Chair |
Ken Naemura (Univ. of Tokyo) |
Vice Chair |
Yasuyuki Yanagida (Meijo Univ.), Mamoru Endo (Chukyo Univ.) |
Secretary |
Kazuhiko Kawamoto (Chiba Univ.), Naomi Hashimoto (Univ. of Electro-Comm.) |
Assistant |
Takeshi Kurata (AIST), Shunsuke Yoshida (NICT) |
Conference Date |
Thu, Oct 21, 2010 10:35 - 17:40
Fri, Oct 22, 2010 09:45 - 16:05 |
Topics |
Mixed Reality, Cyber Space, etc (with VRSJ SIG-CS, VRSJ SIG-MR, and HIS SIGVR) |
Conference Place |
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Thu, Oct 21 AM 10:35 - 11:25 |
(1) |
10:35-11:00 |
Proposal of the Communication Support System By Monology that Defies Prediction of Users MVE2010-52 |
Seiko Myojin, Yoshiaki Shirai (Ritsumeikan Univ.) |
(2) |
11:00-11:25 |
Veiling Light Source Model and Shadow Impact Estimate of Large Scale Building MVE2010-53 |
Noriyuki Uda, Yoshitaka Kamiya (Nagoya Sangyo Univ.), Shigeki Yokoi (Nagoya Univ) |
11:25-13:00 |
Break ( 95 min. ) |
Thu, Oct 21 PM 13:00 - 13:50 |
(1) |
13:00-13:50 |
[Special Talk]
* MVE2010-54 |
Kazuaki Sakamoto |
13:50-14:05 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Oct 21 PM 14:05 - 15:45 |
(1) |
14:05-14:30 |
Scent Switching Technique Using Scent Pulse MVE2010-55 |
Sayumi Sugimoto, Daisuke Noguchi (Keio Univ.), Yuichi Bannai (Canon Inc.), Kenichi Okada (Keio Univ.) |
(2) |
14:30-14:55 |
3D human motion tracking from monocular image with hierarchical learning model. MVE2010-56 |
Ayumi Matsumoto, Xiaojun Wu, Kaoru Wakabayashi, Norihiko Matsuura (NTT) |
(3) |
14:55-15:20 |
Generation of Transmission Image Using Wearable Camera and PTZ Camera for Mobile ER. MVE2010-57 |
Junichi Yamazaki, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya (NAIST) |
(4) |
15:20-15:45 |
Fly-through MR Heijo-kyo
-- Augmented Telepresence Using Recorded Aerial Omnidirectional Videos Captured from Unmanned Airship -- MVE2010-58 |
Fumio Okura, Masayuki Kanbara, Naokazu Yokoya (NAIST) |
15:45-16:00 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Thu, Oct 21 PM 16:00 - 17:40 |
(5) |
16:00-16:25 |
A Simulator for Balloon Modeling by using Tabletop Interface MVE2010-59 |
Koji Terakawa (Chukyo Univ.), Masahiro Ura (Nagoya Univ.), Takatoshi Naka, Masashi Yamada, Mamoru Endo, Shinya Miyazaki (Chukyo Univ.), Takami Yasuda (Nagoya Univ.) |
(6) |
16:25-16:50 |
Fundamental experiments of various sensor for "life log" and application for sleep MVE2010-60 |
Takahiro Yamamoto, Masahiko Kubara, Mamoru Endo, Makoto Ito (Chukyo Univ) |
(7) |
16:50-17:15 |
Development of Walking Rehabilitation Assisting System using Shoe-Attachment Device and Auditory Presentation Device MVE2010-61 |
Masahiko Kubara, Takahiro Yamamoto, Mamoru Endo, Makoto Ito (Chukyo Univ.) |
(8) |
17:15-17:40 |
Error Evaluation of 3D Measurement Using In-vehicle Monocular Camera and LED Tail Lamp MVE2010-62 |
Shohei Watada, Takeshi Nagasaki, Masashi Toda (FUN), So Otsuka (Renesas) |
Fri, Oct 22 AM 09:45 - 11:25 |
(1) |
09:45-10:10 |
Stabilization Method for a Hip-Mounted Projector Using an Inertial Sensor MVE2010-63 |
Keisuke Tajimi, Keiji Uemura, Yasuhiro Kajiwara, Nobuchika Sakata, Shogo Nishida (Osaka Univ.) |
(2) |
10:10-10:35 |
Navigation System for Visually-Impaired Pedestrians
-- Preliminary Evaluation of Position Measurement and Obstacle Detection -- MVE2010-64 |
Takeshi Kurata, Masakatsu Kourogi, Tomoya Ishikawa (AIST), Yoshinari Kameda (Univ. of Tsukuba), Kyota Aoki (Utsunomiya Univ.), Jun Ishikawa (Univ. of Shizuoka) |
(3) |
10:35-11:00 |
MoPaCo: Real-time Video Communication System with Motion Parallax using Monocular Image MVE2010-65 |
Ryo Ishii, Shiro Ozawa, Hajime Noto, Takafumi Mukouchi, Norihiko Matsuura (NTT) |
(4) |
11:00-11:25 |
Study on the Creation of a Scenery Category Map using Geo-tagged Photographic Images MVE2010-66 |
Jiani Wang, Masafumi Noda (Nagoya Univ.), Tomokazu Takahashi (Gifu Shotoku Gakuen Univ.), Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase (Nagoya Univ.) |
11:25-13:00 |
Break ( 95 min. ) |
Fri, Oct 22 PM 13:00 - 14:35 |
(5) |
13:00-13:25 |
Usability Evaluation of LimpiDual Touch (Second Report)
-- Experiment on Finger Position -- MVE2010-67 |
Tomoko Ohtani, Tomoko Hashida (Univ. of Tokyo), Yasuaki Kakehi (Keio Univ.), Takeshi Naemura (Univ. of Tokyo) |
(6) |
13:25-13:50 |
Study on Evaluation of Exercise Using EMG MVE2010-68 |
Yuta Takahashi, Masashi Toda, Shigeru Sakurazawa (Future Univ. Hakodate), Junichi Akita (Kanazawa Univ.), Kazuaki Kondo, Yuichi Nakamura (Kyoto Univ.) |
(7) |
13:50-14:15 |
A Feasibility Study of the Service-Field Simulator on Behavior Comparison in a Real and Virtual Environment MVE2010-69 |
Jungwoo Hyun, Yoshiko Habuchi (AIST), Anjin Park (Soongsil Univ.), Tomoya Ishikawa, Masakatsu Kourogi, Takeshi Kurata (AIST) |
(8) |
14:15-14:35 |
Fundamental Study of Audience Effect between the Performer and Audiences in the Presence of Many Audience Avatars in Cyber-theater MVE2010-70 |
Zhang Yong, Jun Ohya (Waseda Univ.), Shunichi Yonemura (NTT/Waseda Univ.) |
14:35-14:50 |
Break ( 15 min. ) |
Fri, Oct 22 PM 14:50 - 16:05 |
(9) |
14:50-15:15 |
Possibility of Manufacturing by Prototyping MVE2010-71 |
Naofumi Aoki (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(10) |
15:15-15:40 |
Hand-Drawing Sketch Based Video Retrieval System Using Shape and Trajectory Feature and its Application MVE2010-72 |
Akihiro Sekura, Masashi Toda (Future Univ. Hakodate) |
(11) |
15:40-16:05 |
Augmented Reality Communication System with Smartphones MVE2010-73 |
Hideaki Tanaka, Daichi Hirono, Yusuke Tomisawa, Yoshiaki Takai (Hokkaido Univ.), Yoshihiro Nomoto (NTT) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
Technical Committee on Multimedia and Virtual Environment (MVE) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Mamoru ENDO(Chukyo Univ.), Kazuhiko Kawamoto(Chiba Univ.), Naoki Hashimoto(Univ. of Electro-Comm.)
TEL:+81-42-443-5345, FAX:+81-42-443-5345 |
Last modified: 2010-08-21 10:49:29
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