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Special Interest Group on Music and Computer (IPSJ-MUS)

Technical Committee on Speech (SP)
Chair: Takahiro Shinozaki (Tokyo Inst. of Tech)
Secretary: Atsushi Ando (NTT), Kei Hashimoto (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant: Motoi Omachi (LY Corp.), Yuuki Saito (Univ. of Tokyo)

Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Processing (IPSJ-SLP)

Fri, Jun 14, 2024 09:20 - 17:40
Sat, Jun 15, 2024 09:30 - 18:00



Fri, Jun 14 AM (09:20 - 09:30)

(1) 09:20 - 09:30

Fri, Jun 14 AM (09:30 - 10:40)

(2) 09:30 - 10:40

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Fri, Jun 14 AM (10:50 - 12:00)

(3) 10:50 - 12:00

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Fri, Jun 14 PM (12:10 - 12:50)

----- Break ( 60 min. ) -----

Fri, Jun 14 PM (13:50 - 16:10)

(4) 13:50 - 16:10

(5) 13:50 - 16:10

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(30) 13:50 - 16:10

(31) 13:50 - 16:10

(32) 13:50 - 16:10

(33)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
[Poster Presentation]
Computation of acoustic field in the vicinity of the wedge-shaped cut imitating the lips by using FDTD method
Chiune Sato, Kunitoshi Motoki (Hokkai-Gakuen Univ.)

(34)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
Real-time target speaker extraction using direction and voice features
Kengo Ohara, Kosuke Osumi, Erika Yamamoto, Masanori Morobishi, Takayuki Arakawa (Kyocera Corp.)

(35)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
Evaluation of nonlinear distortion for hearing loss simulators and its relationship to algorithms
Shintaro Doan, Toshio Irino, Minami Ishikawa (Wakayama Univ.)

(36)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
[Poster Presentation]
Opera-singing voice synthesis from inexperienced voice considering vowel and tempo change.
Aoto Sugahara (Kobe Univ.), Soma Kishimoto, Yuji Adachi, Kiyoto Tai (MEC), Ryoichi Takashima, Tetsuya Takiguchi (Kobe Univ.)

(37)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
Beyond Word Count: Exploring Approximated Target Lengths for CIF-RNNT
Wen Shen Teo, Yasuhiro Minami (UEC)

----- Break ( 20 min. ) -----

Fri, Jun 14 PM (16:30 - 17:40)

(38) 16:30 - 17:40

Sat, Jun 15 AM (09:30 - 10:40)

(39) 09:30 - 09:50

(40) 09:50 - 10:40

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Sat, Jun 15 AM (10:50 - 12:00)

(41) 10:50 - 12:00

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Sat, Jun 15 AM (12:10 - 12:50)

----- Break ( 60 min. ) -----

Sat, Jun 15 PM (13:50 - 16:10)

(42) 13:50 - 16:10

(43) 13:50 - 16:10

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(66) 13:50 - 16:10

(67) 13:50 - 16:10

(68) 13:50 - 16:10

(69) 13:50 - 16:10

(70)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
Acoustic-to-articulatory Inversion using real-time MRI for Pronunciation Practice
Anna Oura, Hideaki Kikuchi, Tetsunori Kobayashi (Waseda Univ.)

(71)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
[Poster Presentation]
A voice synthesizer operated by fingers to control its vocal-tract area function.
Amane Koriki, Masashi Ito (Tohtech)

(72)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
Discussion toward Accurate Speech Signal Analysis
Shigeki Sagayama (UT/UEC)

(73)/SP 13:50 - 16:10
[Poster Presentation]
Improving CTC-based ASR model by weighting encoder layers using attention mechanisms
Keigo Hojo, Yukoh Wakabayashi (TUT), Kengo Ohta (NITAC), Atsunori Ogawa (NTT), Norihide Kitaoka (TUT)

----- Break ( 20 min. ) -----

Sat, Jun 15 PM (16:30 - 17:40)

(74) 16:30 - 17:40

Sat, Jun 15 PM (17:40 - 18:00)

=== Special Interest Group on Music and Computer (IPSJ-MUS) ===

=== Technical Committee on Speech (SP) ===

=== Special Interest Group on Spoken Language Processing (IPSJ-SLP) ===

Last modified: 2024-06-07 16:55:31

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