturbation Using Laser Irradiation
Daisuke Kosuge, Hayato Watanabe, Taiga Manabe, Yoshihisa Takayama, Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.)

Fri, Mar 22 PM (14:30 - 15:45)

(40) 14:30 - 14:55

(41) 14:55 - 15:20

(42) 15:20 - 15:45

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on Information and Communication System Security (ICSS) ===

Mon, Jun 17, 2024 - Tue, Jun 18, 2024: Okayama University [Wed, Apr 17], Topics: Internet Security, etc.

ICSS Technical Committee
E-mail: is-adm-q

# Latest information will be presented on ICSS webpage:

=== Special Interest Group on Security Psychology and Trust (IPSJ-SPT) ===

Fri, May 10, 2024: Online [Fri, Mar 15]

Last modified: 2024-03-21 14:19:57

Notification: Mail addresses are partially hidden against SPAM.

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