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Special Interest Group on Society and Artificial Intelligence (JSAI-SAI)

Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing (AI)
Chair: Yuichi Sei (Univ. of Electro-Comm.)
Vice Chair: Yuko Sakurai (AIST), Tadachika Ozono (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary: Katsuhide Fujita (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Technology), Yuu Nakajima (Toho Univ.)
Assistant: Kazutaka Matsuzaki (Chuo Univ.)

Special Interest Group on Intelligence and Complex Systems (IPSJ-ICS)

Special Interest Group on Knowledge-Based Systems (JSAI-KBS)

Special Interest Group on Data Oriented Constructive Mining and Simulation (JSAI-DOCMAS)

Sat, Mar 12, 2022 09:00 - 12:00


Social System and Information Technology

Sat, Mar 12 AM (09:00 - 12:00)

(1)/AI 09:00 - 09:15
A Road Traffic Light Control System that Considers the Schedule and Urgency of Drivers
Jieshuo Zhang, Kazuhiko Iwase, Tomoaki Takemura, Shun Higashikawa, Shoko Abe, Tomoyuki Ohkubo, Hisashi Hayashi (AIIT)

(2)/AI 09:15 - 09:30
Smooth Traffic Flow at an Intersection in a Simulation Environment Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Tomoya Oda, Soichiro Yokoyama, Tomohisa Yamashita, Hidenori Kawamura (Hokkaido Univ.), Tomohiko Ogishi, Toshiyuki Hagiya (KDDI)

(3)/AI 09:30 - 09:45
Traffic Signal Split Control System for Pedestrian Flow Facilitation
Yuji Yamada, Fumito Ihara, Daiki Takamura, Ken Hayashi, Ryu Fujimori, Satoshi Suga, Satoshi Kurihara (Keio Univ.)

(4)/AI 09:45 - 10:00
Analysis of Traffic Accident Factors Using Geospatial Data
Keisuke Ando, Yusuke Kuniyoshi, Kazuhiko Shimizu, Nobuhiro Ito (AIT), Kazunori Iwata (AU), Takeshi Uchitane (AIT), Naoto Mukai (SJU), Yong Jiang (AU)

(5)/AI 10:00 - 10:15
A Method and Evaluation of Train Congestion Estimation Using BLE Signals
Eigo Taya, Yuji Kanamitsu, Koki Tachibana (NAIST), Yugo Nakamura (QU), Matsuda Yuki (NAIST/RIKEN/JST PRESTO), Suwa Hirohiko, Keiichi Yasumoto (NAIST/RIKEN)

(6)/AI 10:15 - 10:30
One-Shot Wayfinding System for Blind People with a 360-degree Smartphone Camera
Yutaro Yamanaka, Satoshi Kurihara (Keio Univ)

----- Break ( 15 min. ) -----

(7)/AI 10:45 - 11:00
An analysis of preventive behavior against COVID-19 using a social dilemma framework from a two-wave panel survey
Hitoshi Yamamoto (Rissho Univ.), Takahisa Suzuki (Tsuda Univ.), Yuki Ogawa (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Ryohei Umetani (Tsukuba Univ.)

(8)/AI 11:00 - 11:15
Satoshi Yoshimura, Kazuki Okawara (Osaka-U), Taichi Sakakibara (YTV), Hiroki Matsuda (YTV/NAIST), Teruhiro Mizumoto (Osaka-U)

(9)/AI 11:15 - 11:30
Probabilistic modeling of changes in visitors' attitudes to improve the value of science museums
Kazuya Yamashita, Megumi Inoue, Yoich Motomura (AIST)

(10)/AI 11:30 - 11:45
An analysis of Relationships among Blood Test Items Using Structural Equation Modeling and Multiple Imputation
Kazuki Ito, Tohgoroh Matsui (Chubu Univ)

(11)/AI 11:45 - 12:00
Optimization of Meeting Room Assignments by Estimating Travel Costs Using Entry and Exit data
Nao Takaoka, Atsuko Mutoh, Koichi Moriyama (nitech), Tohgoroh Matsui (Chubu), Nobuhiro Inuzuka (nitech)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 12 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.

=== Special Interest Group on Society and Artificial Intelligence (JSAI-SAI) ===

=== Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge-Based Processing (AI) ===

Secretaries of Special Interested Group of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge

=== Special Interest Group on Intelligence and Complex Systems (IPSJ-ICS) ===

=== Special Interest Group on Knowledge-Based Systems (JSAI-KBS) ===

=== Special Interest Group on Data Oriented Constructive Mining and Simulation (JSAI-DOCMAS) ===

Last modified: 2022-02-24 21:50:30

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