11月24日(月) 午前 座長: Ge Chen 10:00 - 11:10 |
10:00-10:15 |
開会挨拶(小菅委員長) ( 15分 ) |
10:15-10:30 |
歓迎挨拶(Ge Chen教授・Bo Meng氏) ( 15分 ) |
(1) |
10:30-10:55 |
[招待講演]Vehicle Maintain Service Process Guide and Control System Base on Zigbee |
○Tao Zhang(Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
10:55-11:10 |
休憩 ( 15分 ) |
11月24日(月) 午前 座長: Yoshio Kosuge 11:10 - 13:30 |
(2) |
11:10-11:35 |
[招待講演]An Overview of Global Navigation Satellite Systems |
○Hao Zhang(Ocean Univeristy of China)・Aaron Gulliver(Univ.of Victoria) |
(3) |
11:35-12:00 |
[招待講演]Analytical Models of Refraction in the Lower Atmosphere |
○Brett D Nener・Neville Fowkes(Univ. West. Australia) |
12:00-13:30 |
昼食 ( 90分 ) |
11月24日(月) 午後 座長: Bo Meng 13:30 - 15:30 |
(4) |
13:30-13:55 |
Space VLBI Mission -ASTRO-G- |
○Kousuke Kawahara・Hirobumi Saito・Keisuke Yoshihara・Masato Tsuboi・Yasuhiro Murata(JAXA)・Makoto Inoue(NAOJ) |
(5) |
13:55-14:20 |
Design of Log-Periodic Loop Antennas for a Satellite Dish Feed |
○Jeong I. Kim・Dongweon Yoon・Sang Goo Kim(Hanyang Univ.) |
(6) |
14:20-14:45 |
Inter-Satellite Ranging System for Multiple Spacecrafts in Formation Flight and Its Experimental Evaluation |
○Hiroshi Baba(Tokyo Denki Univ.)・Tomoaki Toda・Atsushi Tomiki(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)・Hideho Tomita(HIM Technology)・Takehiko Kobayashi(Tokyo Denki Univ.) |
(7) |
14:45-15:10 |
In-Orbit Measurements of Satellite Microvibrations Using Ground-to-OICETS Laser Communication Links
-- Requirements for Satellite Angular Microvibrations -- |
○Morio Toyoshima・Yoshihisa Takayama・Hiroo Kunimori(NICT)・Takashi Jono・Shiro Yamakawa(JAXA) |
15:10-15:30 |
休憩 ( 20分 ) |
11月24日(月) 午後 座長: Morio Toyoshima 15:30 - 16:20 |
(8) |
15:30-15:55 |
[招待講演]Space Environment Measurement outside the International Space Station/Japanese Experimental Module "Kibo"(JEM) |
○Kiyokazu Koga・Haruhisa Matsumoto・Takahiro Obara・Yugo Kimoto・Shoichi Ichikawa・Noriko Yamada・Hideyuki Watanabe・Miho Endo・Daichi Sakoh・Tatsuo Matsueda・Tateo Goka(Japan Space Exploration Agency) |
(9) |
15:55-16:20 |
[招待講演]Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter
-- the first Japanese Venus Mission -- |
○Masato Nakamura・Nobuaki Ishii・Takeshi Imamura・Takumi Abe・Takehiko Satoh・Makoto Suzuki・Atsushi Yamazaki・Tetsuya Fukuhara・Toshiaki Takemae・Yoshitaka Mochihara(Institute of Space and Astronautical Sceicne)・Munetaka Ueno(Univ. of Tokyo) |
11月25日(火) 午前 座長: Kazuo Ouchi 09:30 - 11:00 |
(10) |
09:30-09:55 |
Monitoring Land Use in Qingdao, China using Multitemporal High Resolution Satellite Imagery |
○Yong Han・Chun Wang・Ge Chen(Ocean Univ. of China) |
(11) |
09:55-10:20 |
Study on Spatial and Temporal Variety of Vegetation in Qingdao Area Based on TM Images |
○Anqing Ma(Ocean Univ. of China) |
(12) |
10:20-10:45 |
Some Eetimation on the error sources of the time comparison between a satellite and an earth station |
○Maho Nakamura・Shin'ichi Hama・Jun Amagai・Yasuhiro Takahashi・Fumimaru Nakagawa・Miho Fujieda・Tadahiro Gotoh・Masanori Aida(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) |
10:45-11:00 |
休憩 ( 15分 ) |
11月25日(火) 午前 座長: Jianliang Xu 11:00 - 13:30 |
(13) |
11:00-11:25 |
Positioning Algorithm Based on Joint Space-Time Constraints for Unmanned Formation-Flying Vehicles |
○Wei-Ming Xu・Lin-Ling Kuang・Jian-Hua Lu(Tsinghua Univ.) |
(14) |
11:25-11:50 |
Estimation of Small Assigned Altitude Deviation Distribution |
○Masato Fujita(Electronic Navigation Research Institute) |
(15) |
11:50-12:15 |
[招待講演]Estimation of Aircraft trajectory and space attitude using quaternion 3D geometry |
○Minoru Higashiguchi・Yoshiro Nakatsuji(ATCA Japan) |
12:15-13:30 |
昼食 ( 75分 ) |
11月25日(火) 午後 座長: Hao Zhang 13:30 - 15:30 |
(16) |
13:30-13:55 |
[特別講演]Results of World Radiocommunication Conference 2007(WRC-07) and Future Study Items
-- Examples of Compatibility Analysis -- |
○Korehiro Maeda(Japan AerospaceExploration Agency) |
(17) |
13:55-14:20 |
ALOS Mission Operation Status and Ground Data Processing |
○Yukihiro Miyamoto・Masakatsu Yamawaki・Mitsuhiro Tsuchiya・Isao Nakanishi(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) |
(18) |
14:20-14:45 |
Calibration of Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Data Using a Genetic Algorithm |
○Toshifumi Moriyama(Nagasaki Univ.) |
(19) |
14:45-15:10 |
Toward an Integrated Ship Detection and Identification System by Incorporating Spaceborne ALOS-PALSAR, Ground-Based Maritime Radar and AIS |
○Seong-In Hwang・Kazuo Ouchi(National Defense Academy) |
15:10-15:30 |
休憩 ( 20分 ) |
11月25日(火) 午後 座長: Korehiro Maeda 15:30 - 16:45 |
(20) |
15:30-15:55 |
A Regression Model Based on Second Intensity Moment for Estimating Coniferous Tree Biomass from High-Resolution L-band Cross-Polarized Pi-SAR Data |
○Haipeng Wang(Fudan Univ.)・Kazuo Ouchi(National Defense Academy) |
(21) |
15:55-16:20 |
Dependency of Backscattering from Ocean Surface on Ocean Winds Observed by an Airborne SAR |
○Akitsugu Nadai・Toshihiko Umehara・Takeshi Matsuoka・Tatsuharu Kobayashi・Seiho Uratsuka(NICT) |
(22) |
16:20-16:45 |
OceanSense: Sensor Network of Realtime Ocean Environmental Data Observation |
○Feng Hong・Yuan Feng・Zhongwen Guo・Xiaohui Yang・Mingxing Jiang・Hangjiang Luo・Song Xie・Hao Wu・Ke Liu(Ocean Univ. of China) |
11月26日(水) 午後 座長: Seisuke Fukuda 15:00 - 16:30 |
(23) |
15:00-15:25 |
[招待講演]Climate Related Natural Modes in Sea Level and Sea Surface Temperature Variability Derived from Satellite Data |
○Ge Chen(Ocean Univ. of China) |
(24) |
15:25-15:50 |
A Target Positioning Algorithm Using Asynchronous TDOA/FDOA Measurements in the Distributed Sensor Network |
○Yuki Takabayashi・Takashi Matsuzaki・Hiroshi Kameda・Masayoshi Ito(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) |
(25) |
15:50-16:15 |
[特別講演]Non-Process-Noise Tracking Filter Using a 6-Dimensional Target Model |
○Yoshio Kosuge(Nagasaki Univ.) |
16:15-16:30 |
休憩 ( 15分 ) |
11月26日(水) 午後 座長: Ge Chen 16:30 - 17:50 |
(26) |
16:30-16:55 |
Experimental Study of Robust and High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging Algorithm with Adaptive Smoothing Techniques |
○Kenshi Saho・Tomoki Kimura・Shouhei Kidera・Hirofumi Taki・Takuya Sakamoto・Toru Sato(Kyoto Univ.) |
(27) |
16:55-17:20 |
Development of 9GHz band Solid-State Multi-Parameter Weather Radar |
○Fumihiko Mizutani・Masakazu Wada・Ryuichi Muto・Jun'ich Horikomi(Toshiba) |
(28) |
17:20-17:45 |
3-D Fast Imaging Method for UWB Radar in Interference-Rich Environments with Global Optimization |
○Takuya Sakamoto・Hiroshi Matsumoto・Toru Sato(Kyoto Univ.) |
17:45-17:50 |
閉会挨拶 ( 5分 ) |