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Technical Committee on Healthcare and Medical Information Communication Technology (MICT)
Chair: Hirokazu Tanaka (Hiroshima City Univ.)
Vice Chair: Chika Sugimoto (Yokohama National Univ.), Daisuke Anzai (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary: Kento Takabayashi (Okayama Pref. Univ.), Takahiro Ito (Hiroshima City Univ)
Assistant: Dairoku Muramatsu (Univ. of Electro & Comm.), Natsuki Nakayama (Nagoya Univ.), Ami Tanaka (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Kun Li (Kagawa Univ.)

Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems (NLP)
Chair: Hiroyuki Torikai (Hosei Univ.) Vice Chair: Yuichi Tanji (Kagawa Univ.)
Secretary: Daisuke Ito (Gifu Univ.), Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.)
Assistant: Yoshikazu Yamanaka (Utsunomiya Univ.), Eri Ioka (Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)

Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE)
Chair: Hisashi Yoshida (Kinki Univ.) Vice Chair: Akinori Ueno (Tokyo Denki Univ.)
Secretary: Yuka Maeda (Univ. of Tsukuba), Akihiro Karashima (Tohoku Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant: Akihiko Tsukahara (Tokyo Denki Univ.), Miki Kaneko (Osaka Univ.)

Technical Committee on Neurocomputing (NC)
Chair: Hirokazu Tanaka (Tokyo City Univ.) Vice Chair: Jun Izawa (Univ. of Tsukub)
Secretary: Hiroki Terashima (NTT), Saori Tanaka (NAIST)
Assistant: Yoshimasa Tawatsuji (Waseda Univ.), Takato Horii (Osaka Univ.)

Wed, Jan 24, 2024 09:00 - 18:00
Thu, Jan 25, 2024 09:00 - 18:10


NC, MBE, MICT, NLP, etc.

Wed, Jan 24 AM NLP 1 (09:00 - 10:20)

(1)/NLP 09:00 - 09:20
Controlling an Arm Robot Using a Myoelectrometer and AI
Hou Zhihao, Kengo Hosoi, Hiroyuki Torikai (Hosei Univ.)

(2)/NLP 09:20 - 09:40
Effect of ion permeability and conductance on membrane potential
Kento Abe, Hiroyuki Kitajima, Toru Yazawa (Kagawa Univ.)

(3)/NLP 09:40 - 10:00
Data-driven flood forecasting based on delay-coordinates
Satoshi Oishi (Osaka Univ.), Kenji Komiya (NTT), Hideyuki Suzuki, Sho Shirasaka (Osaka Univ.)

(4)/NLP 10:00 - 10:20
Hierarchical lossless compression of high dynamic range images using predictors based on cellular neural networks
Seiya Kushi, Kazuki Nakashima, Hideharu Toda (Chukyo Univ.), Tsuyoshi Otake (Tamagawa Univ.), Hisashi Aomori (Chukyo Univ.)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Wed, Jan 24 PM NLP 2 (10:30 - 11:50)

(5)/NLP 10:30 - 10:50
Estimation of Determinism for Imaging Photoplethysmogram
Ayane Mine, Nina Sviridova (TCU)

(6)/NLP 10:50 - 11:10
The Effect of Data Reduction on Determinism in Imaging Photoplethysmography
Kodai Koga, Sviridova Nina (TCU)

(7)/NLP 11:10 - 11:30
Effect of calcium ion concentration on EAD generation in a cardiac mathematical model
Haruki Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kitajima (Kagawa Univ.)

(8)/NLP 11:30 - 11:50
Bifurcation of three Wilson-Cowan neuron models
Masaki Yoshikawa, Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.)

----- Lunch Break ( 70 min. ) -----

Wed, Jan 24 PM NC (13:00 - 14:40)

(9)/NC 13:00 - 13:20
Activation of neurons in layers 2/3 of V1 by environmental enrichment and its cortical microcircuit
Nobuhiko Wagatsuma, Yuka Terada, Natsumi Ageta-Ishihara (Toho Univ.)

(10)/NC 13:20 - 13:40
Exploring Factors of Individual Variability in Reverse Stroop Interference
Kazuma Higashizono (Ritsumeikan Grad School), Yasuhiro Tsubo (Ritsumeikan Univ.)

(11)/NC 13:40 - 14:00
The effect of music on emotional elicitation
Eriko Sugisaki (KDDI Research), Akihiro Miyamoto (NICT), Nao Kobayashi (KDDI Research), Yasushi Naruse (NICT)

(12)/NC 14:00 - 14:20
Exploration of Soft Palate Image Based Diagnostic System for High-Risk Individuals of Esophageal Cancer
Keishi Okubo, Masato Kiyama, Motoki Amagasaki, Kotaro Waki, Katsuya Nagaoka, Yasuhito Tanaka (Kumamoto Univ.)

(13)/NC 14:20 - 14:40
Dimensionality Reduction of fMRI Data via Masked Auto Encoder and Contrastive Learning and Its Application in Brain-Mediated Pattern Recognition
Takeru Abe (Osaka Univ), Nishida Satoshi (NICT)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Wed, Jan 24 PM MCIT (14:50 - 16:30)
Chair: Kento Takabayashi (Toyo Univ.)

(14)/MICT 14:50 - 15:10
Exercise Support System Using Biometric Sensors to Predict Heart Rate
-- Study of Optional Predicted Time --
Kaiji Owaki, Yusuke Kanda, Hideaki Kimura (Chubu Univ.)

(15)/MICT 15:10 - 15:30
(See Japanese page.)

(16)/MICT 15:30 - 15:50
(See Japanese page.)

(17)/MICT 15:50 - 16:10
A study on machine lipreading in Japanese based on time series data of lip feature points
Kenko Ota, Akane Kubo, Ren Kurashima (NIT)

(18)/MICT 16:10 - 16:30
Human Body Communication/2.4 GHz Wireless Communication Dual-use Wearable Antenna for WBAN
Yukino Sasaki, Dairoku Muramatsu (UEC)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Wed, Jan 24 AM NLP 3 (16:40 - 18:00)

(19)/NLP 16:40 - 17:00
Mechanism of chaos induced diffusion in the Mexican-hat type potential with one-dimensional excitation
Hirotaka Tominaga (Saga Univ.)

(20)/NLP 17:00 - 17:20
On inverse-time responses and bifurcations in 2-dimensional non-autonomus systems
Michiru Katayama, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.)

(21)/NLP 17:20 - 17:40
Two-tone suppression of ergodic sequential logic cochlear model
Neo Ogawa, Hiroyuki Torikai (Hosei Univ.)

(22)/NLP 17:40 - 18:00
The Role of Ergodic Switch Signal in Sequential Logic Neuron Model
Ryota Otawa, Hiroyuki Torikai (Hosei Univ.)

Thu, Jan 25 PM NLP 4 (09:00 - 10:20)

(23)/NLP 09:00 - 09:20
The Relationship Between Metrics in the Latent Variable Space and Image Classification Performance
Haruki Wakasa, Kenya Jin'no (Tokyo City Univ.)

(24)/NLP 09:20 - 09:40
Nonlinear analysis of vocal fold polyp data using recurrence plots
Takuro Hirose, Kota Shiozawa, Isao Tokuda (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Miwa Fukino (Panasonic Holdings Corporation), Yoshiharu Soeta, Masanori Shiro (AIST)

(25)/NLP 09:40 - 10:00
Periodic solutions obtained with multiple scale analysis of an ODE model for a forced viscous fluid layer
Seijiro Sone, Takeshi Ooshida (Tottori Univ.)

(26)/NLP 10:00 - 10:20
Fractal Dimension Analysis of Urban Structures by Industry across Japan
Takeru Tsuchiya, Takaaki Ohnishi (Rikkyo Univ.)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Thu, Jan 25 PM NLP 5 (10:30 - 12:10)

(27)/NLP 10:30 - 10:50
Rotation of a nut attached to a vibrationally-stimulated bolt
-- Mechanism for determining the direction of rotation of the nut --
Hirotaka Tominaga (Saga Univ.)

(28)/NLP 10:50 - 11:10
Analysis of CNN Feature Extraction with Emphasis on Frequency Domain
Sora Togawa, Kenya Jin'no (Tokyo City Univ.)

(29)/NLP 11:10 - 11:30
Realization of Finite Automata using Heteroclinic Mechanism in Continuous-Time Recurrent Networks
Naoya Sugawara, Asaki Saito (Future Univ. Hakodate)

(30)/NLP 11:30 - 11:50
Canard Cycles in Multivibrators with Piece-wise Constant Identical Operational Amplifier
Seiya Amoh, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.)

(31)/NLP 11:50 - 12:10
Optimization of synaptic scaling rule, its implementation on modular spiking neural networks and analysis of its affects
Takumi Shinkawa, Hideyuki Kato (Oita Univ.), Yoshitaka Ishikawa (FUN), Takuma Sumi, Hideaki Yamamoto (Tohoku Univ.), Yuichi Katori (FUN)

----- Lunch Break ( 60 min. ) -----

Thu, Jan 25 PM MBE (13:10 - 15:10)

(32)/MBE 13:10 - 13:30
Expression of c-Fos in brain regions associated with the promotion of sleep-wakefulness and feeding induced by intracerebroventricular administration of ghrelin
Itsuki Maeda, Yuya Numada, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ. Toyama)

(33)/MBE 13:30 - 13:50
Sex differences in sleep-wake and feeding behaviors induced by intracerebroventricular administration of ghrelin in rats
Yuya Numada, Itsuki Maeda, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ. Toyama)

(34)/MBE 13:50 - 14:10
Basic research to develop a uroflowmeter that allows urine collection cups to be flushed into a toilet bowl
-- Voided volume evaluation using capacitance change --
Yusuke Onishi, Katsuhisa Sekine, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ. Toyama)

(35)/MBE 14:10 - 14:30
Identification of Hand Grasping and Opening Movements Based on EEG Feature Extraction during Motion Imaginary
Reo Shoji, Jianqing Wang (NIT)

(36)/MBE 14:30 - 14:50
Verification of Conditions for Conducting Virtual Reality Live Concerts Attended by 50 People via Electroencephalography Signals by Dynamical System Modeling
Yukino Komoda, Ryota Horie (SIT)

(37)/MBE 14:50 - 15:10
Analysis of EEG Signals Measured Simultaneously by a Simple EEG Recorder and a Multi-Channel EEG Recorder during Virtual Reality Live Concert Viewing
Haoran Wang, Yuta Minegishi, Ryota Horie (SIT)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Thu, Jan 25 PM NLP 6 (15:20 - 16:40)

(38)/NLP 15:20 - 15:40
Classification of electrocardiograms measured through cloth by LSTM autoencoder
Shun Okubo, Masaharu Adachi (Tokyo Denki Univ), Yoshitaka Ito (Hokkaido Univ of Science), Akinori Ueno, Yudai Ogawa, Iori Kudo (Tokyo Denki Univ)

(39)/NLP 15:40 - 16:00
Using the Phase-Lag-Index to detect the onset of epilepsy from EEG
Kyosuke Matsumoto, Kiyohisa Natsume (Kyutech)

(40)/NLP 16:00 - 16:20
Design of an Efficient Activity Classification Model Focusing on the Characteristics of Egocentric Videos
Kohei Baba, Kantaro Fujiwara (University of Tokyo), Gouhei Tanaka (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

(41)/NLP 16:20 - 16:40
Peformance Comparisons of Multi-objective Optimization Methods for Class-E Amplifier Design
Tsuneki Fujita, Yuichi Tanji, Haruna Matsushita (Kagawa Univ.)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Thu, Jan 25 PM NLP 7 (16:50 - 18:10)

(42)/NLP 16:50 - 17:10
Analysis of Synchrophasor Data in a Distribution Grid Using Koopman Mode Decomposition toward Dimensionality Reduction
Tadahiro Yano, Yoshihiko Susuki (Kyoto Univ.)

(43)/NLP 17:10 - 17:30
Short-term prediction of a propagating flame in a Hele-Shaw cell using LSTM
Taisuke Yamamoto, Kosuke Iizuka, Yusuke Nabae, Hiroshi Gotoda (TUS)

(44)/NLP 17:30 - 17:50
Stability analysis of partial amplitude death in delay-coupled oscillator networks with complete k-partite graph
Ryuya Kawano (Ibaraki Univ.), Yoshiki Sugitani (Osaka Metropolitan Univ.)

(45)/NLP 17:50 - 18:10
Visualization of a 2-dimensionally stable manifold of an equilibrium in 3 dimensional autonomous system
Ryuto Ishigaki, Tetsushi Ueta (Tokushima Univ.)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

- This conference is co-sponsored by Japanese Neural Network Society and IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Japan Chapter.

=== Technical Committee on Healthcare and Medical Information Communication Technology (MICT) ===

Fri, Mar 15, 2024: [Wed, Jan 17]

MICT secretaries
email: ct-c

=== Technical Committee on Nonlinear Problems (NLP) ===

Wed, Mar 13, 2024 - Thu, Mar 14, 2024: Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. [Mon, Jan 15], Topics: MSS, NLP, etc.

Daisuke Ito (Gifu Univ.)
E-mail: iir8fgi-u

=== Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE) ===

Mon, Mar 11, 2024 - Tue, Mar 12, 2024: The Univ. of Tokyo [Wed, Jan 17], Topics: Brain architecture, General

=== Technical Committee on Neurocomputing (NC) ===

Mon, Mar 11, 2024 - Tue, Mar 12, 2024: The Univ. of Tokyo [Wed, Jan 17], Topics: Brain architecture, General


Last modified: 2024-01-04 08:18:57

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