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Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (IA) [schedule] [select]
Chair Yasuo Okabe
Vice Chair Koji Okamura
Secretary Kenji Fujikawa, Satoshi Katsuno

Conference Date Tue, May 29, 2007 09:00 - 12:00
Wed, May 30, 2007 09:00 - 12:10
Topics Internet,etc 
Conference Place National Institute of Informatics 
Address 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430
Transportation Guide
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Tue, May 29 AM  Internet etc,?
09:00 - 12:00
  09:00-09:15 Opening ( 15 min. )
(1) 09:15-09:45 A design of the automatic update function of IP addresses which can define selecitve addressing policy in SCTP IA2007-1 Shin Maruyama, Masahiro Kozuka, Yasuo Okabe (Kyoto University)
(2) 09:45-10:15 A Portable Clustering Method for Transport Protocol Endpoints IA2007-2 Shuichi Karino, Masahiro Jibiki (NEC)
(3) 10:15-10:45 Evaluation of LIN6 Extensions for Simultaneous Utilization of Multiple Wireless Base Stations IA2007-3 Kenji Fujikawa, Hitoshi Morioka, Hiroshi Mano (ROOT Inc.)
  10:45-11:00 Break ( 15 min. )
(4) 11:00-11:30 Improvement of Efficiency and Comparing Methods of Discovering a Relay Node of a Long-Distance Data Transfer with TCP Using a Relay Node IA2007-4 Hirokazu Kobayashi (IBM Japan), Masaya Nakayama (Univ. of Tokyo)
(5) 11:30-12:00 Measurement and analysis of the internet quality from an end users' point of view IA2007-5 Masateru Yamamoto, Kenichi Nagami (Intec NetCore), Yutaka Kikuchi (Kochi Univ. Of Technology), Yoriko Fujii (Keio Univ.), Ikuo Nakagawa (Intec NetCore)
Wed, May 30 AM  Internet etc,?
09:00 - 12:10
  09:00-09:15 Opening ( 15 min. )
(6) 09:15-09:45 Reactive routing using application adaptive metrics for wireless multihop networks IA2007-6 Tomohiko Yagyu (NEC/Univ. of Tsukuba), Masahiro Jibiki (NEC), Kenichi Yoshida (Univ. Tsukuba)
(7) 09:45-10:15 "Internet is Scale-Free" Theory Revisited IA2007-7 Shingo Ichii (Univ. of Tokyo)
(8) 10:15-10:45 Implementation and evaluation of grid network service architecture IA2007-8 Katsuichi Nakamura, Takeshi Ikenaga (KIT), Katsuyuki Yamazaki (NUT), Yuji Oie (KIT)
  10:45-11:00 Break ( 15 min. )
(9) 11:00-12:00 [Invited Talk]
The Construction of Campus-wide IT Authentication Infrastructure
-- Installation Examples and Issues in Osaka University --
Toyokazu Akiyama, Yuuichi Teranishi, Shingo Okamura, Eisaku Sakane, Go Hasegawa, Ken-ichi Baba, Hirotaka Nakano, Shinji Shimojo (Osaka Univ.)
  12:00-12:10 Closing ( 10 min. )

Announcement for Speakers
General Talk (30)Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
Invited Talk (60)Each speech will have 45 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
IA Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (IA)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Technical Group of Internet Architecture
TEL +81-75-753-7417,FAX +81-75-751-0482
Announcement Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (IA) Web Page

Last modified: 2007-03-29 14:13:20

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