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専門委員長 齋藤 宏文 (JAXA)  副委員長 福島 荘之介 (電子航法研)
幹事 辻 政信 (JAXA), 木寺 正平 (電通大)
幹事補佐 牧 謙一郎 (JAXA), 小幡 康 (三菱電機)

日時 2014年10月22日(水) 09:20~17:40
   2014年10月23日(木) 09:00~17:00
   2014年10月24日(金) 08:40~12:00

会場 Ramada Plaza Melaka, Malacca, Malaysia(Jalan Bendahara, 75100 Melaka, MALAYSIA.https://www.ieice.org/cs/sane/ICSANE2014/venue.html.辻 政信.050-3362-7646)

議題 ICSANE 2014 (International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics)

10月22日(水) 午前 (09:00~17:40)

−−− 開会式 ( 20分 ) −−−

(1) 09:20 - 09:40
G/T Measurement Technique using ANGKASA S-band Antenna System
○Terence Jerome Daim・Hamid Salim・Maszlan Ismail(ANGKASA)

(2) 09:40 - 10:00
BepiColombo/MMO Development Status
○Hironori Maejima・Hajime Hayakawa・BepiColombo Project Team(JAXA)

(3) 10:00 - 10:20
High speed down link experiment from small satellite Hodoyoshi 4
○Hirobumi Saito(JAXA)・Tomoya Fukami・Hiromi Watanabe(Univ. of Tokyo)・Takahide Mizuno・Atsushi Tomiki(JAXA)・Naohiko Iwakiri(NICT)

−−− 休憩 ( 20分 ) −−−

(4) 10:40 - 11:00
Preliminary Design of Nano-Satellite in ANGKASA for Demonstration Purpose
○Syahrim Azhan Ibrahim・Sharizal Fadlie Sabri・Maszlan Ismail・Mohd Khairul Hisham Ismail(ANGKASA)

(5) 11:00 - 11:20
Overview of small satllites in Japan and their future prospect
-- observation and communication --
○Korehiro Maeda(Univ. of Tokyo)

(6) 11:20 - 11:40
Compact X band synthetic aperture radar compatible with 100kg small satellite
○Hirobumi Saito(JAXA)

(7) 11:40 - 12:00
Managing Building Construction and Equipment Installation In AITC Malaysia –A Lesson Learned
○Elena Woo Lai Leng(ANGKASA)

−−− 昼食 ( 100分 ) −−−

(8) 13:40 - 14:00
Radio and space navigation technologies for air and ship for International freedom traffics on the Asia Pacific Sea
-- The air and maritime traffic on the international routes need using the newest radio and spaces technologies. The cooperation and coordination on international and regional regulations must be followed. --
○Nguyen Quy Son(VASA)

(9) 14:00 - 14:40
[チュートリアル講演]Outline and Future Research Vision of ENRI
-- Special Tutorial Session on Air Traffic Management Systems --
○Naoki Fujii(ENRI)

(10) 14:40 - 15:20
[チュートリアル講演]Future Aeronautical Communication and Information Technologies
○Shigeru Ozeki(ENRI)

−−− 休憩 ( 20分 ) −−−

(11) 15:40 - 16:20
[チュートリアル講演]GNSS Landing System in the Low Magnetic Latitude Region
○Takayuki Yoshihara(ENRI)

(12) 16:20 - 17:00
[チュートリアル講演]Next Generation Aeronautical Surveillance Systems
○Tadashi Koga(ENRI)

(13) 17:00 - 17:40
[チュートリアル講演]Safety and Human Factors in Aviation
○Daisuke Karikawa(ENRI)

10月23日(木) 午前 (09:00~17:00)

(14) 09:00 - 09:20
An Aircraft Target Detection by Passive Bistatic Radar with Multi-frequency Coherent Integration of Broadcast Satellite Signals
○Tadashi Oshima・Toshihiro Ito・Ryuhei Takahashi・Nobuhiro Suzuki・Teruyuki Hara・Kazufumi Hirata・Toshio Wakayama・Atsushi Okamura・Kazunari Kihira・Takayuki Nakanishi・Yusuke Kitsukawa・Toru Takahashi(Mitsubishi Electric)

(15) 09:20 - 09:40
Track Extraction Method of Low Observable Target for Airborne HPRF Radar
○Yasushi Obata・Satoshi Kageme・Hiroshi Kameda(Mitsubishi Electric)

(16) 09:40 - 10:00
A Measure of Estimated Accuracy Using Singular Values for TOA Location System
○Yoshio Kosuge・Tadashi Koga・Hiromi Miyazaki(ENRI)・Manabu Akita・Takayuki Inaba(Univ. of Electro-Comm.)

(17) 10:00 - 10:20
Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Localization Methods in a UWB MIMO Radar
○Shohei Seki・Idnin Pasya・Takehiko Kobayashi(Tokyo Denki Univ.)

(18) 10:20 - 10:40
UWB Through-wall Tracking
○Lee Loong Wei・Koo Voon Chet・Chan Yee Kit(MMU)

−−− 休憩 ( 20分 ) −−−

(19) 11:00 - 11:20
3-dimensional imaging method exploiting full polarimetric data for UWB short range radar
○Ayumi Yamaryo・Shouhei Kidera・Tetsuo Kirimoto(Univ. of Electro-Comm.)

(20) 11:20 - 11:40
Accurate two-dimensional imaging of a human body in motion using multiple ultra-wideband Doppler radar systems in a multipath environment
○Hiroki Yamazaki・Takuya Sakamoto・Toru Sato(Kyoto Univ.)

(21) 11:40 - 12:00
Fundamental Experiments on Super Resolution Range/Angle Estimation by Millimeter Wave Radar using Stepped Multiple Frequency Complementary Phase Code Modulation
○Manabu Akita・Ryo Yamashita・Masato Watanabe・Takayuki Inaba(Univ. of Electro-Comm.)

(22) 12:00 - 12:20
Contactless Heart beat Measurement Using Webcam
○Liew Qing Yin・Koo Voon Chet・Lim Chot Hun(MMU)・Voon Wei Feng・Lau Ting En(Myreka Technologies)

−−− 昼食 ( 80分 ) −−−

(23) 13:40 - 14:00
The Effect of NDVI and Band Characteristics on Building Line Detection Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery
○Junho Yeom・Minyoung Jung・Yongil Kim(Seoul National Univ.)

(24) 14:00 - 14:20
Combination of Least Squares and NCC Methods on Matching Technique for 3D Information Extraction in Urban Area
○Yeji Kim・Yongil Kim(Seoul National Univ.)

(25) 14:20 - 14:40
Asphalt Pavement Performance Model of Airport and Highway By PALSAR on board ALOS Satellite
○Suanpaga Weerakaset(Kasetsart Univ.)・Yoshikazu Kamiya(JAXA)

(26) 14:40 - 15:00
Extraction of Urban Roads Based on Edge Information from High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
○Minyoung Jung・Junho Yeom・Yongil Kim(Seoul National Univ.)

(27) 15:00 - 15:20
Characterization of agricultural land abandonment based on Landsat and ALOS PALSAR multitemporal measurements
○Farrah Melissa Muharam(Univ. Putra Malaysia)・Wataru Takeuchi・Soni Darmawan(Univ. of Tokyo)・Muhamad Hafiz Abd Razak(FELCRA)

−−− 休憩 ( 20分 ) −−−

(28) 15:40 - 16:00
Experimental study on graph-based image segmentation for the feature extraction of high-resolution satellite image
○Hyejin Kim(Seoul National Univ.)・Byungkil Lee(Kyonggi Univ.)・Yongil Kim(Seoul National Univ.)

(29) 16:00 - 16:20
Impact of topography and tidal height on ALOS PALSAR polarimetric measurements to estimate above ground biomass of mangrove forest in Indonesia
○Soni Darmawan・Wataru Takeuchi(Univ. of Tokyo)・Yenni Vetrita(LAPAN)・Ketut Wikantika(ITB)・Dewi Kania Sari(ITENAS)

(30) 16:20 - 16:40
Combination of Entropy and Coherence of HH/VV-Polarimetric SAR Data for Improvement of Target Detection in the Sea
○Kazuo Ouchi・Chan-Su Yang(KIOST)

(31) 16:40 - 17:00
Novel Feature Extractions Method of Full Polarimetric SAR Imagery for Automatic Target Recognition
○Shouhei Ohno・Shouhei Kidera・Tetsuo Kirimoto(Univ. of Electro-Comm.)

10月24日(金) 午前 (08:40~12:00)

(32) 08:40 - 09:00
SAR Image Modulation by Ocean Current Variations Induced by Underwater Phenomena: Interpretation Using SPM Scattering Model
Dan-Bee Hong(UST)・○Chan-Su Yang・Kazuo Ouchi(KIOST)

(33) 09:00 - 09:20
Mapping Langkawi Island Sky Brightness
○Redzuan Tahar・Farahana Kamardin(ANGKASA)

(34) 09:20 - 09:40
Accurate Wind Velocity Estimation Method with Single Doppler LIDAR Model
○Takayuki Masuo・Shouhei Kidera・Tetsuo Kirimoto(Univ. of Electro-Comm.)・Hiroshi Sakamaki・Nobuhiro Suzuki(Mitsubishi Electric)

(35) 09:40 - 10:00
Analysis of the radar backscatter from the sea surface perturbed by varying surface current induced by bottom topography in shallow waters: Comparison of numerical simulation with SAR data
○Tae-Ho Kim・Dan-Bee Hong(UST)・Chan-Su Yang・Kazuo Ouchi(KIOST)

(36) 10:00 - 10:20
Reverberation Acoustic Chamber Simulation Characteristic Analysis
○Adhwa Amir Tan・Nurliza Salim・Noor Hidayah Tauhid Ahmad・Syahrim Azhan・Maszlan Ismail(ANGKASA)

−−− 休憩 ( 20分 ) −−−

(37) 10:40 - 11:00
An UAV SAR Footprint Generator using GPS-Aided INS
○Chot Hun LIM・Chee Siong LIM・Tien Sze LIM・Voon Chet KOO(Multimedia Univ.)

(38) 11:00 - 11:20
Flight Model Development of L-band Active Phased Array Antenna for ALOS-2
○Takehito Iguchi・Masakazu Taniguchi・Araki Ono・Takeshi Sakura・Kenichi Hariu(Mitsubishi Electric)・Yukihiro Kankaku・Shinichi Suzuki(JAXA)

(39) 11:20 - 11:40
Development and Functional Evaluation of Passive Secondary Surveillance Radar System
○Kakuichi Shiomi(ENRI)・Shuji Aoyama(IRT)・Akihiko Noda・Yuki Matsui(MSS)

(40) 11:40 - 12:00
The Design and Development of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imaging Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based Processor
○Yung Chong Lee・Voon Chet Koo・Yee Kit Chan(Multimedia Univ.)

−−− Technical Tour −−−

一般講演:発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
チュートリアル講演:発表 30 分 + 質疑応答 10 分

☆SANE研究会今後の予定 [ ]内発表申込締切日

11月21日(金) 千葉大学アカデミックリンクセンター [9月18日(木)] テーマ:リモートセンシング及び一般
12月2日(火) 休会
2015年1月22日(木)~23日(金) 長崎県美術館 [11月14日(金)] テーマ:測位・航法,レーダ及び一般

辻 政信(宇宙航空研究開発機構)
TEL 050-3362-7646
E-mail: bujaxa

木寺 正平(電気通信大学)
TEL 042-443-5186
E-mail: deeec

Last modified: 2014-10-01 17:23:49

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