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Technical Committee on Photonic Network (PN)  (Searched in: 2016)

Search Results: Keywords 'from:2017-01-18 to:2017-01-18'

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Search Results: Conference Papers
 Conference Papers (Available on Advance Programs)  (Sort by: Date Ascending)
 Results 1 - 20 of 43  /  [Next]  
Committee Date Time Place Paper Title / Authors Abstract Paper #
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan [Invited Talk] Control of circularly polarized light electromagnetic field using chiral photonic crystals -- Artificial optical activity and control of QD emission --
Satoshi Iwamoto, Shun Takahashi, Takeyoshi Tajiri, Yasutomo Ota, Yasuhiko Arakawa (Univ. of Tokyo) PN2016-41 EMT2016-70 OPE2016-116 LQE2016-105 EST2016-80 MWP2016-54
 [more] PN2016-41 EMT2016-70 OPE2016-116 LQE2016-105 EST2016-80 MWP2016-54
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Effect of isotope control on dephasing time in rare-earth 4f transitions
Takehiko Tawara, Giacomo Mariani, Kaoru Shimizu, Hiroo Omi (NTT BRL), Satoru Adachi (Hokkaido Univ.), Hideki Gotoh (NTT BRL) PN2016-42 EMT2016-71 OPE2016-117 LQE2016-106 EST2016-81 MWP2016-55
Rare-earth 4f orbital forms atomic-like discrete energy levels and ideally shows long coherence time with degree of the ... [more] PN2016-42 EMT2016-71 OPE2016-117 LQE2016-106 EST2016-81 MWP2016-55
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Interaction between Er luminescent centers and nanocavities in GaAs-based photonic crystals
Takanori Kojima, Kanji Sakuragi, Masayuki Ogawa, Natsuki Fujioka, Yasufumi Fujiwara (Osaka Univ.) PN2016-43 EMT2016-72 OPE2016-118 LQE2016-107 EST2016-82 MWP2016-56
(To be available after the conference date) [more] PN2016-43 EMT2016-72 OPE2016-118 LQE2016-107 EST2016-82 MWP2016-56
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan The Period and the Incident Angle Dependence of Surface Plasmon Sensor using the 1D Metal Diffraction Grating and its Sensitivity Characteristic
Yusuke Ito, Atsushi Motogaito, Hideto Miyake, Kazumasa Hiramatsu (Mie Univ.) PN2016-44 EMT2016-73 OPE2016-119 LQE2016-108 EST2016-83 MWP2016-57
The surface plasmon sensor is possible to detect to the target medium by using the excitation of surface plasmon polarit... [more] PN2016-44 EMT2016-73 OPE2016-119 LQE2016-108 EST2016-83 MWP2016-57
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan A study on fabrication and polarization characteristic of a wire grid polarizer by using surface plasmon
Tomoyasu Nakajima, Atsushi Motogaito, Hideto Miyake, Kazumasa Hiramatsu (Mie Univ.) PN2016-45 EMT2016-74 OPE2016-120 LQE2016-109 EST2016-84 MWP2016-58
In order to obtain WGP with high excitation ratio, the optical properties of a double-layer wire grid polarizer (WGP) is... [more] PN2016-45 EMT2016-74 OPE2016-120 LQE2016-109 EST2016-84 MWP2016-58
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan [Invited Talk] IoT Data Analysis Technology
Hirai Norio, Nakamura Takaaki, Masuzaki Takahiko, Ueda Takafumi, Kuriyama Toshimichi (MELCO) PN2016-46 EMT2016-75 OPE2016-121 LQE2016-110 EST2016-85 MWP2016-59
 [more] PN2016-46 EMT2016-75 OPE2016-121 LQE2016-110 EST2016-85 MWP2016-59
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Demonstration of Spatial Super-channel Optical Packet Switching System using Multi-core Fiber
Hideaki Furukawa, Jose Manuel Delgado Mendinueta, Hiroaki Harai, Naoya Wada (NICT) PN2016-47 EMT2016-76 OPE2016-122 LQE2016-111 EST2016-86 MWP2016-60
To efficiently utilize huge resources of SDM-WDM optical networks, novel optical networking technologies are necessary. ... [more] PN2016-47 EMT2016-76 OPE2016-122 LQE2016-111 EST2016-86 MWP2016-60
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Optical rogue wave generation caused by soliton fusion phenomenon
Weerasekara Gihan, Maruta Akihiro (Osaka Univ.) PN2016-48 EMT2016-77 OPE2016-123 LQE2016-112 EST2016-87 MWP2016-61
Rogue wave phenomenon has become a hot research topic in the field of nonlinear optics. Soliton fusion phenomenon ... [more] PN2016-48 EMT2016-77 OPE2016-123 LQE2016-112 EST2016-87 MWP2016-61
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Waveguide Polarization Converter Consisting of a Core without a Defect Section
Yuta Rikihisa, Junji Yamauchi, Hisamatsu Nakano (Hosei Univ.) PN2016-49 EMT2016-78 OPE2016-124 LQE2016-113 EST2016-88 MWP2016-62
Two types of polarization converters consisting of a core without a defect section are numerically investigated. One is ... [more] PN2016-49 EMT2016-78 OPE2016-124 LQE2016-113 EST2016-88 MWP2016-62
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Improvement of the characteristics of a terahertz SPR waveguide sensor with an analyte container
Keisuke Shimizu, Jun Shibayama, Junji Yamauchi, Hisamatsu Nakano (Hosei Univ.) PN2016-50 EMT2016-79 OPE2016-125 LQE2016-114 EST2016-89 MWP2016-63
Frequency responses of a terahertz surface plasmon resonance waveguide sensor with an analyte container are improved wit... [more] PN2016-50 EMT2016-79 OPE2016-125 LQE2016-114 EST2016-89 MWP2016-63
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Nonlinear optical response of silicon microring resonators for magneto-optical memory
Toshiya Murai, Yuya Shoji, Tetshuya Mizumoto (TIT) PN2016-51 EMT2016-80 OPE2016-126 LQE2016-115 EST2016-90 MWP2016-64
The present electric rooter operates using O/E and E/O conversions, which consumes higher power in the future higher-bit... [more] PN2016-51 EMT2016-80 OPE2016-126 LQE2016-115 EST2016-90 MWP2016-64
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Analysis of spoof surface plasmons excited in a thin structure using the semi-implicit FDTD scheme based on the Newmark-Beta method
Kazuhiro Fujita (Fujitsu) PN2016-52 EMT2016-81 OPE2016-127 LQE2016-116 EST2016-91 MWP2016-65
Spoof surface plasmons (SSPs) can be controlled by subwavelength structured metallic surfaces, and regarded as a concept... [more] PN2016-52 EMT2016-81 OPE2016-127 LQE2016-116 EST2016-91 MWP2016-65
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan An Operating Analysis of 2.4GHz Band Circular Patch Array Absorber Using FSSs with Out of Band Transmission Characteristics
Yuka Nakamura, Hiroshi Yoshiizumi, Ryosuke Suga (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), Kiyomichi Araki (Tokyo Tech), Osamu Hashimoto (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) PN2016-53 EMT2016-82 OPE2016-128 LQE2016-117 EST2016-92 MWP2016-66
A wave absorber using frequency selective surface with out-of-band transmission characteristics has been proposed.
The... [more]
PN2016-53 EMT2016-82 OPE2016-128 LQE2016-117 EST2016-92 MWP2016-66
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan A Wide Angle Design of Dry Double Wall with FSS for Improvement of Indoor Wireless LAN Communication Environment
Hiroki Saito, Ryosuke suga (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.), Kiyomichi Araki (Tokyo Tech.), Osamu Hashimoto (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.) PN2016-54 EMT2016-83 OPE2016-129 LQE2016-118 EST2016-93 MWP2016-67
 [more] PN2016-54 EMT2016-83 OPE2016-129 LQE2016-118 EST2016-93 MWP2016-67
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Output Power Enhancement by Optical Pulse Compression in Photonic-Based RF Generation -- Phase Noise Measurement --
Takashi Yamaguchi, Hiroki Morimoto, Hiroyuki Toda (Doshisha Univ.) PN2016-55 EMT2016-84 OPE2016-130 LQE2016-119 EST2016-94 MWP2016-68
Microwave and millimeter-wave generation based on photonic technology is promising for many applications. In this techni... [more] PN2016-55 EMT2016-84 OPE2016-130 LQE2016-119 EST2016-94 MWP2016-68
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Evaluation of Noise Characteristics for RoF by usingBend Insensitive Graded-Index Plastic Optical Fibers
Takamitsu Aiba (YAZAKI), Ryoma Azumai (UEC), Tomohiro Wakabayasi (YAZAKI), Motoharu Matsuura (UEC) PN2016-56 EMT2016-85 OPE2016-131 LQE2016-120 EST2016-95 MWP2016-69
 [more] PN2016-56 EMT2016-85 OPE2016-131 LQE2016-120 EST2016-95 MWP2016-69
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Transmission Experiment of Multiple LTE Signals by Radio-over-Fiber
Kazuki Tanaka (KDDI Research), Byung Gon Kim (KAIST), Takashi Kobayashi, Bekkali Abdelmoula, Kosuke Nishimura (KDDI Research), Hoon Kim (KAIST), Masatoshi Suzuki (KDDI Research), Yun C. Chung (KAIST) PN2016-57 EMT2016-86 OPE2016-132 LQE2016-121 EST2016-96 MWP2016-70
The application of Centralized Radio Access Network (C-RAN) architecture to mobile base stations enable the cooperation ... [more] PN2016-57 EMT2016-86 OPE2016-132 LQE2016-121 EST2016-96 MWP2016-70
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan [Invited Talk] Evolution of optical and mobile communication systems and future integration
Masatoshi Suzuki (KDDI Research) PN2016-58 EMT2016-87 OPE2016-133 LQE2016-122 EST2016-97 MWP2016-71
 [more] PN2016-58 EMT2016-87 OPE2016-133 LQE2016-122 EST2016-97 MWP2016-71
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan Exploiting Multipath Echoes for High-Resolution UWB Radar Imaging Using a Single Antenna
Takuya Sakamoto (Univ. of Hyogo), Toru Sato (Kyoto Univ.) PN2016-59 EMT2016-88 OPE2016-134 LQE2016-123 EST2016-98 MWP2016-72
 [more] PN2016-59 EMT2016-88 OPE2016-134 LQE2016-123 EST2016-98 MWP2016-72
OPE, EST, LQE, EMT, PN, MWP, IEE-EMT [detail] 2017-01-18
Mie Iseshi Kanko Bunka Kaikan An advanced algorithm for surface deformation monitoring of an airport taxiway by GB-SAR
Lilong Zou, Motoyuki Sato (Tohoku Univ.) PN2016-60 EMT2016-89 OPE2016-135 LQE2016-124 EST2016-99 MWP2016-73
In this paper, we propose an advanced algorithm for high resolution surface deformation monitoring of an airport taxiway... [more] PN2016-60 EMT2016-89 OPE2016-135 LQE2016-124 EST2016-99 MWP2016-73
 Results 1 - 20 of 43  /  [Next]  
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