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専門委員長 井家上 哲史 (明大)  副委員長 亀井 雅 (NHK), 加保 貴奈 (湘南工科大)
幹事 阿部 順一 (NTT), 大倉 拓也 (NICT)
幹事補佐 流田 理一郎 (KDDI総合研究所), 小泉 雄貴 (NHK)

日時 2022年10月 6日(木) 13:00~17:20
   2022年10月 7日(金) 09:30~16:10

会場 リファレンス大博多ビル (ハイブリッド開催,主:現地開催,副:オンライン開催)

議題 衛星通信技術及び一般(JC-SAT2022:韓国KOSST連催)

10月6日(木) 午後 Opening Ceremony (13:00~13:15)
座長: Takuya Okura

−−− Welcome Address by Prof. Tetsushi Ikegami (Meiji Univ.) ( 5分 ) −−−

−−− Congratulatory Address by Dr. Ki-Keun Kim (President, KOSST, Korea) ( 5分 ) −−−

−−− Intermission and preparation for sessions ( 5分 ) −−−

10月6日(木) 午後 (13:15~14:30)
座長: Masashi Kamei

(1)/SAT 13:15 - 13:40
[特別講演]R&D on wireless technologies in NTT Lab. for space integrated computing network
○Fumihiro Yamashita・Junichi Abe・Kiyohiko Itokawa(NTT)

(2) 13:40 - 14:05
[Special Talk]Significance and expected effects of the development of GEO-KOMPSAT-2B Satellite
◯ Jaedong Choi (KARI)

(3)/SAT 14:05 - 14:30
A Study on the Effect of Improving Traffic Accommodation Ratio by Adaptive Coding and Modulation for High Throughput Satellite in Time-Varying Communication Environments
○Takahiro Ebihara・Tetsushi Ikegami(Meiji Univ.)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

10月6日(木) 午後 (14:40~15:55)
座長: Kyoung Youl Park / Jun-ichi Abe

(4) 14:40 - 15:05
The ASIC Implementation of Satellite Communications Modem base on the DVB-RCS2 Standard
◯ In Ki Lee (ETRI)

(5)/SAT 15:05 - 15:30
Satellite Transmission Experiment for Improvement of Link Margin of APSK Modulation Signal toward UHDTV Satellite Broadcasting for 12-GHz Band
○Ryota Akiyama・Yuki Koizumi・Shinsuke Yokozawa・Masaaki Kojima・Masafumi Nagasaka・Masashi Kamei(NHK)・Susumu Nakazawa・Shuji Kimura・Motoki Matsubara・Hayato Nishida・Shoji Tanaka(B-SAT)

(6) 15:30 - 15:55
Ka-Band GaN Power Amplifier MMICs using Source Inductor and Second Harmonic Termination
◯ Inkwon Ju, Dongpil Chang, Byoung-Sun Lee (ETRI)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

10月6日(木) 午後 (16:05~17:20)
座長: Yoshimi Fujii

(7)/SAT 16:05 - 16:30
Recent increase in rain attenuation statistics of Ku-band satellite communications links and its relation to the climate change
○Shoya Funo・Yoshiaki Shibagaki・Yasuyuki Maekawa(Osaka Electro-Commun. Univ.)

(8) 16:30 - 16:55
Waveguide Duplexer Designed for an X-Band Satellite Communication Payload
◯ Junghyun Cho, Yejin Lee, Jiyeon Jang, Yejune Seo, Jaewon Koh, Sungtek Kahng (Incheon National university)

(9)/SAT 16:55 - 17:20
A study on Site Diversity Effect between Different Satellites using Rain Attenuation Characteristics of Ku-band Satellite Communication Links
○Yasuyuki Maekawa(Osaka Electro-Commun. Univ.)・Koichi Harada・Junichi Abe・Fumihiro Yamashita(NTT)

10月7日(金) 午前 (09:30~10:45)
座長: Takana Kaho

(10)/SAT 09:30 - 09:55
A Review of Basic Electromagnetism
○Osamu Ichiyoshi(HNfB21C)

(11) 09:55 - 10:20
A Replacement of the X-Band Slot Array Antenna for Weight Reduction
◯ Jiyeon Jang, Junghyun Cho, Yejin Lee, Yejune Seo, Jaewon Koh, Sungtek Kahng (Incheon National university)

(12)/SAT 10:20 - 10:45
Various Transformation Functions for the Stability Guarantee of Variable Digital Filters with Recursive Structures
○Tian-Bo Deng(Toho Univ.)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

10月7日(金) 午前 (10:55~12:10)
座長: Jaedong Choi / Yasuyuki Maekawa

(13) 10:55 - 11:20
Polarization-Tolerable Planar Lens as the Metamaterial Surface: Design and Analysis
◯ Yejin Lee, Yejune Seo, Junghyun Cho, Yejin Lee, Jaewon Koh (Incheon National University), Joongki Park, Hosub Lee (LIGNEX1), Sungtek Kahng (Incheon National University)

(14)/SAT 11:20 - 11:45
BER performance evaluation of OFDM/PM system with Constant Modulus Algorithm based adaptive filtering
○Tuguldur Ulambayar・Masato Saito(Ryukyu Univ.)

(15) 11:45 - 12:10
A Metamaterial-Excitation Parabolic Reflector Antenna
◯ Joongki Park (LIGNEX1), Yejune Seo, Junghyun Cho, Jiyeon Jang, Yejin Lee, Jaewon Koh (Incheon National University), Hosub Lee, Choongho Song (LIGNEX1), Sungtek Kahng (Incheon National University)

−−− 昼食 ( 65分 ) −−−

10月7日(金) 午後 (13:15~14:30)
座長: Tetsushi Ikegami

(16)/SAT 13:15 - 13:40
[特別講演]R&D for Satellite Communications and Non-terrestrial Networks toward Beyond-5G in NICT
○Hiroyuki Tsuji・Amane Miura・Alberto Carrasco-Casado・Morio Toyoshima(NICT)

(17) 13:40 - 14:05
Study of Multi Wavelength Capable Optical Transceiver for Laser Communication Terminal
◯ Choi Hyeok Gyu, Kim Seung Ho, Hwang Ki Min , Han Joo Hee (Agency for Defense Development)

(18)/SAT 14:05 - 14:30
Initial Study on Decoding Methods of LDM Transmission for Satellite Broadcasting System
○Yuki Koizumi・Masashi Kamei(NHK)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

10月7日(金) 午後 (14:40~16:10)
座長: Byoung-sun Lee / Riichiro Nagareda

(19) 14:40 - 15:05
Distributed Position-based Handover Algorithm for GEO satellite communications
◯ In-Sop Cho, Minsu Shin, Joon-Gyu Ryu (ETRI)

(20)/SAT 15:05 - 15:30
Development of extreme coverage communication system extended by non-terrestrial network
-- End-to-end route management based on QoS of user equipment --
○Munehiro Matsui・Hisayoshi Kano・Junichi Abe(NTT)・Yuki Hokazono・Atsushi Minokuchi・Yoshihisa Kishiyama(NTT DOCOMO)・Fumihiro Yamashita(NTT)

(21) 15:30 - 15:55
Hadover Issues in LEO Satellite Constellation Network
◯ Jong Soo Baik, Yonghwa Lee (Hanwha Systems)

−−− Closing ( 15分 ) −−−

一般講演:発表 20 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
特別講演:発表 20 分 + 質疑応答 5 分


大倉 拓也 (NICT)
阿部 順一 (NTT)
小泉 雄貴 (NHK)
流田 理一郎 (KDDI総合研究所)

Last modified: 2022-10-06 11:45:11

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