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Technical Committee on Information and Communication System Security (ICSS)  (Searched in: 2012)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2012-11-22 to:2012-11-22'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 12 of 12  /   
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado On Distribution of Certificate Revocation List Using Random Network Coding for VANET
Taisuke Yamamoto, Tomoki Matsukawa (NITECH), Masanori Hirotomo (Saga Univ.), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (NITECH) ICSS2012-45
Intelligent transport system (ITS) is for resolving traffic accidents and congestion by using information and communicat... [more] ICSS2012-45
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Gray scale two-dimensional code and its applications
Keisuke Furumoto, Yuhei Watanabe (Kobe Univ.), Masakatu Morii (kobe Univ.) ICSS2012-46
With the widespread use of mobile phones equipped with a decoder, two-dimensional code represented by QR code is widely ... [more] ICSS2012-46
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado An analytical study for sensor service provider to keep their use's security
Takamichi Aso, Atsuhiro Goto (IISEC) ICSS2012-47
Sensor service attracts huge attention now. It is easy to image that sensor service providers would utilize public cloud... [more] ICSS2012-47
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Packer Identification Based on Binary Code of Malware Using Machine Learning
Ryoichi Isawa, Tao Ban, Daisuke Inoue (NICT) ICSS2012-48
PEiD is a well-known packer identi cation tool. However, it often fails to identify a packer name of the target le beca... [more] ICSS2012-48
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Malicious Traffic Detection based on Multimodal Analysis
Takahiro Kasama, Masashi Eto, Daisuke Inoue (NICT) ICSS2012-49
 [more] ICSS2012-49
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Evaluation of Probabilistic Packet Marking Methods using Arrival Probabilisity of Marked Packets
Nasato Gotoh, Akira Kanaoka (Univ. of Tsukuba), Masayuki Okada (JPNIC), Eiji Okamoto (Univ. of Tsukuba) ICSS2012-50
Probabilistic Packet Marking (PPM) is one of the IP traceback technologies which is used to defense Denial of Service (D... [more] ICSS2012-50
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Proposal of a network design support system for risk mitigation against inside attacks
Hirokazu Hasegawa (Nagoya Univ.), Ray Atarashi (IIJ-II), Masahiko Kato (IIJ), Yukiko Yamaguchi, Hirofumi Yamaki, Hiroki Takakura (Nagoya Univ.) ICSS2012-51
In sophisticated cyber attacks, even information protected by an isolated network is compromised. Although there are var... [more] ICSS2012-51
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado A Framework for Issuing AIK Certificate for Two-Factor Authentication by TPM and Its Support System
Akihito Shinoda (NITECH), Masami Mohri (Gifu Univ.), Yoshiaki Shiraishi (NITECH), Ryoji Noguchi (Toyotsu Syscom) ICSS2012-52
An information system that handles confidential information should be used multi-factor authentication. TPM-embedded ter... [more] ICSS2012-52
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Implementation and Evaluation of a File Sharing Service with File Name Encryption using CP-ABE
Megumi Goto, Toshihiro Ohigashi, Kouji Nishimura, Reiji Aibara (Hiroshima Univ.) ICSS2012-53
Online storage services, e.g. Dropbox, have a weakness, which the storage administrator can obtain contents of user's fi... [more] ICSS2012-53
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado On the Sense of Security for Registering Privacy Information to Return Refugee Supporting System
Kaori Okumura, Yoshiaki Shiraishi (Nagoya Inst. of Tech.) ICSS2012-54
In Japan, public transportation is sometimes temporary suspended because of a typhoon and a torrential downpour. Hence, ... [more] ICSS2012-54
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Implementation and Evaluation of Privacy-Preserving Epidemic Analysis System
Tomoki Sato, Hiroaki Kikuchi (Tokai Univ.), Jun Sakuma (UT) ICSS2012-55
This paper studies privacy issues about epidemiological study. Epidemiological study needs to preserve the privacy of su... [more] ICSS2012-55
ICSS 2012-11-22
Hiroshima Miyajima Mori-no-Yado Are measures against SSL/TLS sites dependent on the category which that site belongs? -- obtained by crawling of renegotiation functions and RSA key lengths --
Yuji Suga (IIJ) ICSS2012-56
Are measures against SSL/TLS sites dependent on the category which that site belongs?

It has been recognized man-in-t... [more]
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