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Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE)
Chair: Yasuharu Koike (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Vice Chair: Mitsuyuki Nakao (Tohoku Univ.)
Secretary: Jun Izawa (ATR), Takashi Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.)
Assistant: Natsue Yoshimura (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Kazuhiro Nakamura (akita noken)

Technical Committee on Biometrics (BioX)

Fri, May 24, 2013 09:00 - 19:00



Fri, May 24 AM (09:00 - 10:40)

(1) 09:00 - 09:25
Development of Real-time Doze Detection Method Using Blink Bursts and Isolated Blinks
Kazuhiro Naito, Daiki Sugimoto, Hironobu Takano (Toyama Prefectural Univ.), Hiroyuki Kojima, Hiroyuki Kawamura (HMJRD), Kiyomi Nakamura (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(2) 09:25 - 09:50
Development of Eye Input Type of Communication System for Severely Disabled People Using Tablet Computer
Kyouhei Kitagawa, Katsuki Yamashita, Hironobu Takano, Kiyomi Nakamura (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(3) 09:50 - 10:15
Ghrelin depolarizes hypothalamic tuberomammillary nucleus neurons
Yuji Wakabayashi, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ. of Toyama)

(4) 10:15 - 10:40
Personal identification using gait pattern obtained from a load sensor
Keima Nasu, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ. of Toyama)

Fri, May 24 AM (10:50 - 12:30)

(5) 10:50 - 11:15
Fundamental study on face recognition using depth maps from a motion sensing input device
Shun Imaeda, Todd Cooper, Akira Tsukada (Toyama National College of Tech.)

(6) 11:15 - 11:40
Discrimination Performance of Liveness Detection Method Using Iris Edge Brightness Variation Caused by Directional Illumination with Near-infrared Lights
Wataru Hayasaki, Jyunichi Tsukamoto, Hironobu Takano, Kiyomi Nakamura (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(7) 11:40 - 12:05
EEG-based biometry using one-channel ERP
Hideaki Touyama (Toyama Pref. Univ.)

(8) 12:05 - 12:30
Driver Authentication Using Brain Waves in Simulated Driving Environments
-- Different Verification Performance between Divisions in Alpha-Beta Wave Band --
Isao Nakanishi, Hironao Fukuda, Shigang Li (Tottori Univ.)

Fri, May 24 PM (13:30 - 15:10)

(9) 13:30 - 13:55
Determining the Practical Placement of Surface EMG Electrode with the Spatial Distribution Patterns estimated by Matrix Electrode
Hiroki Arai, Tohru Kiryu (Niigata Univ.)

(10) 13:55 - 14:20
A semi-automatic contour extraction of the bones of the shoulder joint from Fluoroscopic X-ray image
Hiroki Shima, Toyohiko Hayashi (Niigata Univ.), Hiroshi Tanaka, Hiroki Ninomiya, Hiroaki Inui, Masahiko Komai, Katsuya Nobuhara (Nobuhara Hospital)

(11) 14:20 - 14:45
Analysis of the shape, position and orientation of the growth plate in the knee joint
Yuta Shiga, Toyohiko Hayashi (Niigata Univ.), Satoshi Watanabe, Yoshio Koga (Niigata medical center)

(12) 14:45 - 15:10
An MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study on the Disruption of Cerebral White Matter Integrity in Alzheimer's Disease
-- Fiber Tracking in the Cingulum --
Akifumi Hisada, Utako Yamamoto, Tetsuo Kobayashi (Kyoto Univ.), Takashi Yamazaki, Ken Nagata (Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels-Akita)

Fri, May 24 PM (15:20 - 17:25)

(13) 15:20 - 15:45
A study of the autonomic nervous response under stress conditions
Kazuhiro Ikeda, Tohru Kiryu (Niigata Univ.)

(14) 15:45 - 16:10
Analysis on Population ERP
Hideaki Touyama (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(15) 16:10 - 16:35
Development of Eye Input Device for Severely Disabled People Adapting to the Pupil Shape Deformation Caused by the Eyelid Occlusion
Yuki Oyabu, Yuki Yamakawa, Hironobu Takano, Kiyomi Nakamura (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(16) 16:35 - 17:00
Development of an assistive robot for medical care units
Fumiya Ishikawa, Mitsuki Kitani, Genci Capi (Toyama Univ.)

(17) 17:00 - 17:25
Development of an assistive robot for medical care units
Shokichi Miyamoto, Mitsuki Kitani, Genci Capi (Toyama Univ.)

Fri, May 24 PM (17:40 - 19:00)

(18) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Affine Invariant Feature Quantity Descriptions using Log-Polar Transform
Toma Kawa, Hironari Matsuda, Takayuki Nakata (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(19) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Preliminary study on development of a swallowing sensor for meal assistance
Kosei Nishitani, Ryosuke Orito, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ of Toyama)

(20) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Preliminary study on a warning system using black light to prevent going out of elderly people with dementia
Yutaka Nishigaki, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ of Toyama)

(21) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Effect of Ghrelin on hypothalamic tuberomammillary nucleus neurons
Yuji Wakabayashi, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ. of Toyama)

(22) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
OKR Measurement System for Mice
-- A Biomedical Application of Machine Vision and PIC microcontroller --
Akira Fujita, Toshiki Fukushima, Toshihede Tabata (Univ. Toyama)

(23) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
An examination of the possibility about price prediction in prefrontal cortex: A NIRS study
Yurie Mitsuda, Tadanobu Misawa (Univ. of Toyama), Tetsuya Shimokawa (Tokyo Univ. of Sci.), Shigeki Hirobayashi (Univ. of Toyama)

(24) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Application of Turning Points of Writing Pressure to Japanese Online Signature Verification
Chihiro Koshiba, Takahiro Yoshida, Seiichiro Hangai (TUS)

(25) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
A Study on the Block size for stable Minutiae Extraction in Fingerprint Authentication
Yuki Higuchi, Takahiro Yoshida, Seiichiro Hangai (TUS)

(26) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Brain-computer interface for cursor control using brain activity in the prefrontal
Satoshi Sanno, Tadanobu Misawa, Shigeki Hirobayashi (Univ of Toyama)

(27) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Estimation of Attention by Using Pupil Diameter Variation for the Development of Communication System
Shuhei Kawai, Hironobu Takano, Kiyomi Nakamura (Toyama Pref. Univ.)

(28) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Digital Watermarking Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Patchwork
Hiromu Suga, Koukan Ou, Ryuji Hamabe (FIT)

(29) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
A Logo Image Watermarking Using Spread Spectrum and Discrete Fourier Transform
Yuki Sawada, Ryuji Hamabe (FIT)

(30) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Personal Identification by Combined Profile Documents on Keystroke Dynamics in Japanese Free Text Typing
Yoshitomo Matsubara, Toshiharu Samura (Akashi NCT), Haruhiko Nishimura (Univ. of Hyogo)

(31) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
A Study on Multimodal Biometrics Authentication Method
Qian Shi, Takeshi Nishino, Yoshinobu Kajikawa (Kansai Univ.)

(32) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Study on the effect of super-resolution processing to provide authentication auricle
WenBo Zhao, Takanari Minamidani, Hideyasu Sai, Daishi Watabe (SIT)

(33) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Challenge of Normality Evaluation by using Micro-Size Tension Measurement Device in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Shogo Kawaguchi, Kouki Nagamune (Univ. of Fukui), Shinya Oka, Yuichiro Nishizawa, Yuichi Hosino, Ryosuke Kuroda, Masahiro Kurosaka (Kobe Univ.)

(34) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Evaluation of Liveness Detection Method Using Iris Edge Luminance Variation Caused by Directional Illumination with Near-infrared Light
Wataru Hayasaki, Jyunichi Tsukamoto, Hironobu Takano, Kiyomi Nakamura (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(35) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
A Study on Aerial Handwritten Character Recognition and Writer Identification
-- Fourier Descriptor-based Approach --
Taiki Yoshida, Yukari Otsubo, Mitsuru Nakai (Toyama Pref. Univ.)

(36) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
A Study on Aerial Handwritten Character Recognition and Writer Identification
-- Acceleration Feature-based Approach --
Yukari Otsubo, Taiki Yoshida, Mitsuru Nakai (Toyama Pref. Univ.)

(37) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Personal identification using center of gravity trajectory and load changes
Keima Nasu, Juhyon Kim, Kazuki Nakajima (Univ. of Toyama)

(38) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Behaviors Classification for Health Care of Dogs
Miho Moriya, Motoya Ando, Hideaki Touyama (Toyama Prefectural Univ.)

(39) 17:40 - 19:00
[Poster Presentation]
Lazy Signature: A non-registered Digital Signature Using Biometrics
Yuta Yoneyama (Shizuoka Univ.), Kenta Takahashi (Hitachi Ltd.), Eisei Honbu, Masakatsu Nishigaki (Shizuoka Univ.)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE) ===

Fri, Jun 21, 2013: Hokkaido University [Fri, Apr 12]
Fri, Jul 19, 2013 - Sat, Jul 20, 2013: The University of Tokushima [Fri, May 17], Topics: ME, general

Natsue YOSHIMURA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
TEL: +81-45-924-5054
FAX: +81-45-924-5085
E-mail: cnspi

=== Technical Committee on Biometrics (BioX) ===

Tue, Aug 27, 2013 - Wed, Aug 28, 2013: The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka Univ. [Tue, Jul 16], Topics: Biometrics, etc.

Last modified: 2013-05-23 16:47:38

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