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Technical Committee on Information Security (ISEC) [schedule] [select]
Chair Atsushi Fujioka (Kanagawa Univ.)
Vice Chair Shiho Moriai (NICT), Shoichi Hirose (Univerisity of Fukui)
Secretary Toshihiro Ohigashi (Tokai Univ.), Keita Emura (NICT)
Assistant Kazumasa Omote (University of Tsukuba), Yuuji Suga (IIJ)

Conference Date Fri, Sep 7, 2018 09:05 - 17:30
Conference Place  
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Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on ISEC.

Fri, Sep 7 AM 
09:05 - 10:45
(1) 09:05-09:30 A Study of Security Problem on Telecommunications Networks ISEC2018-50 Yoshiki Kusama (Keio Univ.), Masahiro Hayashi (Tokyo City Univ.), Akitoshi Wada
(2) 09:30-09:55 Development of Portable Automotive Security Testbed with Adaptability: PASTA ISEC2018-51 Tsuyoshi Toyama, Hisashi Oguma (TOYOTA-ITC), Tsutomu Matsumoto (YNU)
(3) 09:55-10:20 Proposal of Commercial Use of Social Number with Special Device ISEC2018-52 Kento Iijima, Ryuya Uda (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
(4) 10:20-10:45 On AND/OR Composition of the ZKBoo Protocols ISEC2018-53 Hiroaki Anada (U. Nagasaki)
  10:45-11:00 Break ( 15 min. )
Fri, Sep 7 AM 
11:00 - 12:30
(5) 11:00-11:30 [Invited Talk]
Fast Large-Scale Honest-Majority MPC for Malicious Adversaries ISEC2018-54
Ryo Kikuchi (NTT)
(6) 11:30-12:00 [Invited Talk]
Encrypt or Decrypt? To Make a Single-Key Beyond Birthday Secure Nonce-Based MAC (from CRYPTO 2018) ISEC2018-55
Kan Yasuda (NTT)
(7) 12:00-12:30 [Invited Talk]
Lower Bounds on Lattice Enumeration with Extreme Pruning (from Crypto 2018) ISEC2018-56
Yoshinori Aono (NICT), Phong Q. Nguyen (Inria/CNRS/JFLI/Tokyo Univ.), Takenobu Seito (BoJ), Junji Shikata (YNU)
  12:30-14:00 ( 90 min. )
Fri, Sep 7 PM 
14:00 - 15:40
(8) 14:00-14:25 Considerations of security of K(Xss)CBPKC, a post-quantum cryptosystem ISEC2018-57 Masao Kasahara (Waseda Univ.)
(9) 14:25-14:50 New Public key attack on MH knapsak PKC ISEC2018-58 Ryuichi Sakai, Yasuyuki Murakami (OECU)
(10) 14:50-15:15 Extension of Easy-to-Understand Structure for Chosen-Ciphertext-Attack Security from Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption ISEC2018-59 Daisuke Ueda, Bagus Santoso (UEC)
(11) 15:15-15:40 Consideration of Factorization of a Large Integer using Hensel lifting ISEC2018-60 Kuniaki Tsuji
  15:40-16:00 Break ( 20 min. )
Fri, Sep 7 PM 
16:00 - 17:30
(12) 16:00-16:30 [Invited Talk]
Improved Division Property Based Cube Attacks Exploiting Algebraic Properties of Superpoly (from CRYPTO2018) ISEC2018-61
Yosuke Todo (NTT), Takanori Isobe (Univ. of Hyogo)
(13) 16:30-17:00 [Invited Talk]
Fast Correlation Attack Revisited --Cryptanalysis on Full Grain-128a, Grain-128, and Grain-v1 (from CRYPTO2018) ISEC2018-62
Yosuke Todo (NTT), Takanori Isobe (Univ. of Hyogo), Kazumaro Aoki (NTT)
(14) 17:00-17:30 [Invited Talk]
Constrained PRFs for NC1 in Traditional Groups (from CRYPTO 2018) ISEC2018-63
Nuttapong Attrapadung, Takahiro Matsuda (AIST), Ryo Nishimaki (NTT), Shota Yamada (AIST), Takashi Yamakawa (NTT)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
ISEC Technical Committee on Information Security (ISEC)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Kazumasa Omote (University of Tsukuba)
E--mail: ic-c (to ISEC secretaries) 

Last modified: 2018-09-07 09:38:41

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