Conference Date |
Thu, Oct 16, 2014 09:15 - 17:25
Fri, Oct 17, 2014 09:00 - 16:50 |
Topics |
Nonlinear Problems, etc. |
Conference Place |
Media Hall, Center for Information Technology, Ehime University |
Address |
10-13 Dogo-himata, Matsuyama, Ehime Pref. 790-8577, Japan |
Transportation Guide | |
Contact Person |
Prof. Yuji Nakagawa |
Sponsors |
This conference is technical co-sponsored by IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Japan Chapter and Shikoku Chapter.
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Thu, Oct 16 AM CAS / NLP(1) 09:15 - 11:50 |
(1) |
09:15-09:35 |
Improvement of Simulated Annealing Search Based on Tree Representations CAS2014-51 NLP2014-45 |
Takaaki Banno, Kunihiro Fujiyoshi (TUAT) |
(2) |
09:35-09:55 |
A combination of centrality measures for next hop selection in distance vector-based routing CAS2014-52 NLP2014-46 |
Yoshihiro Kaneko, Keisuke Watanabe (Gifu Univ.) |
(3) |
09:55-10:15 |
The relation between equilibrium prices and socially optimal trades in electricity markets CAS2014-53 NLP2014-47 |
Ryo Hase, Norihiko Shinomiya (Soka Univ.) |
(4) |
10:15-10:35 |
Enumerating and Indexing of Polyiamonds for p6 Tiling by Using ZDDs CAS2014-54 NLP2014-48 |
Tomoki Nozawa, Toshihiko Takahashi (Niigata Univ.) |
10:35-10:50 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(5) |
10:50-11:10 |
Comparison of Matrix and Circuit Partitioning Approaches for Analysis of Large Scale RLC Circuits CAS2014-55 NLP2014-49 |
Yuichi Tanji (Kagawa Univ.) |
(6) |
11:10-11:30 |
Behavioral Modeling of Class E Amplifier Including Impulse Mode CAS2014-56 NLP2014-50 |
Hiroto Kamei, Yuichi Tanji (Kagawa Univ.) |
(7) |
11:30-11:50 |
An Experimental Study on Equivalent Circuit Model of Discharge Current Behavior in Multicell Lithium-ion Battery CAS2014-57 NLP2014-51 |
Kazuki Yasuhara, Yoshihiko Susuki, Takashi Hikihara (Kyoto Univ.) |
Thu, Oct 16 PM NLP(2) 13:00 - 17:25 |
(8) |
13:00-13:20 |
Image Processing by Cellular Neural Networks with Updating Template by Using Reinforcement Learning CAS2014-58 NLP2014-52 |
Kazushige Natsuno, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio (Tokushima Univ) |
(9) |
13:20-13:40 |
Dynamic Image Segmentation using Oscillatory Responses Observed in a Coupled System of One-dimensional Discrete-time Oscillators CAS2014-59 NLP2014-53 |
Mio Kobayashi (Anan, NCT), Tetsuya Yoshinaga (Tokushima Univ.) |
(10) |
13:40-14:00 |
Quantification of microearthquake data using detrended analysis method CAS2014-60 NLP2014-54 |
Kouhei Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Kitajima (Kagawa Univ.), Toru Yazawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) |
14:00-14:15 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(11) |
14:15-14:35 |
A Study of Braess's Paradox on Ladder Network with Two-Way Bypass CAS2014-61 NLP2014-55 |
Fumiho Ogura, Norihito Toyota (Hokkaido Infolmation Univ.) |
(12) |
14:35-14:55 |
The Relation Between Cycles and Propagation Phenomenon Based on Ego Network Analysis CAS2014-62 NLP2014-56 |
Tomoharu Sakamoto, Norihito Toyota, Fumiho Ogura (Hokkaido Information Univ.) |
(13) |
14:55-15:15 |
A path finding method by a true slime mold model considering load balancing CAS2014-63 NLP2014-57 |
Takayoshi Sekiguchi, Hidehiro Nakano, Arata Miyauchi (Tokyo City Univ.) |
15:15-15:30 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(14) |
15:30-15:50 |
Analysis of a simple RC chaotic oscillator using hysteresis comparator CAS2014-64 NLP2014-58 |
Kazuki Imai, Takuya Kurihara, Kenya Jin'no (Nippon Inst. of Tech.) |
(15) |
15:50-16:10 |
A Study on Circuit Implementation of Noise-Induced Synchronization using Natural Environmental Noise CAS2014-65 NLP2014-59 |
Yuki Honda, Hiroyuki Yasuda, Mikio Hasegawa (TUS) |
(16) |
16:10-16:30 |
Noise-Induced Synchronization of Chaotic Oscillator by Natural Environmental Noise CAS2014-66 NLP2014-60 |
Hiroyuki Yasuda, Mikio Hasegawa (TUS) |
16:30-16:45 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(17) |
16:45-17:05 |
Periodical property of Chebyshev polynomials on the residue class rings modulo 2^w CAS2014-67 NLP2014-61 |
Atsushi Iwasaki, Ken Umeno (Kyoto Univ.) |
(18) |
17:05-17:25 |
Spread Spectrum Communications Based on Almost Periodic Functions
-- Almost Periodic Code Approach versus Chaotic Code Approach for Communications -- CAS2014-68 NLP2014-62 |
Ken Umeno (Kyoto Univ.) |
Fri, Oct 17 AM NLP(3) 09:00 - 11:55 |
(19) |
09:00-09:20 |
A Consideration about the Basic Performance and Dynamical Characteristics of a Simple Dynamical Swarm Intelligence Optimization Method CAS2014-69 NLP2014-63 |
Yoshikazu Yamanaka, Tadashi Tsubone (Nagaoka Univ. Tech.) |
(20) |
09:20-09:40 |
Evaluating availability and Solving Shortest Path Problems by Adaptable Independent-minded Particle Swarm Optimization CAS2014-70 NLP2014-64 |
Yoko Ishii, Haruna Matsushita (Kagawa Univ.) |
(21) |
09:40-10:00 |
Optimal Design Method for Hybrid Renewable Energy System by Improved Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization CAS2014-71 NLP2014-65 |
Yuki Hasegawa, Keisuke Kimura, Takayuki Kimura, Kenya Jin'no (Nippon Inst. of Tech.) |
(22) |
10:00-10:20 |
Combination of Immune Algorithm and Virus Theory of Evolution for Optimization Problems CAS2014-72 NLP2014-66 |
Takuya Inoue, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio (Tokushima Univ.) |
10:20-10:35 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(23) |
10:35-10:55 |
Bifurcation and Harmonics in dc/ac Inverter CAS2014-73 NLP2014-67 |
Hiroyuki Asahara, Hirokazu Matsumoto, Yasuhiko Neba (Fukuoka Univ.), Takuji Kousaka (Oita Univ.) |
(24) |
10:55-11:15 |
Stability Analysis for an Impacting System with Periodic Border CAS2014-74 NLP2014-68 |
Hiroyuki Asahara (Fukuoka Univ.), Takuji Kousaka (Oita Univ.) |
(25) |
11:15-11:35 |
Phenomena on 2-coupled neuron model with an external harmonic force CAS2014-75 NLP2014-69 |
Yuu Miino, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta (Univ. of Tokushima) |
(26) |
11:35-11:55 |
Controlling chaos by pseudo periodic orbits and its implementation CAS2014-76 NLP2014-70 |
Shota Mano, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta (Univ. of Tokushima) |
Fri, Oct 17 PM NLP(4) 13:00 - 16:50 |
(27) |
13:00-13:20 |
Bifurcation structure of Chenciner bubbles CAS2014-77 NLP2014-71 |
Munehisa Sekikawa (Utsunomiya Univ.), Naohiko Inaba, Tetsuro Endo (Meiji Univ.) |
(28) |
13:20-13:40 |
Arnold tongues generated in an electric circuit CAS2014-78 NLP2014-72 |
Kaoru Itoh, Naohiko Inaba, Tetsuro Endo (Meiji Univ.) |
(29) |
13:40-14:00 |
Numerical sensitivity of the derivation of Lyapunov diagram in a discrete-time dynamical system generating invariant three-torus CAS2014-79 NLP2014-73 |
Shuya Hidaka, Naohiko Inaba, Kyohei Kamiyama (Meiji Univ.), Munehisa Sekikawa (Utsunomiya Univ.), Tetsuro Endo (Meiji Univ.) |
(30) |
14:00-14:20 |
Double Covering Bifurcations of Quasi-Periodic Solution (2-Torus in Flow) in the Phase-Locked Loops Equation with Two Periodic Inputs CAS2014-80 NLP2014-74 |
Kyohei Kamiyama, Tetsuro Endo (Meiji Univ.), Motomasa Komuro (Teikyo Univ. Science) |
14:20-14:35 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(31) |
14:35-14:55 |
Time Series Prediction of BOLD sigunal Using SVR CAS2014-81 NLP2014-75 |
Hiroki Ogihara, Masaharu Adachi (TDU) |
(32) |
14:55-15:15 |
Stability analysis for formation control of mobile robot group by coupled oscillators CAS2014-82 NLP2014-76 |
Miyuki Tsukiji, Naoyuki Hara, Keiji Konishi (Osaka Pref. Univ.) |
(33) |
15:15-15:35 |
Synchronizations in Coupled Chaotic Circuits Containing Delay Coupling CAS2014-83 NLP2014-77 |
Naoto Kageyama, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio (Univ. of Tokushima) |
15:35-15:50 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
(34) |
15:50-16:10 |
Stability Analysis of Synchronization Pattern observed in A Ring of Coupled Nonlinear Circuit CAS2014-84 NLP2014-78 |
Takuya Nishimoto, Yoko Uwate (Univ. of Tokushima), Yasuteru Hosokawa (Shikoku Univ.), Yoshifumi Nishio (Univ. of Tokushima), Daniele Fournier-Prunaret (INSA Toulouse) |
(35) |
16:10-16:30 |
Synchronization Property of Non-linear Coupling CAS2014-85 NLP2014-79 |
Kenji Hishikawa, Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta (Univ. of Tokushima) |
(36) |
16:30-16:50 |
Bifurcation analysis of the congestion control in the network router CAS2014-86 NLP2014-80 |
Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta (Univ. of Tokushima) |