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Technical Committee on Microwave and Millimeter-wave Photonics (MWP)
Chair: Tetsuya Kawanishi (Waseda Univ.) Vice Chair: Naoto Yoshimoto (Chitose Inst. of Science and Tech.)
Secretary: Atsushi Kanno (NICT), Akihiko Hirata (Chiba Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant: Kensuke Ikeda (CRIEPI), Kosuke Nishimura (KDDI Research)

Wed, May 22, 2019 14:20 - 16:55

Kikai Shinko Bldg. B3-2 Meeting Room(3 Chome-5-8 Shibakoen, Minato ward, Tokyo 105-0011, Japan. NICT Atsushi Kanno. +81-42-327-6876)

Microwave Photonics, etc.

Wed, May 22 PM MWP (14:20 - 16:55)
Chair: Atsushi Kanno(NICT)

(1) 14:20 - 14:30
Ceremony for MWP Best Student Paper Award

(2) 14:30 - 15:15
[Invited Talk]
Spin-Controlled Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers for Low-Power and High-Speed Data Communication
Nobuhide Yokota, Kunpei Nisaka (Tohoku Univ.), Kazuhiro Ikeda (AIST), Hiroshi Yasaka (Tohoku Univ.)

(3) 15:15 - 15:40
Design of simple RF optical transmitter for 28 GHz band radio over multi-mode fiber
Satoshi Tanaka, Takamitsu Aiba (YAZAKI Corp.), Atsushi Kanno, Naokatsu Yamamoto (NICT), Tetsuya Kawanishi (Waseda U.), Tomohiro Wakabayashi (YAZAKI Corp.)

(4) 15:40 - 16:05
Transmission Power Optimization in Digital Radio on Radio Communication Using Superposed Modulation
Daiki Fujimoto, Kazuo Kumamoto, Katsutoshi Tsukamoto (Osaka Inst. of Technology)

(5) 16:05 - 16:30
Study of automatic bias control system for middle- and long-range radio over fiber transmission
Atsushi Kanno, Naokatsu Yamamoto (NICT), Kohei Fujiwara, Kouichi Tokita (TIRI)

(6) 16:30 - 16:55
Preliminary Experimental Study on a Two-Frequency Secondary-Radar System to Detect Pedestrians beyond Blind Corners
Keizo Inagaki (NICT), Motoki Shirai, Tetsuya Miura, Kunihisa Jitsuno, Tetsuya Kawanishi (Waseda Univ.)

# Information for speakers
General Talk will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited Talk will have 40 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

=== Technical Committee on Microwave and Millimeter-wave Photonics (MWP) ===

Thu, Jul 18, 2019 - Fri, Jul 19, 2019: Hakodate City Central Library [Tue, May 14], Topics: Light wave & Electromagnetic Wave Workshop

Atsushi Kanno (NICT), Akihiko Hirata (Chiba Tech.)
E-mail: mwp-inquiry

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Last modified: 2019-03-20 18:29:21

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