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専門委員長 風間 宏志 (NTTソフトウェア)  副委員長 加藤 寧 (東北大), 門脇 直人 (NICT)
幹事 杉山 隆利 (NTT), 野原 光夫 (KDDI研)
幹事補佐 西山 大樹 (東北大)

日時 2010年10月28日(木) 09:30~17:20
   2010年10月29日(金) 09:00~17:40

会場 Gyeongju TEMF Hotel(150-2, Shinpyeong-dong, Gyeongju-city, Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.http://www.temf.co.kr/gyeongju/eng/company/comLocation.asp.+82 54 745 8100 (hotel))

議題 衛星通信技術及び一般 (JC-SAT2010)

10月28日(木) 午前 Opening Session (09:30~11:40)

−−− Opening address: Jae Moung Kim (Inha Univ.) ( 10分 ) −−−

−−− Congratulatory address: Nei Kato (TCSC IEICE/Tohoku Univ.) ( 10分 ) −−−

(1) 09:50 - 10:20
[基調講演] Satellite Technology Development Status and Plan in KOREA
Ho-Jin Lee (ETRI)

(2) 10:20 - 10:50
[基調講演]Broadband Satellite Communications
-- Past and Future --
○Takashi Iida(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

(3) 11:00 - 11:20
Present Status of NICT's Satellite Communications Experiments
○Hiromitsu Wakana・Ryutaro Suzuki・Naoto Kadowaki(NICT)

(4) 11:20 - 11:40
Ka band Communication Payload System Technology of COMS
Seong Pal LEE, Jin Ho Jo, Moon Hee You, Jang Sup Choi, Ki Burm Ahan (ETRI)

−−− 昼食 ( 80分 ) −−−

10月28日(木) 午後 (13:00~14:00)

(5) 13:00 - 13:20
Pilot Project to Bring Telecommunication Infrastructure using VSAT in Rural and Remote Areas
○Naoki Fuke(KDDI)・Yuki Umezawa(KDDI Foundation)

(6) 13:20 - 13:40
Candidates for Space Environment Monitoring Instrument for A Geosynchronous Satellite
Kwangsun Ryu, Jae Woo Park, Cheol-Oh Jeong, Jin-Wook Han, Seok-Hee Bae(KAIST/ETRI/RRA)

(7) 13:40 - 14:00
Satellite Communications System for Next Generation Marine Observation
○Naoto Kadowaki・Ryutaro Suzuki・Hiromitsu Wakana・Takashi Takahashi(NICT)・Hiroshi Yoshida・Takafumi Kasaya・Kenichi Asakawa・Yasuhisa Ishihara(JAMSTEC)

−−− 休憩 ( 30分 ) −−−

10月28日(木) 午後 (14:30~15:50)

(8) 14:30 - 14:50
Optical Sensor Support Structure for Geo-stationary Satellite
Chang-Ho Kim, Kyung-Won Kim, Sun-Won Kim, Jae-Hyuk Lim, Do-Soon Hwang (KARI)

(9) 14:50 - 15:10
Optimum Amplifier Selection Method of Array Feed Element for Minimizing Power Consumption
○Takayuki Nakanishi・Kazunari Kihira・Tamotsu Nishino・Yoshihiko Konishi(Mitsubishi Electric)

(10) 15:10 - 15:30
Multi-Band Satellite Antenna
Chi-Hyun Cheong, Hye-Mi Jeong, Kun-Woo Kim, Ki-Hyoung Bae, Hyun-Sik Tae, Evtyushkin Gennadiy (SAMSUNG THALES Co.)

(11) 15:30 - 15:50
Layered Turbo Codes Combined with Space Time Codes for Satellite Systems
Youngmin Kim, Sooyoung Kim (Chonbuk Univ.)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

10月28日(木) 午後 (16:00~17:20)

(12) 16:00 - 16:20
Hardware Efficient Hybrid Logarithmic Approach For RRC filter Design in DVB-S2 Receiver
Vikas Agarwal, Pansoo Kim, Deock-Gil Oh (ETRI)

(13) 16:20 - 16:40
Performance of DVB-S2 System in a Nonlinearly Amplified Land Mobile Satellite Channel
Soonki Jo, Seunghwan Choi, Hyun Sik Kim, Jong-Soo Seo (Yonsei Univ.)

(14) 16:40 - 17:00
Synchronizing Schemes for Layered Streams of MPEG-4 SVC Signal Over Satellite Broadcasting Network Using Two Independent RF Channels
TanBao Huynh, Won Sohn (Kyung Hee Univ.)

(15) 17:00 - 17:20
Development of High performance ERC32 Processor Emulator based on Dynamic Translation Emulation Method
Jong-Wook Choi, Jae-Seung Lee, Seung-Eun Yang, Yee-Jin Cheon (KARI)

10月29日(金) 午前 (09:00~10:20)

(16) 09:00 - 09:20
Analysis Algorithm for Faceted-Reflector Antenna and Effect of Facet Configuration on Radiation Pattern
Changsoo Kwak, Mansoek Uhm, Inbok Yom (ETRI)

(17) 09:20 - 09:40
Design of S-band Multi-beam Large Reflector Antenna for Satellite Payload
Sohyeun Yun, Mansuk Uhm, Inbok Yom (ETR)

(18) 09:40 - 10:00
Characterization of Packet Losses and Delays in Multi-Layered Satellite Networks Over an Efficient Routing Scheme
○Yuta Tada・Hiroki Nishiyama(Tohoku Univ.)・Naoko Yoshimura(NICT)・Nei Kato(Tohoku Univ.)

(19) 10:00 - 10:20
The Random Access Procedure for a LTE based satellite Radio Interface
Seunghyun Nam, Heewook Kim, Tae Chul Hong, Kunseok Kang, Bon Jun Ku (ETRI)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

10月29日(金) 午前 (10:30~11:50)

(20) 10:30 - 10:50
Low power implementation of signal acquisition for Galileo E5a Signals
Myung Soon Kim, Seung Hyun Choi, Sang Uk Lee (ETRI)

(21) 10:50 - 11:10
Carrier Recovery Algorithms for High Efficient Satellite Return Link Transmission
Jae Hee Han, Pansoo Kim, Deock Gil Oh (ETRI)

(22) 11:10 - 11:30
A satellite control system and results of tracking operations for a very-low-earth-orbit satellite HAYATO
○Yuji Harada・Masanori Nishio(Kagoshima Univ.)・Yuji Sakamoto(Tohoku Univ.)

(23) 11:30 - 11:50
Development of a pico-satellite with a compact Ku-bund transmitter
○Shinichi Teshima・Masanori Nishio(Kagoshima Univ.)・Tsutomu Tokifuji(Micro Lab)

−−− 昼食 ( 70分 ) −−−

10月29日(金) 午後 (13:00~14:10)

(24) 13:00 - 13:30
[特別講演]Standardization Activities on Satellite Communication Systems within ITU-R
○Hiroyo Ogawa(ARIB)

(25) 13:30 - 13:50
The Effective Frequency Sharing using Cognitive Radio in GSO Satellite Network
Wonsik Jung, Sungjeen Jang, Bongmin Jeong, Jae Moung Kim (Inha Univ.)

(26) 13:50 - 14:10
Improving Frequency Utilization Efficiency of Existing Satellite Earth Stations with Bandwidth Decomposition Transmission Employing Spectrum Editing Technique
○Jun-ichi Abe・Fumihiro Yamashita・Katsuya Nakahira・Kiyoshi Kobayashi(NTT)

−−− 休憩 ( 30分 ) −−−

10月29日(金) 午後 (14:40~15:40)

(27) 14:40 - 15:00
Combined Gain of L-band Transmit Antenna in COMS
Joong Pyo Kim, Koon Ho Yang (KARI)

(28) 15:00 - 15:20
A Effective New SLM method in DFT spreading OFDM system using Comb type pilot in jamming environment
Jangsu Kim, Heung-Gyoon Ryu, Seung-Jun Lee, Dong-Kuk Ko (Chungbuk Univ./LIG)

(29) 15:20 - 15:40
Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Based On Stepped Impedance Resonators
Ji-eun Lim, Min-hee Nam, Han-ol Choi, Jae-hyun Lee (Chungnam Univ.)

−−− 休憩 ( 10分 ) −−−

10月29日(金) 午後 (15:50~17:30)

(30) 15:50 - 16:10
Mission Trajectory Design using Three-body Dynamics
Tae-Jin Chung, Na-Young Lee (KAIST)

(31) 16:10 - 16:30
Operational Verification of the COMS Satellite Ground Control System for the First Three Month of In-Orbit Test Operations
Byoung-Sun Lee, In Jun Kim, Soojeon Lee, Yoola Hwang, Won Chan Jung, Jaehoon Kim, Hae-Yeon Kim, Hoon-Hee Lee, Sang-Cherl Lee, Young-Min Cho, Bang-Yeop Kim (ETRI/KARI)

(32) 16:30 - 16:50
A Stabilization Design of Post regulation Power Systems for LEO Satellite
Seok Teak Yun, Young Jin Won, Jin Ho Lee, Jin Hee Kim (KARI)

(33) 16:50 - 17:10
Statistical analysis for the solar eruption effect on wireless communication
Jeong Hoon Kim, Moonhee You, Seok Hee Bae, Jin Wook Han(ETRI/RRA)

(34) 17:10 - 17:30
Satellite Anomalies due to Space Environment Events
Jae Woo Park, Cheol-Oh Jeong (ETRI)

10月29日(金) 午後 (17:30~17:40)

−−− Closing Address-1, Nei Kato ( 5分 ) −−−

−−− Closing Address-2, Sanguk Lee ( 5分 ) −−−

一般講演:発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
基調講演:発表 25 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
特別講演:発表 25 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

◆Korea Society of Space Technology(KOSST)共同開催、IEEE VTS Japan Chapter, AIAA Japan Forum on Satellite Communications, ETRI, KARI, KT, SKT, Korpa共催



杉山 隆利(NTT)
TEL:046-859-2948, FAX:046-855-1752

Last modified: 2010-10-07 14:55:01

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