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Technical Committee on Image Media Quality (IMQ)
Chair: Kenya Uomori (Osaka Univ.) Vice Chair: Mitsuru Maeda (Canon)
Secretary: Hiroaki Kudo (Nagoya Univ.), Masaru Tsuchida (NTT)
Assistant: Masato Tsukada (NEC), Takashi Yamazoe (Seikei Univ.)

Fri, Oct 22, 2021 13:00 - 14:35

Co-Creative Innovation Building, Suita campus, Osaka University(1-1, Yamadaoka, Suita , Osaka. Prof. Kenya Uomori. +81 -6-6105-6498)


Fri, Oct 22 PM (13:00 - 14:35)
Chair: Kenya Uomori(Osaka Univ.)

(1) 13:00 - 13:30
[Invited Lecture]
"Vieureka" | AI camera platform for digitalization of the world
Shinzo Shiga (Panasonic)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

(2) 13:45 - 14:10
A Tiny Convolutional Neural Network for Image Super-Resolution
Kazuya Urazoe, Nobutaka Kuroki, Yu Kato, Shinya Ohtani (Kobe Univ.), Tetsuya Hirose (Osaka Univ.), Masahiro Numa (Kobe Univ.)

(3) 14:10 - 14:35
Image translation from optical image with embedded crystallographic orientation information to photoluminescence image by conditional GAN
-- a study of selection of optical images --
Hiroaki Kudo, Takuto Kojima (Nagoya Univ.), Kentaro Kutsukake (RIKEN), Tetsuya Matsumoto, Noritaka Usami (Nagoya Univ.)

# Information for speakers
Invited Lecture will have 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

- We may change the place to on-line depending on the situation.

=== Technical Committee on Image Media Quality (IMQ) ===

Fri, Dec 10, 2021: Online [Mon, Oct 18]

Hiroaki Kudo(Nagoya University)

Last modified: 2021-12-09 23:25:31

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