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Technical Committee on Organic Molecular Electronics (OME) [schedule] [select]
Chair Tatsuo Mori (Aichi Inst. of Tech.)
Vice Chair Yutaka Majima (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Secretary Toshiki Yamada (NICT), Dai Taguchi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant Hirotake Kajii (Osaka Univ.), Toshihiko Kaji (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.)

Conference Date Wed, Feb 27, 2019 13:00 - 16:35
Topics organic molecular electronics and photonics, polymer optical materials and devices, etc 
Conference Place  
Yoko Tatewaki
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Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on OME.

Wed, Feb 27 PM 
13:00 - 16:35
(1) 13:00-13:40 [Invited Talk]
In-vehicle Plastic Optical Fiber data communication OME2018-53
Satoshi Takahashi (POF-P), Okihiro Sugihara (Utsunomiya Univ.)
(2) 13:40-13:55 Physical Properties and Synthesis of Conducting Materials for Molecular Nanofibers OME2018-54 Satoshi Noguchi (TUAT), Sadafumi Nishihara (Hiroshima Univ.), Yoko Tatewaki (TUAT)
(3) 13:55-14:10 Solid state polymerization and synthesis of diacetylene derivatives with donor and acceptor molecules OME2018-55 Yoko Tatewaki (TUAT), Shuji Okada (Yamagata Univ.)
(4) 14:10-14:25 Temperature insensitive in-line connection using plastic optical fibers for automotive optical communications OME2018-56 Masahiro Uchida (Utsunomiya Univ.), Koji Horiguchi, Tomohiro Kikuta (ADAMANT Namiki), Shigeru Kobayashi, Okihiro Sugihara (Utsunomiya Univ.)
  14:25-14:40 Break ( 15 min. )
(5) 14:40-15:20 [Invited Talk]
Development of a Single-Molecule Electret (SME) OME2018-57
Sadafumi Nishihara (Hiroshima Univ.)
(6) 15:20-15:35 Growth condition of organic micro-crystals by reprecipitation method and evaluation of their optical characteristics OME2018-58 Wataru Sato, Okihiro Sugihara, Yutaka Kodama (Utsunomiya Univ.), Bin Cai (Univ. of Shanghai for Science and Technology)
(7) 15:35-15:50 Preparation and Evaluation of One-Dimensional Organization Using TTF Derivative composed of Dendritic Structure OME2018-59 Tsubasa Takei, Syota Nakamura (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Sadafumi Nishihara (Hiroshima Univ.), Yoko Tatewaki (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)
(8) 15:50-16:05 Growth of organic nonlinear optical crystals by ionic liquid OME2018-60 Ryutaro Matsunaga, Okihiro Sugihara (Utsunomiya Univ.), Kyoji Komatsu (NIT, Sendai College)
(9) 16:05-16:20 Fabrication of Molecular Nanocoils composed of TTF Derivatives OME2018-61 Kentaro Iwamoto, Hiroki Iwata (TUAT), Sadafumi Nishihara (Hiroshima Univ.), Yoko Tatewaki (TUAT)
(10) 16:20-16:35 Effect of wet annealing with thermo-cured hybrid material OME2018-62 Yuki Iida, Makoto Roppongi (Utsunomiya Univ.), Masaya Mituishi (Tohoku Univ.), Okihiro Sugihara (Utsunomiya Univ.)

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.
Invited TalkEach speech will have 30 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.

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Last modified: 2018-12-19 22:53:41

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