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専門委員長 鈴木 良昭  副委員長 小菅 義夫, 川西 登音夫
幹事 福島 荘之介, 岡村 敦

日時 2007年 4月16日(月) 10:00~17:25
   2007年 4月17日(火) 09:20~17:10
   2007年 4月18日(水) 13:00~13:30

会場 Australian Resources Research Centre(ARRC)(26 Dick Perry Avenue Kensington WA 6151 Australia.https://www.ieice.org/cs/sane/WSANE2007/.Wendy Waggitt <Wendy.Waggitt@csiro.au>.+61 (0)8 6436 8719)

議題 WSANE2007

4月16日(月) 午前 auditorium (10:00~17:25)

−−− Opening Address ( 20分 ) −−−

(1) 10:20 - 10:45
[招待講演][Invited] GNSS Phase Ambiguity Validation:A Review
○P. Teunissen・S. Verhagen(Delft Univ.)

(2) 10:45 - 11:10
A Comparison of Atmospheric Temperature and Moisture Profiles Derived from GPS Radio Occultation and Radiosonde in Australia
○Kefei Zhang(RMIT Univ.)・Bertukan Biadeglgne(Australian Bureau of Meteorology)・Falin Wu(RMIT Univ.)・Yuriy Kuleshov・Anthony Rea・Graham de Hodet(Australian Bureau of Meteorology)・Erjiang Fu(RMIT Univ.)

(3) 11:10 - 11:35
Tropospheric Delay Correction for the Augmentation System using Quasi-Zenith Satellite System
○Noboru Takeichi・Takeyasu Sakai・Sonosuke Fukushima・Ken Ito(ENRI)

(4) 11:35 - 12:00
Miniature Space GPS Receiver by means of Automobile-Navigation Technology
○Hirobumi Saito・Takahide Mizuno・Kousuke Kawahara・Kenji Shinkai・Takanao Saiki・Yousuke Fukushima(JAXA)・Yusuke Hamada(Musashi Inst. of Tech.)・Hiroyuki Sasaki・Sachiko Katsumoto(Soka Univ.)・Yasuhiro Kajikawa(Tokyo Denki Univ.)

−−− Lunch Break ( 60分 ) −−−

(5) 13:00 - 13:25
[招待講演][Invited] The Future of Global Navigation Satellite Systems
○Chris Rizos(Univ. of New South Wales)

(6) 13:25 - 13:50
APS based Micro Sun Sensor for Small Satellite Attitude Control
○Shinichiro Takayama・Keisuke Yoshihara・Hidekazu Hashimoto(JAXA)・Kota Magoshi(Magoshi)

(7) 13:50 - 14:15
Small Satellite Operation System
○Shinichi Okada・Yosuke Nakamura・Hiroaki Kawara・Kenji Shinoda・Keiichi Hirako・Hidekazu Hashimoto(JAXA)

(8) 14:15 - 14:40
○Hirobumi Saito・Takahide Mizuno・Koji Tanaka・Yoshitsugu Sone・Seisuke Fukuda・Shin-ichiro Sakai・Nobukats Okuizumi・Makoto Mita・Yousuke Fukushima(JAXA)・Masafumi Hirahara(Rikkyo Univ.)・Kazushi Asamura(JAXA)・Takeshi Sakanoi(Tohoku Univ.)・Akira Miura・Toshinori Ikenaga・Yasunari Masumoto(JAXA)

(9) 14:40 - 15:05
Orbital Geometry of Localization System around Small Planetary Bodies
○Tetsuo Yoshimitsu・Ichiro Nakatani・Sayaka Higo(ISAS/JAXA)

−−− Break ( 15分 ) −−−

(10) 15:20 - 15:45
[招待講演][Invited] Radio Astronomy developments in Australia
○Tasso Tzioumis(Australia Telescope National Facility)

(11) 15:45 - 16:10
Forward-backward time-stepping method with parallel processing applied to time domain inverse scattering
Yuji Yamaguchi・○Takashi Takenaka・Toshiyuki Tanaka(Nagasaki Univ.)

(12) 16:10 - 16:35
Current status on the development of Dual Frequency Precipitation Radar for the Global Precipitaion Measurement
○Yasutoshi Hyakusoku・Yasuyuki Ishii・Hiroshi Hanado・Kinji Furukawa・Masahiro Kojima(JAXA)・Nobuhiro Takahashi・Toshio Iguchi(NICT)・Minoru Okumura(NEC TOSHIBA Space systems)

(13) 16:35 - 17:00
A Radar Offset Angle Estimation Algorithm without Velocity of Platform
○Rokuzo Hara・Atsushi Okamura(Mitsubishi Electric)

(14) 17:00 - 17:25
Ground based VHF radar for observations of the atmosphere
○Iain Reid(ATRAD/Univ.of Adelaide)

4月16日(月) 午後 boardroom (13:00~15:40)

(15) 13:00 - 13:25
Application of MSE-OFDM to DVB-T System
Yuefen Chen(Taizhou Univ./Xidian Univ.)・Bin Tian・○Kechu Yi(Xidian Univ.)・Xianbin Wang(CRC Canada)

(16) 13:25 - 13:50
A C-Band 500W Solid-State Power Amplifier using 90W GaAs FETs
○Kazuhiro Kanto・Akihiro Satomi・Yasuaki Asahi・Shinji Takatsuka・Hideki Kimura・Hiroshi Kajio(Toshiba)

(17) 13:50 - 14:15
[招待講演] Direct conversion receiver for OFDM with emphasis on DVB-T
○Kah-Seng Chung(Curtin Univ.)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

(18) 14:25 - 14:50
An Analysis of Prediction Time on Conflict Detection
○Atsushi Senoguchi・Yutaka Fukuda(ENRI)

(19) 14:50 - 15:15
Calculation of Maximal Lateral Overlap Probability
-- Terminal RNAV Case --
○Masato Fujita(ENRI)

(20) 15:15 - 15:40
Mobile Passive Sensor Deployment Optimization
○Hidetoshi Tanaka(Mitsubishi Electric)

4月17日(火) 午前 auditorium (09:20~17:10)

(21) 09:20 - 09:45
The results of preliminary flight experiments measuring the signal environment in ARNS band
○Takuya Otsuyama・Shigeru Ozeki(ENRI)

(22) 09:45 - 10:10
Orthogonal Time Division Multiplexing Applied to Ground-Air Communications
○Man-Feng Fei(CETC)・Chang-Chun Zhang・Ke-Chu Yi(Xidian Univ.)

(23) 10:10 - 10:35
[Invited] An improved training sequence design algorithm based on generic algorithm for MSE-OFDM systems
Yuanying Li・Bin Tian・○Kechu Yi(Xidian Univ.)・Weidong Zhang(Xi'an insti. of comm.)・Xianbin Wang(CRC Canada)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

(24) 10:45 - 11:10
[招待講演]Future Automation for the Aviation Industry
○Rod Walker(ARCAA, QUT)

(25) 11:10 - 11:35
Improvement of Analysis on the Along-Track Predicted Position Error of Automatic Dependent Surveillance System on a North Pacific route
○So Udagawa(Nihon Univ.)・Osamu Amai・Sakae Nagaoka(ENRI)・Sei Takahashi・Hideo Nakamura(Nihon Univ.)

(26) 11:35 - 12:00
Optimal Gains of an α-β Filter in Terms of Estimated Velocity
○Yoshio Kosuge(Nagasaki Univ.)

−−− Lunch Break ( 60分 ) −−−

(27) 13:00 - 13:25
[招待講演]Environmental mapping and monitoring for the resources industry: Operational requirements from future hyperspectral imaging systems
○Cindy Ong(CSIRO)

(28) 13:25 - 13:50
Monitoring of the crustal deformation caused by seismic or volcanic activities, using ALOS/PALSAR data
○Yousuke Miyagi・Masanobu Shimada(JAXA/EORC)

(29) 13:50 - 14:15
SKA Pathfinder Experiments at the Western Australian Radio Astronomy Park
Mervyn Lynch・David Herne・○John DeLaeter(Curtin Univ)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

(30) 14:25 - 14:50
Carrier-phase Ambiguity Success-rates for Integrated GPS-Galileo Satellite Navigation
S. Verhagen・○P. Teunissen・D. Odijk(Delft Univ.)

(31) 14:50 - 15:15
Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Positioning System With Remotely Controlled On-Board Clocks
○Fabrizio Tappero・Andrew Dempster(Univ. of New South Wales)・Toshiaki Iwata(AIST)・Paolo Tortora(Univ. of Bologna)

(32) 15:15 - 15:40
An investigation of the integrated quasi-stable datum adjustment and Kalman filter method for the determination of GNSS time system
○Guigen Nie(Wuhan Univ.)・Kefei Zhang・Falin Wu(RMIT Univ.)

−−− Break ( 15分 ) −−−

(33) 15:55 - 16:20
DALEC: Dynamic Above-water Radiance and Irradiance Collector
○Matthew Slivkoff・Wojciech Klonowski・Leon Majewski・Florian Goessmann・Mervyn Lynch(Curtin)・Miles Furnas(AIMS)

(34) 16:20 - 16:45
Measurement System of Tidal Current using Drifting Buoy with GPS and Cellular modem in an island sea
○Hiroki Irie(Yatsushiro National College of Tech.)・Nagahisa Mita(Kumamoto Univ.)・Yuji Kamikubo・Ikuo Saito・Yasuhito Sano・Katsuhiro Morishita(Yatsushiro National College of Tech.)

(35) 16:45 - 17:10
Inversion of Hyperspectral Remotely Sensed Data to Yield Coastal Management Information
Mervyn J Lynch・○Peter R Fearns・Wojciech Klonowski・Leon Majewski・Mark Gray・Florian Goessmann(Curtin Univ)

4月17日(火) 午後 boardroom (13:00~15:05)

(36) 13:00 - 13:25
Interference analysis of spaceborne SAR -to be used for Disater Managemnt
○Korehiro Maeda(JAXA)

(37) 13:25 - 13:50
Development of online data distribution service for general users in JAXA/EOC
○Yoshikazu Miyano・Jun Hachiya・Mitsuhiro Tsuchiya(JAXA)

(38) 13:50 - 14:15
A DXC-Based Design for Onboard Switching and Relay System
Jian Gao・Bin Tian(Xidian Univ.)・○Xiaojin Zeng(China Academy of Space Tech.)・Huiyuan Jiang(Xidian Univ.)

(39) 14:15 - 14:40
Modeling Wideband Ground-Air Channels with Low Elevation
○Man_Feng Fei(CETC)・Chang-Chun Zhang・Ke-Chu Yi(Xidian Univ.)

(40) 14:40 - 15:05
On-board Switching of Satellite Mobile Communication System Based on CWTDM
○Chun-Ting Wang(China Electr. Tech. Group Corp.)・Yue Wu(Xidian Univ.)・Hong Yang(China Academy of Space Tech.)・Ke-Chu Yi(Xidian Univ.)

4月18日(水) 午後 New Norcia deep-space station (13:00~13:30)

Outline of New Norcia Deep Space Station
European Space Agency

一般講演:発表 20 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
招待講演:発表 20 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

◆後援:CSIRO, UWA, JAXA, NICT, ENRI, CAST, Xidian Univ., KARI, ETRI,共催:IEEE AES Society Japan Chapter, IEEE GRSS Tokyo Chapter, AIAA-JFSC


☆SANE研究会今後の予定 [ ]内発表申込締切日

5月25日(金) 防衛大 [3月16日(金)] テーマ:リモートセンシング及び一般
6月28日(木) 筑波宇宙センター(JAXA) [4月19日(木)] テーマ:宇宙応用シンポジウム
7月27日(金) 電子航法研究所 [5月18日(金)] テーマ:航法・交通管制及び一般

TEL:0422-41-3181 / FAX:0422-41-3182

岡村 敦(三菱電機)
TEL:0467-41-2062 / FAX:0467-41-2419

Last modified: 2007-04-12 18:51:03

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