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Technical Group on Multi-media Storage (ITE-MMS)  (Searched in: 2012)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2012-10-18 to:2012-10-18'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-18
Akita AIT [Tutorial Invited Lecture] Overview and future perspectives of Solid-State Drives (SSDs)
Ken Takeuchi, Shuhei Tanakamaru, Yuki Yanagihara (Chuo Univ.) MR2012-19
 [more] MR2012-19
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-18
Akita AIT Simulation and experimental analysis about recording density of holographic data storage using spherical reference wave
Atsushi Arai, Shohei Ozawa, Shuhei Yoshida, Manabu Yamamoto (TUS)
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-18
Akita AIT [Invited Talk] Thermally Assisted Magnetic Recording beyond 5Tb/in2 -- Ultara-high Density Nanobit Magnetic Recording Technology --
Harukazu Miyamoto, Fumiko Akagi, Masaki Mukoh, Hisako Takei, Junko Ushiyama (Hitachi) MR2012-20
NEDO project: “Development of ultra-high density nano-bit magnetic recording technologies” aims to achieve 2.5 to 5 Tbit... [more] MR2012-20
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-18
Akita AIT Study of write head pole design for thermally assisted magnetic recording with density around 2.5 Tbit/in2
Kiyoshi Yamakawa, Kazuyuki Ise (AIT), Fumiko Akagi, Katsuro Watanabe, Masukazu Igarashi, Harukazu Miyamoto (Hitachi) MR2012-21
Design of write head pole structure for thermally assisted magnetic recording was studied by head field calculation and ... [more] MR2012-21
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-18
Akita AIT High transfer rate recording using shielded planar type head -- Main pole tip and shield structures --
Hidekazu Tamura, Yasushi Kanai (NIIT), Kiyoshi Yamakawa (AIT), Kazuetsu Yoshida (Kogakuin Univ.), Simon Greaves, Hiroaki Muraoka (Tohoku Univ.) MR2012-22
Micromagnetic model analysis was carried out to investigate the high-frequency (1 - 5 GHz) response, peak recording fiel... [more] MR2012-22
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-18
Akita AIT Development of local magnetic-optical Kerr effect measurement technology with laser heating
Yuuki Nakamura (Akita Univ.), Yuji Kondo, Kiyoshi Yamakawa, Jun Ariake (AIT), Shunji Ishio (Akita Univ.) MR2012-23
For the realization of heat-assisted magnetic recording system with bit patterned medium, we are developing a new type m... [more] MR2012-23
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-18
Akita AIT Preparation of nitride capping layers for an improvement of magnetic properties in a CoFeB/MgO-magnetic tunnel junction
Atsushi Sugihara, Soichiro Osaki, Ryoichi Nakatani (Osaka Univ.) MR2012-24
Properties of a CoFeB/MgO-magnetic tunnel junction are possibly improved by suppression of diffusion from a capping laye... [more] MR2012-24
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-19
Akita AIT [Invited Talk] 5Tb/in2 Bit Patterned Media Fabricated by a Directed Self-Assembling Polymer Mask
Yoshiyuki Kamata, Tomoyuki Maeda, Hiroyuki Hieda, Ryosuke Yamamoto, Naoko Kihara, Akira Kikitsu (Toshiba corp.) MR2012-25
FePt bit patterned media (BPM) was fabricated with a self-assembled polymer mask with 12 nm pitch (equivalent to 5 Tdot/... [more] MR2012-25
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-19
Akita AIT Atomic diffusion and composition in L10 FePtRh Ferromagnetic antiferromagnetic pattern fabricated by flat-patterning method
Takashi Hasegawa, Shunji Ishio (Akita Univ.) MR2012-26
 [more] MR2012-26
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-19
Akita AIT AC magnetic field imaging for current perpendicular magnetic writing head by frequency-modulated magnetic force microscopy (FM-MFM) -- Suppression of image distortion by using cone shaped FePt-based high-coercivity MFM tips --
Satoru Yoshimura, Shinya Yasui, Genta Egawa, Yukinori Kinoshita, Hitoshi Saito (Akita Univ.) MR2012-27
 [more] MR2012-27
MRIS, ITE-MMS 2012-10-19
Akita AIT [Invited Talk] Interface magnetism of iron meteorite studied by synchrotron radiation and its applied research
Masato Kotsugi (SPring-8/JASRI), Chiharu Mitsumata (NIMS) MR2012-28
Photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM) is applied on iron meteorite to understand the magnetic and metallographic prop... [more] MR2012-28
 Results 1 - 11 of 11  /   
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