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Technical Committee on Microwaves (MW)
Chair: Yohei Ishikawa (Kyoto Univ.)
Vice Chair: Takao Kuki (Kokushikan Univ.), Kenjiro Nishikawa (Kagoshima Univ.), Kenichi Tajima (Mitsubishi Electric)
Secretary: Junji Sato (Panasonic), Takuichi Hirano (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant: Naoto Sekiya (Univ. of Yamanashi), Satoshi Ono (Univ. of Electro-Comm.)

Thu, Jun 23, 2016 13:00 - 16:40
Fri, Jun 24, 2016 12:30 - 14:10

Satellite Campus, Gifu University(Gifu Skywing 37 West Building 4F, 6-31, Yoshino-cho, Gifu, Japan, 500-8844. Located an five minutes' walk from JR Gifu Station. Prof. Toshikazu Sekine. +81-58-293-2727)

Microwave Signal Generation and Measurement / Microwave Technologies

Thu, Jun 23 PM Regular Session (13:00 - 13:50)

(1) 13:00 - 13:25
Vector Fields Depicted by Linear Two-Port Circuits on the Smith Chart
Kyohei Yamada, Shinji Abe, Naoki Sakai, Takashi Ohira (Toyohashi Univ. Tech.)

(2) 13:25 - 13:50
Design and Analysis of Quarter-Wave Coupled-Line Directional Couplers for Setting Reference Impedances Different from One Another at Four Ports Consisting of Coupled Strip Line
Takeshi Oshima, Naofumi Yoneda, Hiroaki Miyashita, Moriyasu Miyazaki (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Koji Wada (UEC)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Thu, Jun 23 PM IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter Special Talks (14:00 - 15:40)

(3) 14:00 - 14:50
(See Japanese page.)

(4) 14:50 - 15:40
[Special Talk]
Introduction to IEEE ICMIM2017 and Review of ICMIM2016 papers
Hiroshi Kondoh (EHF Consulting)

----- Break ( 10 min. ) -----

Thu, Jun 23 PM IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Lecture (15:50 - 16:40)

(5) 15:50 - 16:40
[Special Talk]
Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Applications Enabled by Photonics
Tadao Nanatsuma (Osaka Univ.)

Fri, Jun 24 PM Regular Session (12:30 - 14:10)

(6) 12:30 - 12:55
Multi-port S-parameter estimation method considering reciprocity of connection circuit
Yuuya Kojima, Toshikazu Sekine, Yasuhiro Takahashi (Gifu Univ.)

(7) 12:55 - 13:20
Improvement of TDR Method Using Time Domain Estimation of Impulse Response
Yuto Matsushita, Toshikazu Sekine, Yasuhiro Takahashi (Gifu Univ.)

(8) 13:20 - 13:45
An Indirect Measurement Method for Multiport S-Parameters based on similarity and congruence transformations by the transfer coefficient submatrix
Noboru Maeda, Shinji Fukui (SOKEN), Toshikazu Sekine, Yasuhiro Takahashi (Gifu Univ.)

(9) 13:45 - 14:10
Alternative Derivation of the Power Wave and Transmission Characteristic of Line with Complex Characteristic Impedance
Takuichi Hirano (Tokyo Tech.)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Special Talk will have 45 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

- This conference is technical co-sponsored by IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter, IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapter and IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter.

- Reception is scheduled on the first day.

=== Technical Committee on Microwaves (MW) ===

Thu, Jul 21, 2016 - Fri, Jul 22, 2016: [Sun, May 15], Topics: Light wave & Electromagnetic Wave Workshop
Aug, 2016: Recess
Thu, Sep 15, 2016 - Fri, Sep 16, 2016: AIST [Sun, Jul 10], Topics: Microwave, Millimeter wave, Measurement, Antennas and Propagation

Naoto Sekiya (Yamanashi Univ.)
TEL: +81-55-220-8393
E-mail: n
or Junji Sato (Panasonic)
TEL: +81-50-3686-6073, FAX: +81-45-934-8765
E-mail: ujunpac

Last modified: 2016-06-19 14:22:23

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