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Technical Committee on Information Security (ISEC)
Chair: Kazuto Ogawa (NHK) Vice Chair: Atsushi Fujioka (Kanagawa Univ.), Shiho Moriai (NICT)
Secretary: Takaaki Mizuki (Tohoku Univ.), Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.)
Assistant: Keita Emura (NICT), Yuichi Komano (TOSHIBA), Yuuji Suga (IIJ)

Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP)
Chair: Hiro Ito (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) Vice Chair: Yushi Uno (Osaka Pref. Univ.)
Secretary: Kazuhisa Seto (Seikei Univ.), Toshiki Saito (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.)

Thu, Dec 21, 2017 09:55 - 17:05
Fri, Dec 22, 2017 09:50 - 15:30

Eikokuji Campus, Kochi University of Technology(


Thu, Dec 21 ISEC (09:55 - 10:45)
Chair: Yuuji Suga (IIJ)

(1) 09:55 - 10:20
Fundamental Study of Classification of Attackers by Multiple Honeypots
Kazuya Yamashita, Okino Koji (Univ. of Toyama)

(2) 10:20 - 10:45
Effect on Mix Columns to the Security of Minalpher
-- Experimental Results for 6 Rounds --
Yuki Kishi, Taroh Sasaki, Athushi Fujioka (Kanagawa Univ)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Thu, Dec 21 COMP (11:00 - 12:40)

(3) 11:00 - 11:25
Space Efficient Algorithms for Maximum (Weight) Independent Set on Circular Arcs
Shohei Urakawa (Kobe Univ.), Tom C. van der Zanden (Utrecht Univ.), Toshiki Saitoh (Kyutech), Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST)

(4) 11:25 - 11:50
O(n^{1/3})-space algorithm for the grid graph reachability problem
Ryo Ashida, Kotaro Nakagawa (Tokyo Tech)

(5) 11:50 - 12:15
Maximum k-path Vertex Cover Problem on Graph Classes
Tsuyoshi Yagita, Eiji Miyano, Toshiki Saitoh (Kyutech), Ryuhei Uehara (JAIST), Tom C. van der Zanden (Utrecht U.)

(6) 12:15 - 12:40
An optimal strategy of the second player for the 1-round voronoi game on trees
Akihiro Sugimoto (Kobe Univ.), Toshiki Saitoh (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.)

----- Lunch Break ( 90 min. ) -----

Thu, Dec 21 ISEC (14:10 - 15:10)
Chair: Kazuto Ogawa (NHK)

(7) 14:10 - 15:10
[Invited Talk]
Foundations and practical studies of secure computation
Ryo Kikuchi (NTT)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Thu, Dec 21 ISEC (15:25 - 17:05)
Chair: Atsushi Fujioka (Kanagawa Univ.)

(8) 15:25 - 15:50
Implementation Results of Privacy-Preserving and Public-Verifiable Data Aggregation Protocols
Tatsuya Suzuki (Tokai Univ.), Keita Emura (NICT), Hayato Kimura, Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.)

(9) 15:50 - 16:15
Security and Enhancement of a Searchable Public-key Encryption Secure against Keyword Guessing Attack
Takanori Saito, Toru Nakanishi (Hiroshima Univ)

(10) 16:15 - 16:40
Blacklistable Anonymous Credential System with Reputation Using Accumulator
Takeshi Kanatani, Toru Nakanishi (Hiroshima Univ.)

(11) 16:40 - 17:05
Implementation Difficulty of Dynamic Self-Modifying Based Self Destructive Tamper Response
Kazuomi Oishi (SIST)

Fri, Dec 22 ISEC (09:50 - 11:30)
Chair: Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.)

(12) 09:50 - 10:15
Reputation System with Confidentiality to Administrator Using Linear Homomorophic Signatures
Daiki Uenoyama, Toru nakanishi (Hiroshima Univ.)

(13) 10:15 - 10:40
Optimizing Bleichenbacher's Attack on Schnorr-Type Signatures with Barely Biased Nonces
Akira Takahashi (Kyoto Univ.), Mehdi Tibouchi, Masayuki Abe, Tatsuaki Okamoto (NTT)

(14) 10:40 - 11:05
A Note on Security Notions of Anonymity in Identity-Based Encryption
-- Relationship between LOR security and SW security --
Honomu Ohtomo, Taroh Sasaki, Atsushi Fujioka (Kanagawa Univ.)

(15) 11:05 - 11:30
A Note on Rearrangement Errors in a Card-Based Protocol
Takaaki Mizuki (Tohoku Univ.), Yuichi Komano (Toshiba)

----- Lunch Break ( 90 min. ) -----

Fri, Dec 22 COMP (13:00 - 14:00)

(16) 13:00 - 14:00
[Invited Talk]

Ryuhei Mori (Tokyo Tech)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

Fri, Dec 22 COMP (14:15 - 15:30)

(17) 14:15 - 14:40
An ILP Formulation for Maximum Lengh Interval Graph Decomposition Problem
Keisuke Inoue (KTC)

(18) 14:40 - 15:05
Efficient Enumeration of Dominating Sets in K-Degenerate graphs
Kazuhiro Kurita (HU), Kunihiro Wasa, Takeaki Uno (NII), Hiroki Arimura (HU)

(19) 15:05 - 15:30
Physical Bucket Sort with Restricted take Operations
Atsuki Nagao, Wei Wu (Seikei Univ.), Hiro Ito (UEC)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited Talk will have 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on Information Security (ISEC) ===

Thu, Mar 8, 2018 - Fri, Mar 9, 2018: Katsusika Campas, Tokyo University of Science [Thu, Jan 18], Topics: joint meeting of IT, ISEC, and WBS

Takaaki Mizuki (Tohoku University)
E-mail: ic-c (to ISEC secretaries)

=== Technical Committee on Theoretical Foundations of Computing (COMP) ===

Mon, Mar 5, 2018: Osaka Prefecture Univ. [Fri, Jan 12]

Toshiki Saitoh
School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Address: 680-4, Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka, 820-8502, Japan.
E-mail: scesk

Last modified: 2017-12-01 12:11:49

Notification: Mail addresses are partially hidden against SPAM.

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