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Thu, Jun 4, 2015
- Fri, Jun 5 |
The University of Tokushima (Tokushima) |
Application of natural language proessing and linguistic analysis, and general topic of NLP |
NLC, TL [detail] |
[Wed, Apr 15] |
Detailed Info. (Japanese)Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Wed, Aug 5, 2015
- Thu, Aug 6 |
Tsuda College (Tokyo) |
Human Language Processing and Learning |
[Mon, Jun 15] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sun, Oct 4, 2015
WASEDA University (Tokyo) |
resource, language and learning, co-creation in a place, thought and language, etc. |
[Wed, Aug 12] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sat, Dec 12, 2015
- Sun, Dec 13 |
Room 303/304/305, Building #8, Waseda University (Tokyo) |
Theme 1: Language and Learning, Theme 2: Co-creation in a place, Emergence of meaning, Theme 3: Language and Law |
[Thu, Oct 15] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Fri, Jan 29, 2016
- Sat, Jan 30 |
Meiji University (Academy Common) (Tokyo) |
Art Thinking / Design Thinking, Thought and Language, etc. |
[Sat, Nov 14] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sat, Jun 4, 2016
- Sun, Jun 5 |
Otaru University of Commerce (Hokkaido) |
Application of natural language proessing and linguistic analysis, and general topic of NLP |
[Mon, Apr 18] |
Detailed Info. (Japanese)Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sat, Jul 23, 2016
- Sun, Jul 24 |
Waseda Univ. (Nishi-Waseda Campus) (Tokyo) |
Human Language Processing and Learning |
[Fri, May 20] |
Detailed Info.Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sun, Oct 9, 2016
Kobe Gakuin University (Port Island Campus) (Hyogo) |
"Thought, Body and Language", "Emotion, Cognition and Language" |
[Fri, Aug 12] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Fri, Dec 16, 2016
- Sun, Dec 18 |
Room 303/304/305, Building #8, Waseda University (Tokyo) |
Theme 1: Language and Learning, Theme 2: Co-creation in a place, Emergence of meaning |
[Sun, Oct 16] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Tue, Mar 21, 2017
Nagoya International Centter (Aichi) |
Theme 1:Intelligence, learning, education, Theme 2:Language and Thought |
[Wed, Jan 25] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Fri, Jun 9, 2017
- Sat, Jun 10 |
Tottori University (Tottori) |
Application of natural language proessing and linguistic analysis, and general topic of NLP |
[Fri, Apr 14] |
Detailed Info. (Japanese)Regist. ClosedAdv. ProgramRegistration Fee |
Sat, Jul 22, 2017
- Sun, Jul 23 (tentative) |
NINJAL (Tokyo) |
Human Language Processing and Learning |
[Fri, May 12] |
Detailed Info.Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sat, Sep 23, 2017
(tentative) |
Kyoto Institute of Technology (Kyoto) |
Theme1: language and learning, Theme 2: interpretation and translation, Theme 3: thought and language, etc. |
[Mon, Jul 17] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sun, Dec 10, 2017
Ehime University (Ehime) |
Theme 1: Measurement of outcomes in the assessment of educational program, Theme 2: Language and Thought |
[Fri, Oct 13] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Mon, Mar 19, 2018
Waseda University (Tokyo) |
Theme 1 : Language and Learning, Learning Language, Theme 2: Abduction of meaning, "Ba" in Co-Creation, Abduction and Innovation, Theme 3: Interpretation, Translation, Theory of linguistic relativity and hospitality communication |
[Fri, Jan 19] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sun, Jun 17, 2018
Kobe Gakuin University (Port Island Campus) (Hyogo) |
"Cognition in Passage of Time and their Expression","Language Education, Language and Education,"Language and Thought" |
[Fri, Apr 20] |
Detailed Info. (Japanese)Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sat, Jul 28, 2018
- Sun, Jul 29 |
Keio University (Tokyo) |
Human Language Processing and Learning |
[Fri, May 18] |
Detailed Info.Regist. ClosedAdv. Program |
Sun, Oct 28, 2018
National Institute of Technology, Hakodate College (Hokkaido) |
Theme 1 Grammar and Language processing of humans and computers Theme 2 Ba linguistics, Abduction of meaning, "Ba" in Co-Creation, Abduction and Innovation Theme 3 Language and Thought |
[Fri, Aug 10] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. ProgramRegistration Fee |
Sun, Dec 9, 2018
Ehime University (Ehime) |
Theme 1: Language education, Language and education, Theme 2: Design and assessment of learning environment |
[Fri, Oct 12] |
Detailed Info. (Japanese)Regist. ClosedAdv. ProgramRegistration Fee |
Mon, Mar 18, 2019
Waseda University (Tokyo) |
Theme 1 : Language and Learning, Learning Language, Theme 2: Abduction of meaning, "Ba" in Co-Creation, Abduction and Innovation, Theme 3: Interpretation, Translation, Theory of linguistic relativity and hospitality communication |
[Fri, Jan 18] |
Regist. ClosedAdv. ProgramRegistration Fee |