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Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP) [schedule] [select]
Chair Toshikazu Hori (Univ. of Fukui)
Vice Chair Shigeru Makino (Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary Hisato Iwai (Doshisha Univ.), Qiang Chen (Tohoku Univ.)
Assistant Kentaro Nishimori (NTT)

Conference Date Thu, May 21, 2009 09:30 - 18:10
Fri, May 22, 2009 09:30 - 16:10
Topics AP 
Conference Place Kumamoto University, Kurokami South Campus, Faculty of Engineering Research Building 1F 
Address 2-39-1, Kurokami, Kumamoto-shi, 860-8555, Japan
Transportation Guide Get on a limousine bus for Kumamoto Station at Kumamoto Airport, and off at "Kotsu Center(Bus Center)". Get on another bus (Ko 1, 7, 8, 9, 18,20) at Platform 12 or 13 and off at "Kumamotodaigaku(Kumamoto Univ.) -Mae".
Dr. Takeshi Fukusako
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE AP-S Fukuoka Chapter (Chair Masahiko Nishimoto) and URSI-F (Chair Yoshio Yamaguchi).
Announcement Please join us for an opening reception after session of the first day.
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Thu, May 21 AM 
09:30 - 10:45
(1) 09:30-09:55 A Study of Numerical Analysis of Antennas Using CG-FMM AP2009-11 Keisuke Konno, Qiang Chen, Kunio Sawaya (Tohoku Univ.)
(2) 09:55-10:20 Characteristics of Numerical Dispersion and Parallel Computation on Wave Equation Based FDTD(2,M) Method for Large-scale Analysis of EM Wave Propagation AP2009-12 Jun Sonoda (Sendai National Coll. of Tech.), Motoyuki Sato (Tohoku Univ.)
(3) 10:20-10:45 A simple measurement technique of total radiated power for mobile phone AP2009-13 Hiroki Watanabe, Yui Kano, Toshiyuki Maeyama (Takushoku Univ.)
  10:45-10:55 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, May 21 AM 
10:55 - 12:10
(4) 10:55-11:20 A Gain Measurement Method for Long Antenna by Using Synthetic Aperture Antenna AP2009-14 Kazuhiro Komiya, Ryo Yamaguchi, Keizo Cho (NTT DOCOMO)
(5) 11:20-11:45 An Investigation on Radius of a Whole-Body Phantom with Shoulders for Estimation of Path Loss in a WBAN System at 430M and 2450 MHz AP2009-15 Satoru Amari, Atsushi Yamamoto, Koichi Ogawa (Panasonic)
(6) 11:45-12:10 A Modified Square Slotted Circularly Polarized Antenna with Separated L-probes for Broadband Characteristics AP2009-16 Ronald Joseph, Takeshi Fukusako (Kumamoto Univ.)
Thu, May 21 PM 
13:30 - 15:10
(7) 13:30-13:55 Evaluation Method for Band Characteristics of Ultra Wideband Antennas AP2009-17 Toshikazu Hori (Univ. of Fukui)
(8) 13:55-14:20 Frequency Characteristic and Application of Lightweight Phantom by Wave Absorber AP2009-18 Hiroshi Yamaguchi (Yokohama National Univ.), Yuuki Shimizu, Toshiyasu Tanaka (Microwave Factory), Hiroyuki Arai (Yokohama National Univ.)
(9) 14:20-14:45 Fast Measurement of Radiation Efficiency of Antennas Using Parallel Modulated Probe Array AP2009-19 Qiang Chen, Mang He (Tohoku Univ.), Qiaowei Yuan (Sendai National College of Tech.), Kunio Sawaya (Tohoku Univ.)
(10) 14:45-15:10 Ground Clutter Removal From Ground Penetrating Radar Responses Using the Matching Pursuit Algorithm AP2009-20 Masahiko Nishimoto, Jandieri Vakhtang (Kumamoto Univ.)
  15:10-15:20 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, May 21 PM 
15:20 - 17:00
(11) 15:20-15:45 Planar Sleeve Antenna for Reception of Digital Terrestrial Television AP2009-21 Yu Seto, Mitsuo Taguchi (Nagasaki Univ.)
(12) 15:45-16:10 A Broad Beamwidth-Performed Quadrifilar Helical Antenna With Rewinding Wires and Its Optimized Support Structure AP2009-22 Kazushi Nishizawa, Michio Takikawa, Hideyuki Oh-hashi, Hiroaki Miyashita, Yoshihiko Konishi (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(13) 16:10-16:35 Design of a Double-Layer Slotted Waveguide Array with a Partially-Corporate Feed Circuit Installed in the Lower Layer and its Fabrication by Diffusion Bonding of Laminated Thin Plates at 38GHz Band AP2009-23 Miao Zhang, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
(14) 16:35-17:00 Millimeter-Wave Band Evaluation of Transmission Loss and its Effects on Antenna Efficiency in Post-Wall Waveguide Slot Arrays AP2009-24 Yuanfeng She, Thi Huong Tran, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
  17:00-17:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Thu, May 21 PM 
17:10 - 18:10
(15) 17:10-18:10 [Special Talk]
Hidenori Akiyama (Kumamoto Univ.)
Fri, May 22 AM 
09:30 - 10:45
(16) 09:30-09:55 A Study on Construction of Spatial Channel Emulator for MIMO Performance Evaluation of Mobile Terminals AP2009-25 Tetsuro Imai, Yoshiki Okano, Koshiro Kitao, Kentaro Saito, Junichiro Hagiwara (NTT DOCOMO)
(17) 09:55-10:20 Relation Between Angle Spread of Arriving Waves and Alignment of Scatterer antennas for Spatial Channel Emulator AP2009-26 Yoshiki Okano, Tetsuro Imai, Koshiro Kitao, Kentaro Saito, Junichiro Hagiwara (NTT DOCOMO)
(18) 10:20-10:45 A study on spatio-temporal dynamic channel properties based on channel sounder measurements AP2009-27 Koshiro Kitao, Kentaro Saito, Yoshiki Okano, Tetsuro Imai, Junichiro Hagiwara (NTT DOCOMO)
  10:45-10:55 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, May 22 AM 
10:55 - 12:10
(19) 10:55-11:20 An Adaptive Antenna Using Eigenvector Beams for OFDM Transmission with Zero Carriers AP2009-28 Kazunari Kihira, Masataka Ohtsuka, Yoshihiko Konishi, Isamu Chiba (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
(20) 11:20-11:45 Fundamental Study on Blind MIMO System by using ICA AP2009-29 Kohei Sugai, Yuhei Shimada, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Yoshio Yamaguchi (Niigata Univ.)
(21) 11:45-12:10 An Elementary Analysis on Base Station Cooperation in Multi-Antenna Cellular System AP2009-30 Tetsuki Taniguchi, Yoshio Karasawa, Nobuo Nakajima (Univ. of Electro-Comm.)
Fri, May 22 PM 
13:30 - 14:45
(22) 13:30-13:55 PI Adaptive Array with BPF for Interference Suppression in ITS Communications AP2009-31 Mitoshi Fujimoto, Toshikazu Hori (Univ. Fukui)
(23) 13:55-14:20 Cross Polarization Characteristics of 5GHz Band Balun Integrated Dipole Antenna Using Meander-Line Shape AP2009-32 Satoshi Yoshida, Hiroshi Oguma, Suguru Kameda, Tadashi Takagi, Kazuo Tsubouchi (Tohoku Univ.)
(24) 14:20-14:45 Isolation Enhancement between Two Waveguide Slot Array Antennas with Polarization Perpendicular to the Antenna Arrange Including Radome. AP2009-33 Takenori Yamaguchi, Zhang Miao, Jiro Hirokawa, Makoto Ando (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Yasuhiro Tsunemitsu, Yuzo Shibuya, Goro Yoshida (Japan Radio Co.,Ltd.)
  14:45-14:55 Break ( 10 min. )
Fri, May 22 PM 
14:55 - 16:10
(25) 14:55-15:20 Over-the-air performance testing system for MIMO antennas employoing reverberation chamber AP2009-34 Daisuke Kurita, Yoshiki Okano, Shin Nakamatsu, Takashi Okada (NTT DOCOMO)
(26) 15:20-15:45 Estimation of indoor radio terminal location using approximate signal subspace AP2009-35 Yuta Kurosaki, Hiroyoshi Yamada, Yoshio Yamaguchi (Niigata Univ.)
(27) 15:45-16:10 Performance Improvement for Near-Field and Narrow-Band Source Localization Using Coherent Signal-Subspace Processing AP2009-36 Ken-ichi Koga (Tokai Rika/Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Nobuyoshi Kikuma, Hiroshi Hirayama, Kunio Sakakibara (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.), Daisuke Kawamura, Hiroaki Iwashita, Yoshiyuki Mizuno (Tokai Rika)

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
AP Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Qiang Chen (Tohoku University)
Phone/Fax: +81-22-795-7097
E--mail: _-cry 

Last modified: 2009-05-20 16:43:52

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