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Technical Committee on Wireless Power Transfer (WPT)
Chair: Toshio Ishizaki (Ryukoku Univ.)
Secretary: Kazuhiro Fujimori (Okayama Univ.), Takehiro Imurai (Tokyo Univ. of Science)
Assistant: Yoshiaki Narusue (Univ. of Tokyo), Yuki Tanaka (Panasonic)

Mon, Mar 7, 2022 10:00 - 17:05
Tue, Mar 8, 2022 09:00 - 16:45



----- Opening Address ( 5 min. ) -----

Mon, Mar 7 AM (10:05 - 12:35)
Chair: Tsunayuki Yamamoto (NIT, Tsuyama College)

(1) 10:05 - 10:30
Yagi-Uda rectenna applied metasaurface
Tamami Maruyama, Koki Shibata, Masashi Nakatsugawa (NIT, Hakodate College)

(2) 10:30 - 10:55
Implementation and evaluation of distributed cooperative microwave WPT transmitter control system
Hikaru Hamase, Yuki Tanaka, Takuma Ikeda, Manabu Gokan, Hiroyuki Tani, Hiroshi Sato, Yoshio Koyanagi (Panasonic)

(3) 10:55 - 11:20
Influence Evaluation of Element Elimination in phased arrays of Flat-top Beam for Microwave Power Transmission System for Micro-drone
Nobuyuki Takabayashi, Naoki Shinohara, Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.)

(4) 11:20 - 11:45
Study on Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer by Orbital Angular Momentum Modes
Mizuki Mase, Naoki Shinohara, Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.), Shotaro Ishino (FURUNO ELECTRIC)

(5) 11:45 - 12:10
Experimental study of Magnetic Field Coupling WPT with Inductance Load and Relay Coil
Koki Shibata, Tamami Maruyama, Masashi Nakatsugawa (NIT, Hakodate)

(6) 12:10 - 12:35
Magnetic Resonance Wireless Power Transmission with External Q Control by Divided-Capacitance
Yasuo Ohno, Hiroko Itoh (LaS)

----- Lunch Break ( 70 min. ) -----

Mon, Mar 7 PM (13:45 - 15:25)
Chair: Shotaro Ishino (FURUNO ELECTRIC)

(7) 13:45 - 14:10
[Invited Lecture]
Control the Transmission Direction
-- Stacked Metasurfaces for Wireless Power Transmission Using Magnetic Field Resonance --
Yutaro Ikeda, Xin Jiang, Adel Barakat, Kuniaki Yoshitomi, Ramesh K. Pokharel (Kyushu Univ..)

(8) 14:10 - 14:35
[Invited Lecture]
Design of transmit coil using coupled coils for 3D wireless power transfer
Keita Sakuma, Hikaru Ikeya, Naoto Sekiya (Univ. of Yamanashi)

(9) 14:35 - 15:00
A Basic Study on Efficiency Affected by the Rebar on Wireless Power Transfer by Electric Resonant Coupling
Uhiro So, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori (TUS)

(10) 15:00 - 15:25
A Method for Improving Efficiency in Wireless Power Transfer by Magnetic Resonant Coupling through Rebar
Seiya Yamamoto (TUS), Chiaki Nagai (OBAYASHI), Kyoko Ichikawa, Masahiro Kawakubo (RWMC), Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori (TUS)

----- Break -----

Mon, Mar 7 PM (15:25 - 17:05)
Chair: Tamami Maruyama (NIT, Hakodate College)

(11) 15:25 - 15:50
Far Field Leakage Suppression Using I-Type Cancellation Coil in Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer
Koki Akashi, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori (TUS)

(12) 15:50 - 16:15
Basic study of wireless power transmission using electric field coupling over Multi-Layer Insulation and its application to lunar exploration rovers
Koki Ichiyanagi, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori (TUS), Katsuhiro Hata (UT), Sayuri Honda, Syuhei Shimada (JAXA)

(13) 16:15 - 16:40
Power and efficiency improvement in multiple wireless power supply considering cross coupling between coils
Keiichi Ikeda, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori (Tokyo Univ. of Science)

(14) 16:40 - 17:05
Examination of The Possibility of Short Mode in Parallel Resonant Circuit of Wireless Power Transmission Using Magnetic Coupling in Resonance
Kikka Saito, Takehiro Imura, Yoichi Hori (TUS)

Tue, Mar 8 AM IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapter 特別講演 (09:00 - 10:00)

[Special lecture] (Oral presentation) Wireless Power Transmission based on Retro-reflective Beamforming
○Mingyu Lu (West Virginia University)

Tue, Mar 8 AM (10:00 - 11:40)
Chair: Yuki Tanaka (Panasonic)

(15) 10:00 - 10:25
Phase Conjugate Circuit for Double Frequency Retrodirective
Mizuki Kataoka, Bo Yang, Naoki Shinohara, Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.)

(16) 10:25 - 10:50
Design of High Power Class-R Single-Shunt Rectifier in the 5.8-GHz Band for Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer
Koki Miwatashi, Naoki Shiohara (Kyoto Univ.)

(17) 10:50 - 11:15
Development of microstrip antenna integrated with Solar Array
Takahiro Ohnishi (TUS), Raza Mudassir (SOKENDAI), Souki Akutsu, Tomohiko Saitoh (TUS), Koji Tanaka (SOKENDAI)

(18) 11:15 - 11:40
Design of 28 GHz Band Low-Loss Phase Shifter
Bo Yang, Hiroyuki Kamada, Naoki Shinohara, Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.)

----- Lunch Break ( 175 min. ) -----

Tue, Mar 8 PM (14:35 - 16:45)
Chair: Mayumi Matsunaga (Shizuoka Univ.)

(19) 14:35 - 15:00
Development of Rectenna Array on Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer for LCD
Katsumi Kawai, Yang Bo, Naoki Shinohara, Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.)

(20) 15:00 - 15:25
Evaluation Test of Deployable Antenna for Small SAR Demonstration Satellite 3 ―StriX―1―
Naoto Onodera, Budhaditya Pyne, Akbar Prilando (Synspective), Hirobumi Saito (Waseda), Masato Tanaka, Ichitaro Arisaka, Toshihiro Obata (Synspective), Koji Tanaka (JAXA)

(21) 15:25 - 15:50
Development of Wideband Antennas(II)
Hideki Ujihara (Kyoto Univ.), Ryuichi Ichikawa (NICT), Tomohiko Mitani (Kyoto Univ.)

(22) 15:50 - 16:15
A 28 GHz Band Circularly Polarized Antenna Constituted by a Cross Loop Structure
Mayumi Matsunaga (Shizuoka Univ.)

(23) 16:15 - 16:40
A Study on Feeding Position and Radiation Characteristic of a Composite Right/Left-Handed Waveguide for a Microwave Snow Melting System
Keito Togawa, Tsunayuki Yamamoto (NIT, Tsuyama College), Tamami Maruyama, Masashi Nakatsugawa, Takahiko Nakamura (NIT, Hakodate College), Keiichi Ito (NIT, Akita College), Mituru Muramoto, Yutaka Nasuno (NIT, Tomakomai College), Kohzoh Ohshima (NIT, Tsuyama College), Manabu Omiya (Hookaido Univ.)

----- Closing Address ( 5 min. ) -----

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited Lecture will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) ===

Fri, Apr 15, 2022: Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg. [Tue, Feb 15], Topics: Wireless Power Transfer, Microwave
Fri, Jun 10, 2022: [Fri, Apr 15]

Kazuhiro Fujimori (Okayama Univ.)

Last modified: 2022-03-07 11:47:08

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