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Technical Committee on Life Intelligence and Office Information Systems (LOIS)  (Searched in: 2010)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2010-09-21 to:2010-09-21'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   Development of the Educational Record System for Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University
Hironori Irie, Daisuke Yoshimura, Satoshi Taoka, Toshimasa Watanabe (Hiroshima Univ.) LOIS2010-18 IE2010-60
Graduate School of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University obtained
"Support Program for Improving Graduate School Educ... [more]
LOIS2010-18 IE2010-60
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   SNMP-based Computer Resource Usage Monitoring and Feedback Mechanism for Energy Conservation in Office Environments
Tatsuya Yamazaki (NICT), Seungwon Oh (KAIST), Susumu Takeuchi, Eiji Kawai (NICT), Minsoo Hahn (KAIST), Shinji Shimojo (NICT) LOIS2010-19 IE2010-61
For energy conservation in office environments, both are needed: optimal operation of total building energy management s... [more] LOIS2010-19 IE2010-61
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   Relating "Log Behavior" to Lifelog Persistence
Takeshi Tanaka, Hiroyuki Kuriyama, Ken Kawamoto, Takahiko Shintani, Kei Suzuki (Hitachi) LOIS2010-20 IE2010-62
Continuous activity sensing is hoped to revolutionalize lifestyle diseases prevention. However, “Log behavior”, such as ... [more] LOIS2010-20 IE2010-62
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   A study on sensor based "life-pattern" evaluation
Ken Kawamoto, Hiroyuki Kuriyama, Takeshi Tanaka, Takahiko Shintani, Kei Suzuki (Hitachi) LOIS2010-21 IE2010-63
Quantifying features of one’s lifestyle is an important task in all forms of human-related services, including medicine ... [more] LOIS2010-21 IE2010-63
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   A Study of the Cost Structure in Campus PKI
Shigeaki Tanimoto, Satoru Kurosaki, Tsuyoshi Takamoto, Kazunori Hayashi, Shinichi Mizuhara, Toshihiko Moriya (CIT), Masahiko Yokoi (NTT Communications), Hiroyuki Sato (The University of Tokyo), Atsushi Kanai (Hosei University) LOIS2010-22 IE2010-64
Today's ICT environments have rapidly developed by ubiquitization and cloud computing, and have gained maximum functiona... [more] LOIS2010-22 IE2010-64
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   Keyword Extraction Method ForSummarizing Purchase Behavior in EC site
Shouichi Nagano, Yusuke Ichikawa, Toru Kobayashi (NTT) LOIS2010-23 IE2010-65
Behavior targeting advertisement is an effective approach to be increasing EC site business. To correspond user’s short-... [more] LOIS2010-23 IE2010-65
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   Proposal of CAPTCHA Method based on the Difficulty of Image Recognition
Tsukasa Kobayashi, Yosuke Todo, Masakatu Morii (Kobe Univ.) LOIS2010-24 IE2010-66
A CAPTCHA is used to protectWeb service against unfair use with automated program. A CAPTCHA is a test to ensure that th... [more] LOIS2010-24 IE2010-66
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-21
Kochi   Proposal of user preference modeling method and applying to restaurant recommendation service
Koji Ito, Shinyo Muto (NTT), Masanobu Abe (Okayama Univ.) LOIS2010-25 IE2010-67
We are studying user preferences extracting method using operation logs. Using ontology, we infer user preferences hiera... [more] LOIS2010-25 IE2010-67
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-22
Kochi   A Grayscale Conversion System -- An Add-on for Firefox --
Minoru Hayakawa, Yukio Rikiso (U. of Hyogo) LOIS2010-26 IE2010-68
About one in twenty people have some type of color blindness that prevents them from distinguishing between colors. Many... [more] LOIS2010-26 IE2010-68
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-22
Kochi   Play Retrieval in Base-ball Games using Degenerated Motion Compensation Information in MPEG Videos -- Selection of Template Degenerated Images and their Performances --
Kyota Aoki, Kohei Asai (Utsunomiya Univ.) LOIS2010-27 IE2010-69
 [more] LOIS2010-27 IE2010-69
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-22
Kochi   A Study on Performance Improvement of Generic Object Recognition by Object Extraction
Tetsuya Fujikawa, Jiro Katto (Waseda Univ.) LOIS2010-28 IE2010-70
In Bag-of-Keypoints method used in generic object recognition, we ordinarily derive SIFT features over the whole regions... [more] LOIS2010-28 IE2010-70
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-22
Kochi   Technique of Estimating Unpleasantness Degree with Physical Characteristics of Images
Makoto Tadenuma (NHK)
IE, LOIS, ITE-ME, IEE-CMN [detail] 2010-09-22
Kochi   A Study on Effects of Scene Change for Video Conferencing
Hiroshi Kotera, Hiroshi Yasuda (TDU)
 Results 1 - 13 of 13  /   
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