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電子情報通信学会 研究会発表申込システム
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専門委員長 山下 史洋 (NTT)  副委員長 筋誡 久 (NHK), 石川 博康 (日大)
幹事 柴山 大樹 (NTT), 小島 政明 (NHK)
幹事補佐 難波 忍 (KDDI総合研究所), 大倉 拓也 (NICT)

日時 2019年10月10日(木) 13:00~18:25
   2019年10月11日(金) 09:00~17:55

会場 JR博多シティ(〒812-0012 福岡県福岡市博多区博多駅中央街1番1号.https://www.jrhakatacity.com/)

議題 衛星通信技術及び一般(JC-SAT2019:韓国KOSST連催)

10月10日(木) 午後 Opening Ceremony (13:00~13:30)

−−− Welcome Address by Dr. Fumihiro Yamashita (NTT, Japan) ( 10分 ) −−−

−−− Congratulatory Address by Dr. Ki-Keun Kim (President, KOSST, Korea) ( 10分 ) −−−

−−− Intermission and preparation for sessions ( 10分 ) −−−

10月10日(木) 午後 Satellite/LEO (13:30~15:20)
座長: Masaaki Kojima (NHK, Japan)

(1) 13:30 - 13:55
A novel design of beam coverage and receiver antenna for high capacity LEO-MIMO system
○Daisuke Goto・Fumihiro Yamashita・Kiyohiko Itokawa(NTT)・Takaya Yamazato・Ryo Okema(Nagoya Univ.)

(2) 13:55 - 14:20
User-Customized Profit Optimization for Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Network Slices
Taeyeoun Kim, Woncheol Cho, Jihwan Choi (DGIST)

(3) 14:20 - 14:45
Experimental Study of External Interference for Weak Spike Noise Observed with Satellite AIS
○Daichi Hirahara(JAXA)

(4) 14:45 - 15:10
A Space System for Peace and Security
-- For elimination of man-made and natural disasters --
○Osamu Ichiyoshi(HNB21C)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

10月10日(木) 午後 Satellite Systems (I) (15:20~17:10)
座長: Shinobu Nanba (KDDI Research Inc., Japan)

(5) 15:20 - 15:45
Development of highly maintainable and reliable RF transceiver for satellite base stations
○Munehiro Matsui・Akira Matsushita・Fumihiro Yamashita(NTT)

(6) 15:45 - 16:10
Reliability Analysis of Embedded Onboard Processing Systems for Satellite Communications
Seunghwa Jung, Jihwan Choi (DGIST)

(7) 16:10 - 16:35
Comparative Study of Digital Pre-Distortion for 32APSK by Hardware Experiments and Numerical Calculations
○Masaaki Kojima・Yuki Koizumi・Yoichi Suzuki・Hisashi Sujikai(NHK)

(8) 16:35 - 17:00
Development of a Baseband Modem SOC (System On chip) for the 5G NTN (Non Terrestrial Network)
Young Hoon Jo, Jae Pil Lee, Kwang Ho Jin, Won Ho Lee, Sang Ju Ha, Dae Il Oh (APSI)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

10月10日(木) 午後 Special Session (I) (17:10~18:25)
座長: Fumihiro Yamashita (NTT, Japan)

(9) 17:10 - 17:35
[特別講演]Research and development of satellite communication technologies at the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology and future prospects
○Morio Toyoshima(NICT)

(10) 17:35 - 18:00
[Special Talk]
Overview of Korean government satcom program for special mission
Dr. Ki-Keun Kim (ADD)

(11) 18:00 - 18:25
[特別講演]R&D activity of flexible payload technologies for next generation High Throughput Satellite by the Engineering Test Satellite 9 Project
Amane Miura・○Mitsugu Okawa(NICT)・Eiichi Sakai・Yoshio Inasawa(Mitsubishi Electric)

−−− Announcement ( 5分 ) −−−

−−− Banquet ( 120分 ) −−−

10月11日(金) 午前 Satellite Systems (II) (09:00~10:50)
座長: Osamu Yoshida (Softbank, Japan)

(12) 09:00 - 09:25
Rain Attenuation Characteristics due to Typhoon Passage in Ku-band Satellite Links
○Shunichi Sasaki・Yasuyuki Maekawa(Osaka Electro-Commun. Univ.)

(13) 09:25 - 09:50
Introduction of the All-on-board, Autonomous INR System
Handol KIM (KARI)

(14) 09:50 - 10:15
A Comparison between Long-term Rain Attenuation Statistics and ITU-R Prediction Methods in Ku-Band Satellite Links
○Kosuke Yamasaki・Yasuyuki Maekawa(Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.)

(15) 10:15 - 10:40
Synchronization in Very-Low SNR Base on DVB-RCS2 Spread-Spectrum Scheme
In Ki Lee, Ryu Joon Gyu (ETRI)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

10月11日(金) 午前 Antenna & Beamforming (10:50~12:30)
座長: Hiroyasu Ishikawa (Nihon Univ., Japan)

(16) 10:50 - 11:15
Suppression of Sidelobe Level over Specific Points in S-band Assuming International Satellite Operation
○Hiroaki Matsui・Osamu Yoshida・Kota Goto・Tsuyoshi Kuzumaki・Masahiko Sunagawa(SoftBank)

(17) 11:15 - 11:40
Small Beamforming Antennas for Wireless Power Transfer in the Space Project
Changhyeong Lee, Heejun Park, Gwangyun Namgung, Yejune Seo, Sungtek Kahng

(18) 11:40 - 12:05
Array Calibration Method Considering Mutual Coupling between Elements
○Hiroyuki Tsuji・Yuma Abe(NICT)・Tomotada Kondo・Yuiko Kikuchi・Shuichi Adachi(Keio Univ.)

(19) 12:05 - 12:30
Ka-band Beamforming Receiver with Multi-function Chip for Satellite Applications
Junhan Lim, Jin-Cheol Jeong, Man-Seok Uhm, Dong-Pil Chang, In-Bok Yom (ETRI)

−−− Lunch Break ( 60分 ) −−−

10月11日(金) 午後 Satellite Systems (III) (13:30~15:20)
座長: Eiji Okamoto (NIT, Japan)

(20) 13:30 - 13:55
Study of Beam Power Control Methods of Ka-band Multi-beam Broadcasting Satellite System Using Meteorological Data
-- Evaluation of Link Quality in Consideration of Beam-directivity --
○Takumi Iwamoto・Kiyotaka Fujisaki(FIT)

(21) 13:55 - 14:20
Development Plan of Next Generation Public Multi-Purpose Communication Satellite System
Sanguk LEE, In-Bok Yeom, Ryu Joon Gyu (ETRI)

(22) 14:20 - 14:45
A Technique for Licensed Spectrum Sharing between Space-Satellite and Terrestrial-Mobile Heterogeneous Multisystem
○Rony Kumer Saha(KDDI Research)

(23) 14:45 - 15:10
Satellite Experiments on Direct Spectrum Division Transmissions over multiple satellite transponders
○Fumihiro Yamashita・Daisuke Goto・Yasuyoshi Kojima・Hiroki Shibayama(NTT)・Hiroyuki Kobashi・Daiki Haraguchi(JSAT)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

10月11日(金) 午後 UAV (15:20~16:45)
座長: Yasuyuki Maekawa (Osaka Electro-communication Univ., Japan)

(24) 15:20 - 15:45
Performance improvement of UAV-assisted data gathering system for distributed IoT terminals
○Kohei Ueno・Eiji Okamoto(NIT)・Hiroyuki Tsuji・Amane Miura(NICT)

(25) 15:45 - 16:10
Evaluation of a Simple Signal Source Localization System Based on DoA Measurements Using a UAV
Hyoungsoo Lim, Sanguk Lee (ETRI)

(26) 16:10 - 16:35
Performance Evaluation of Maximum Estimation Error of User Position Detection Method using Single Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
○Hiroyasu Ishikawa・Yuki Horikawa(Nihon Univ.)・Hideyuki Shinonaga(Toyo Univ.)

−−− Break ( 10分 ) −−−

10月11日(金) 午後 Special Session (II) (16:45~17:55)
座長: Hisashi Sujikai (NHK, Japan)

(27) 16:45 - 17:10
[Special Talk]
ETRI Satellite R&D activities
Dr. Byoung Sun Lee (ETRI)

(28) 17:10 - 17:35
[特別講演]Overview of OneWeb satellite constellation project
○Osamu Yoshida・Hiroaki Matsui(SoftBank)

−−− Announcement ( 10分 ) −−−

−−− Closing ( 10分 ) −−−

一般講演:発表 20 分 + 質疑応答 5 分


柴山 大樹 (NTT)
小島 政明 (NHK)
難波 忍 (KDDI総合研究所)
大倉 拓也 (NICT)

Last modified: 2019-10-04 16:04:52

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