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Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP) [schedule] [select]
Chair Koichi Ito (Chiba Univ.)
Vice Chair Kazuyoshi Shogen (NHK)
Secretary Jiro Hirokawa (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.), Ryo Yamaguchi (NTT DoCoMo)
Assistant Takuji Arima (Tokyo Univ. of Agric. and Tech.), Kazuyuki Saito (Chiba Univ.)

Conference Date Thu, May 12, 2011 10:00 - 17:50
Fri, May 13, 2011 09:20 - 12:30
Topics Antennas and Propagation 
Conference Place Yakushima Kankyo-bunkamura Center 
Transportation Guide (1) 5 min. walk from Miyanoura Port. (2) 25 min. by Bus or 20 min. by Taxi from Yakushima Airport.
Dr. Ryo Yamaguchi NTTDOCOMO, INC.
Sponsors This conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE AP-S Fukuoka Chapter and URSI-F.
Announcement A banquet is planned on the first day (May 12). Please ask the detail at the front desk of the conference.
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Thu, May 12 AM  AP
Chair: Nozomu Ishii(Niigata Univ.)
10:00 - 10:50
(1) 10:00-10:25 Study on MoM combined with CBFM AP2011-5 Keisuke Konno, Qiang Chen, Kunio Sawaya (Tohoku Univ.), Toshihiro Sezai (JAXA)
(2) 10:25-10:50 Linear Polarization Switchable Microstrip Array Antenna using SPDT Switch Circuit AP2011-6 Yu Ushijima, Eisuke Nishiyama, Masayoshi Aikawa (Saga Univ.)
  10:50-11:10 Break ( 20 min. )
Thu, May 12 AM  AP
Chair: Kazuyuki Saito(Chiba Univ.)
11:10 - 12:00
(3) 11:10-11:35 Ultra low profile inverted L antenna for receiver of keyless entry system on car AP2011-7 Keisuke Kozaki, Mitsuo Taguchi (Nagasaki Univ.)
(4) 11:35-12:00 Study on Electric Constant in the Phantom for Human Body Communication System AP2011-8 Yui Kano, Birin Raku, Toshiyuki Maeyama (Takushoku Univ)
  12:00-13:30 Lunch Break ( 90 min. )
Thu, May 12 PM  AP
Chair: Ryo Yamaguchi(NTT DOCOMO)
13:30 - 14:20
(5) 13:30-13:55 Antenna Design for Near-field Coupled Wireless Power Transmission AP2011-9 Qiang Chen, Kazuhiro Ozawa (Tohoku Univ.), Qiaowei Yuan (Sendai National College of Tech.), Kunio Sawaya (Tohoku Univ.)
(6) 13:55-14:20 Performance Comparison of Modulation Schemes for a Wireless Body Area Network System Using the MICS and ISM Bands AP2011-10 Takayuki Sasamori, Yudai Satoh, Teruo Tobana, Yoji Isota (Akita Prefectural Univ.), Masaharu Takahashi (Chiba Univ.), Toru Uno (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
  14:20-14:40 Break ( 20 min. )
Thu, May 12 PM  AP
Chair: Takuji Arima(Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Technology)
14:40 - 15:30
(7) 14:40-15:05 Gain Enhancement of Electrically Small Low Profile Meander Line Antenna AP2011-11 Yoshiya Saito, Takeshi Fukusako (Kumamoto Univ.)
(8) 15:05-15:30 Experimental Study on Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave Transmission in Fractal Structure AP2011-12 Jun Sonoda, Norihiko Tanji, Keimei Kaino (SNCT), Motoyuki Sato, Naoki Hayashi (Tohoku Univ.), Tsunehiro Obata (GNCT), Akihiro Wakahara (TUT)
  15:30-15:50 Break ( 20 min. )
Thu, May 12 PM 
Chair: Toru Uno(Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Technology)
15:50 - 16:40
(9) 15:50-16:15 Design of A Spherical Reflector Antenna with Shaping Reflectors AP2011-13 Shuji Urasaki (HIT), Naoki Okada (MEE)
(10) 16:15-16:40 Two-Rays Model and Propagation Characteristics in View of Hata's Empirical Equations AP2011-14 Kazunori Uchida, Junichi Honda, Taro Tamaki, Takefumi Takematsu (FIT)
  16:40-17:00 Break ( 20 min. )
Thu, May 12 PM  IEEE AP-S Fukuoka Chapter Special Talk
17:00 - 17:50
(11) 17:00-17:50 [Special Talk]
Technical Fusion of Microwave Circuits and Planar Antennas
Masayoshi Aikawa, Eisuke Nishiyama, Takayuki Tanaka (Saga Univ.)
Fri, May 13 AM 
Chair: Koichi Ito(Chiba Univ.)
09:20 - 10:10
(12) 09:20-09:45 A Realization Study for a Vertical Polarized Base Station antenna Illuminating Three-Sector Cell for 800MHz Band and Six-sector Cell for 2GHz Band AP2011-15 Yasuko Kimura, Keizo Cho (NTT DOCOMO)
(13) 09:45-10:10 Bandwidth Enhancement of Circularly Polarized Waveguide Antenna Using L-shaped Probe AP2011-16 Shingo Yamaura, Takeshi Fukusako (Kumamoto Univ.)
  10:10-10:30 Break ( 20 min. )
Fri, May 13 AM 
Chair: Kazuyoshi Shogen(NHK)
10:30 - 11:20
(14) 10:30-10:55 A Study on High Accuracy DOA Estimation Using Wide-band Signals AP2011-17 Kyouhei Maeda, Toshihiko Nishimura, Yasutaka Ogawa, Takeo Ohgane (Hokkaido Univ.)
(15) 10:55-11:20 Consideration on the Effect of the Delayed Wave exceeding the Guard Interval for MIMO-OFDM Transmission System through Indoor Propagation Experiments. AP2011-18 Yuki Hirota, Shinobu Nanba, Yoji Kishi (KDDI R&D)
  11:20-11:40 Break ( 20 min. )
Fri, May 13 AM 
Chair: Jiro Hirokawa(Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)
11:40 - 12:30
(16) 11:40-12:05 Bandwidth Characteristics of Artificial Magnetic Conductor with Dielectric Substrate AP2011-19 Yasutaka Murakami, Toshikazu Hori, Yuki Kawakami, Mitoshi Fujimoto (Univ. of Fukui), Ryo Yamaguchi, Keizo Cho (NTT DOCOMO)
(17) 12:05-12:30 Study of an Implanted RFID Antenna for 2.4 GHz Applications AP2011-20 HoYu Lin, Masaharu Takahashi, Kazuyuki Saito, Koichi Ito (Chiba Univ.)

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
AP Technical Committee on Antennas and Propagation (AP)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Ryo Yamaguchi (NTT DOCOMO, INC.)
E--mail: _-cry 

Last modified: 2011-04-21 14:52:09

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