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電子情報通信学会 研究会発表申込システム
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委員長 山口 正洋 (東北大)
幹事 小原 学 (明治大)
幹事補佐 山田 啓壽 (東芝)

専門委員長 曽根 秀昭 (東北大)  副委員長 和田 修己 (京大)
幹事 森岡 健浩 (産総研), 大坂 英樹 (日立オートモティブシステムズ)
幹事補佐 萓野 良樹 (電通大), 勝部 勇作 (日立オートモティブシステムズ), 佐々木 智江 (パナソニック)

委員長 川又 憲 (東北学院大)
幹事 牛尾 知雄 (阪大), 関口 秀紀 (海技研)
幹事補佐 井渕 貴章 (阪大)

日時 2017年 5月18日(木) 13:00~17:15
   2017年 5月19日(金) 10:00~15:10

会場 南洋理工大学(http://www.ntu.edu.sg/Pages/home.aspx.Prof. Dr. See Kye Yak (Nanyang Technological University) and Dr. Gao Xian Ke Richard (A*STAR))

議題 EMC Joint Workshop, 2017, Singapore

5月18日(木) 午後 一般講演 セッション 1 (13:00~14:25)

−−− 委員長挨拶 ( 5分 ) −−−

−−− 開会挨拶 ( 5分 ) −−−

(1)/EMCJ 13:10 - 13:35
Far field antenna factor calibration for ridged guide horn antenna using single antenna method
○Satoru Kurokawa・Masanobu Hirose・Michitaka Ameya・Yuanfeng She(AIST)

(2)/EMCJ 13:35 - 14:00
Impact of LISN on EMI Filter Performance
○Kangrong Li・Kye Yak See(Nanyang Technological University)

(3)/EMCJ 14:00 - 14:25
Evaluation of Fibre Weaving of Substrate on Differential Transmission Lines
○Eng Kee Chua・Junwu Zhang・Kye Yak See・Wee Jin Koh・Weng Yew Chang(Nanyang Technological University)

−−− 休憩 ( 15分 ) −−−

5月18日(木) 午後 ポスターセッション (14:40~16:13)

(4)/EMCJ 14:40 - 14:43
[ポスター講演]Fundamental Study on the Effect of Contact Condition at Gap of Transmission Line on Transmission Characteristic
○Kenji Aihara(Tohoku Univ.)・Yu-ichi Hayashi(NAIST)・Takaaki Mizuki・Hideaki Sone(Tohoku Univ.)

(5)/EMCJ 14:43 - 14:46
[ポスター講演]A Method of Fault Detection in Encryption Device Based on Leaked EM Information from Adder Circuit
○Naoto Saga(Tohoku Univ.)・Yu-ichi Hayashi(NAIST)・Takaaki Mizuki・Hideaki Sone(Tohoku Univ.)

(6)/EMCJ 14:46 - 14:49
[ポスター講演]Electromagnetic Information Leakage Analysis of Cryptographic IC in Correlation Power Analysis
○Yasunari Kumano・Yusuke Yano・Kengo Iokibe・Hiroto Kagotani・Yoshitaka Toyota(Okayama Univ.)

(7)/EMCJ 14:49 - 14:52
[ポスター講演]Continuity Condition on Single Conductor Transmission Line Model for Thin Wire Structures
○Daiki Tashiro・Takashi Hisakado・Tohlu Matsushima・Osami Wada(Kyoto Univ.)

(8)/EMCJ 14:52 - 14:55
[ポスター講演]Evaluation of RF Immunity of CAN-FD Transceivers during Data-frame Communication by Using DPI Method
○Kohei Kawanishi・Tohlu Matsushima・Takashi Hisakado・Osami Wada(Kyoto Univ.)

(9)/EMCJ 14:55 - 14:58
[ポスター講演]Communication Quality of Ethernet in Relation to Parameters of Pulse Disturbance and Imbalance of Signal Transmission System
○Sayaka Matsushima・Tohlu Matsushima・Takashi Hisakado・Osami Wada(Kyoto Univ.)

(10)/EMCJ 14:58 - 15:01
[ポスター講演]Evaluation of Secondary common-mode current Using Modal Equivalent Circuit in Four-conductor Transmission-line System
○Ryota Irishika・Kengo Iokibe・Yoshitaka Toyota(Okayama Univ.)

(11)/EMCJ 15:01 - 15:04
[ポスター講演]Transmission Characteristics of Band Pass Space Filter Using Metal Grid from Microwave to Millimeter Waves
○Yuta Sugiyama・Shinichiro Yamamoto・Kenichi Hatakeyama(Univ. of Hyogo)・Takanori Tsutaoka(Hiroshima Univ.)

(12) 15:04 - 15:07
A study on the equivalent circuit modeling of dual LISN for evaluating
wide-band conducted emission
Takaaki Ibuchi, ○Shunji Mori, Tsuyoshi Funaki (Osaka University)

(13) 15:07 - 15:10
Study on current characteristic injected to vertical coupling plane in
the ESD immunity test
○Ryuta Koike, Ken Kawamata, Shinobu Ishigami, Shigeki Minegishi
(Graduate School of Tohoku Gakuin University)

(14) 15:07 - 15:10
Measurement of discharge current in electrode surface caused by micro
gap ESD
○Masato Oikawa, Ken Kawamata, Shinobu Ishigami, Shigeki Minegishi
(Graduate School of Tohoku Gakuin University), Osamu Fujiwara (Nagoya
Institute of Technology)

(15) 15:10 - 15:13
High frequency properties of hexaferrite and its application to IC chip
○Mitsuharu Sato, Ranajit Sai, Akihiro Takahashi, Masahiro Yamaguchi
(Tohoku University)

−−− Demonstrations ( 60分 ) −−−

−−− 休憩 ( 12分 ) −−−

5月18日(木) 午後 招待講演 (16:25~17:15)

(16) 16:25 - 17:15
Magnetic noise suppressor to facilitate compatibility between power electronic system and next generation RF IC for telecommunication
○Masahiro Yamaguchi, Satoshi Tanaka (Tohoku University), Makoto Nagata (Kobe University), Kazushi Ishiyama (Tohoku University), Koichi Kondou (NEC TOKIN Corporation), Yasuyuki Okiyoneda(SHOWA AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.)

5月19日(金) 午前 一般講演 セッション 2 (10:00~11:40)

(17) 10:00 - 10:25
5 MHz switching operation of a GaN-based DC-DC converter with a metal
composite bulk magnetic core inductor
○Takaaki Ibuchi, Tsuyoshi Funaki (Osaka University)

(18)/EMCJ 10:25 - 10:50
A Study on Design of Bent Differential-Paired Lines by Preference Set-based Design Method
○Yoshiki Kayano・Yoshio Kami・Haruo Ishikawa・Fengchao Xiao・Hiroshi Inoue(Univ. of Electro-Communications)

(19)/EMCJ 10:50 - 11:15
Common-Mode Noise Filter Design based on Defected Ground Structure (DGS) for Multilayer PCBs
○Hui Min Lee・Si-Ping Gao・Richard Xian-Ke Gao・En Xiao Liu(A*STAR IHPC)

(20)/EMCJ 11:15 - 11:40
Power Distribution Network Virtual Prototyping
-- A Demonstration of Pre-layout Design, Simulation & Measurement --
○Jun Wu Zhang・Eng Kee Chua・Kye Yak See(NTU)

−−− 昼食 ( 80分 ) −−−

5月19日(金) 午後 招待講演 (13:00~15:10)

(21) 13:00 - 13:20
EMC Simulation for Early Stage Analysis and Troubleshooting
Martin Leung (CST)

(22)/EMCJ 13:20 - 14:10
[招待講演]2.5D Method of Modeling and Simulation for Signal/Power Integrity of High Speed Electronics
○En-Xiao Liu・Siping Gao・Hui Min Lee(A*STAR IHPC)

(23)/EMCJ 14:10 - 15:00
[招待講演]Towards High Speed and Less Interference: Virtual EMC Lab
○Richard Xian-Ke Gao・Huapeng Zhao・Eng Kee Chua・Binfang Wang・Weijiang Zhao(A*STAR IHPC)

−−− 委員長挨拶 ( 10分 ) −−−

一般講演:発表 20 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
特別講演:発表 45 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

◆IEEE EMC Society Sendai Chapter, IEEE EMC Society Japan Joint Chapter, Investigating R&D Committee on Practical Applications of High-Frequency Magnetic Materials, Japan National Committee of URSI (URSI-JNC) 協賛

◎Technical visit (Lab Visit)
May 20, Saturday, 9 am to 11 am
Lab details: Electromagnetic Effects Research Laboratory
1. Anechoic chamber
2. Reverberation chamber
3. Other EMC facilities
Banquet on Evening Thursday, 18th


山田 啓壽 (東芝)

☆EMCJ研究会今後の予定 [ ]内発表申込締切日

6月5日(月) 札幌コンベンションセンター [4月18日(火)] テーマ:パワエレ,EMC一般
7月21日(金) 機械振興会館 [5月15日(月)] テーマ:放電, EMC一般
8月 休会

萓野 良樹(電気通信大学)


井渕 貴章 (大阪大学)

Last modified: 2017-05-10 16:52:47

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