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Technical Meeting on Communications (IEE-CMN)

Assistant: Hayato Tonouchi

Technical Committee on Communication Quality (CQ)
Chair: Takeo Abe Vice Chair: Yutaka Ishibashi, Hideaki Yoshino
Secretary: Hideki Nojiri, Tatsuya Yamazaki

Technical Committee on Image Engineering (IE)
Chair: Kiyoharu Aizawa Vice Chair: Yoshiyuki Yashima, Toshiaki Fujii
Secretary: Hirohisa Jozawa, Shin-ichi Sakaida
Assistant: Akira Utsumi, Akio Yoneyama

Technical Group on Media Engineering (ITE-ME)

Secretary: Toshihiko Hiroaki

Technical Committee on Office Information System (OIS)
Chair: Masakatsu Morii
Secretary: Naoki Mizutani, Ko Fujimura
Assistant: Masami Mohri

Thu, Sep 15, 2005 09:15 - 17:15
Fri, Sep 16, 2005 09:15 - 16:35

Kochi University of Technology(185, Miyanokuchi, Tosayamada-shi, Kochi 782-8502 Japan.20min. from Kochi Airport by taxi, or 10min. from JR Tosa-yamada-station by bus. Assistant Prof. Masahiro Fukumoto. 0887-57-2216)

Quality of Multimedia Systems, etc.

Thu, Sep 15 AM (09:15 - 11:30)

(1) 09:15 - 09:35
An Interactive Electronic Mapping System (ELEMAP)
Naoki Umeyama, Akihiro Shimizu (KUT)

(2) 09:35 - 09:55
Kochi Inter-generation Communication Solutions
Akihiro Shimizu, Hokuto Miyaji (KUT)

(3) 09:55 - 10:15
New Techniques for Aitificial Chatting Entities with simulated personality
Atsushi Moribe, Masami Mohri (The Univ. of Tokushima), Masakatu Morii (Kobe Univ.)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

(4) 10:30 - 10:50
Resolving asynchronous problem of SAS-2 Key-free Application System
Shota Inoue, Tomoya Nakahara, Takasuke Tsuji, Akihiro Shimizu (Kohi Univ. of Tech.)

(5) 10:50 - 11:10
Application of One-Time Password Authentication Protocol to Peer-to-Peer Network
Yuji Nishida, Takasuke Tsuji, Akihiro Shimizu (KUT)

(6) 11:10 - 11:30
Security Analysis for a Single One-Time Password Method Usable by Multi-Authentication Agents
Kenji Uo, Toshihiro Ohigashi (Univ. of Tokushima), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Kinki Univ.), Masakatu Morii (Kobe Univ.)

Thu, Sep 15 PM (13:00 - 17:15)

(7) 13:00 - 13:20
Protection Method of Personal Infomation on Network Infrastructure System FACCIO NET
Hitoshi Masumura, Masaki Nakamura (Tokyo Electric Power Company)

(8) 13:20 - 13:40
Peoposal for Application of Ad-hoc Network Technology to Railway Systems
Kazuki Nakamura, Kiyotaka Seki (RTRI), Yukiya Tateishi (JR-EAST)

(9) 13:40 - 14:00
Camera Calibration using the Planar Projection Stereopsis Method
Takaaki Enohara, Kenji Baba (TOSHIBA CORPORATION), Akihiro Ohmura, Masaaki Nagano (TOSHIBA TELI CORPORATION)

(10) 14:00 - 14:20
Feasibility Study on Estimation of Leakage Current Using Luminance of Area of Arc Discharge
Ryuichi Ishino, Hiroya Homma (CRIEPI)

(11) 14:20 - 14:40
Real-Time Pedestrian Detection on Monitoring Lines by Machine Learning
Chikahito Nakajima (CRIEPI)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

(12) 14:55 - 15:15
Evaluation of a Priority Control Scheme with TCP-Westwood Low-Priority in an Experimental Network
Takayuki Hama, Hideyuki Shimonishi, Tutomu Murase (NEC)

(13) 15:15 - 15:35
Performance Analytical Model for Selective Window Protocols with Cumulative Acknowledgement Scheme
-- The Case of Saturated Conditions --
Takashi Ikegawa (NTT), Yukio Takahashi (TIT)

(14) 15:35 - 15:55
Adaptive Flooding Control Method using Received Power Information in MANET
Takashi Suoh, Hisao Yamamoto (Musashi Institute of Tech.)

(15) 15:55 - 16:15
A Study on Multi-Hop Terminal Cooperation for Congitive Radio Network
Yasuhisa Takizawa, Noriyuki Taniguchi, Akio Hasegawa, Peter Davis, Akira Yamaguchi (ATR ACR), Bing Zhang (NICT), Hisato Iwai (Doshisha Univ.), Sadao Obana (ATR ACR)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

(16) 16:25 - 17:15
[Special Talk]
Advanced Information and Telecommunications Networks and its Research and Development in Kochi
-- Introduction of Kochi JGN II Research Center --
Masahiro Fukumoto (Kochi Univ. of Tech.)

Fri, Sep 16 AM (09:15 - 11:50)

(17) 09:15 - 09:35
A home video segmentation method based on regional motion vector
Toshikazu Karitsuka, Satoshi Shimada, Masashi Morimoto (NTT)

(18) 09:35 - 09:55
Acquisiton of depth distribution on image based on invariant feature of camera translation for video classification
Satoshi Shimada, Toshikazu Karitsuka, Masashi Morimoto (NTT)

(19) 09:55 - 10:15
A study for estimation of quatization noise using SATD
Ryuichi Tanida, Atsushi Shimizu, Kazuto Kamikura, Yoshiyuki Yashima (NTT), Noriko Yonehara (NTT Soft)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

(20) 10:30 - 10:50
The examination of image quality analysis system for mobile phones
Tomonori Fukuta, Yoshiko Hatano, Fuminobu Ogawa (Mitsubishi Electric)

(21) 10:50 - 11:10
Gaze point detection method using single PTZ camera
Atsuyoshi Ikebe, Masakazu Morimoto, Kensaku Fujii (University of Hyogo)

(22) 11:10 - 11:30
Visual Secret Sharing Scheme Using Void-and-cluster Halftoning Method
Emi Myodo, Shigeyuki Sakazawa, Yasuhiro Takishima (KDDI R&D Laboratories)

(23) 11:30 - 11:50
A Distribution Method for Multi-Layered Document Images Using JPEG2000 Part6
Jun Takada, Toshihiko Hiroaki (NEC)

Fri, Sep 16 PM (13:00 - 16:35)

(24) 13:00 - 13:20
A Proposal of JPEG2000 Based Real-time Scalable Video Communication System
Eisaburo Itakura, Satoshi Futemma (Sony)

(25) 13:20 - 13:40
A Method for Perceptual Video Quality Measurement of MPEG-2 Stream Using TCP Layer Information
Takatoshi Kajita (NTT-AT), Shinichi Hazama, Yoriaki Katayama (NTT Com)

(26) 13:40 - 14:00
Non-intrusive Quality Management for Video Communication Services by using Invalid Frame Rate
Masataka Masuda, Toshiko Tominaga, Takanori Hayashi (NTT)

(27) 14:00 - 14:20
Video Quality Estimation Model based on Displaysize and Resolution for Audiovisual Communication Services
Kazuhisa Yamagishi, Takanori Hayashi (NTT)

(28) 14:20 - 14:40
Multimodal quality evaluation model considering conversational factors
Takanori Hayashi, Kazuhisa Yamagishi (NTT)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

(29) 14:55 - 15:15
A study on quantifying listening quality in an opinion model for wideband speech communication services
Akira Takahashi, Atsuko Kurashima, Hitoshi Aoki, Hideaki Yoshino (NTT)

(30) 15:15 - 15:35
Users' Benefit and Provider's Revenue of Content Delivery Services with Priority Control
伊藤 俊輔|早大, Kyoko Yamori, Yoshiaki Tanaka (Waseda Univ.)

(31) 15:35 - 15:55
Psychophysical Evaluation of a Haptic Display
Hitoshi Ohnishi (NIME), Kaname Mochizuki (Teikyo Univ.)

(32) 15:55 - 16:15
Influence of network delay on haptic audio application
Isamu Arimoto (Univ of tokyo), Kenji Hikichi (Waseda Univ), Kaoru Sezaki (Univ of tokyo), Yasuhiko Yasuda (Waseda Univ)

(33) 16:15 - 16:35
Subjective Assessment of Output Quality of Haptic Media in a Remote Control System using Haptic Interface Devices
Toshio Asano (NTT), Seiji Kameyama, Yutaka Ishibashi (NIT)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Meeting on Communications (IEE-CMN) ===

Thu, Nov 24, 2005 - Fri, Nov 25, 2005: The Kansai Electric Power Co.,INC. [Fri, Sep 9]

=== Technical Committee on Communication Quality (CQ) ===

Thu, Nov 17, 2005 - Fri, Nov 18, 2005: Kunibiki-messe (Matsue city) [Wed, Sep 21], Topics: NW performance management, NW quality, etc.

Koichi Gyoda(NICT)

=== Technical Committee on Image Engineering (IE) ===

Thu, Oct 20, 2005 - Fri, Oct 21, 2005: Ichinobo, Sakunami-Spa [Thu, Aug 25], Topics: Processor, DSP, Image Engineering and etc.
Thu, Nov 24, 2005 - Fri, Nov 25, 2005: [Tue, Sep 20]
Mon, Dec 12, 2005 - Tue, Dec 13, 2005: Nagoya Univ. (Video Conf.) [Mon, Oct 17], Topics: Image coding, Communications, Stream technologies, etc.

=== Technical Group on Media Engineering (ITE-ME) ===

=== Technical Committee on Office Information System (OIS) ===

Naoki Mizutani
Nara Sangyo University, Faculty of Business Administration
Tateno-kita, Sango, Ikoma-gun, Nara 636-8503

Last modified: 2005-08-22 17:34:29

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