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電子情報通信学会 研究会発表申込システム
研究会 開催プログラム
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専門委員長 植松 友彦 (東工大)  副委員長 鎌部 浩 (岐阜大)
幹事 栗原 正純 (電通大), 桑門 秀典 (神戸大)
幹事補佐 吉川 英機 (東北学院大)

日時 2010年 1月 7日(木) 11:00~16:10
   2010年 1月 8日(金) 09:00~16:15

会場 ハワイ大学マノア校キャンパスセンター(2500 Campus Road, Honolulu, HI 96822.http://www.uhm.hawaii.edu/about/visit.html.大阪大学 藤原 融.06-6879-4515)

議題 一般

1月7日(木) 午前 Opening Address (11:00~11:10)

−−− Anthony Kuh (Univ. of Hawaii) ( 5分 ) −−−

−−− Tomohiko Uyematsu (Tokyo Institute of Tech.) ( 5分 ) −−−

1月7日(木) 午前 Session 1 (11:10~12:10)
座長: Yuichi Kaji (NAIST)

(1) 11:10 - 11:30
Rate Estimation Scheme for Rate-Compatible Punctured LDPC Codes
○Kenji Kita・Tetsuo Tsujioka(Osaka City Univ.)

(2) 11:30 - 11:50
A Note on Analysing LDPC Codes for Correcting a Burst Erasure
○Gou Hosoya・Toshiyasu Matsushima・Shigeichi Hirasawa(Waseda Univ.)

(3) 11:50 - 12:10
Iterative Decoding with Bias Terms for LDPC Codes
○Hiroshi Kamabe・Shusaku Kobota(Gifu Univ.)

−−− Lunch Break ( 120分 ) −−−

1月7日(木) 午後 Invited Talk (14:10~14:55)
座長: Tomohiko Uyematsu (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.)

(4) 14:10 - 14:55
[招待講演]Scheduler for Downlink Scheduling in Wireless Networks
○Yoshikuni Onozato(Gunma University)・Dorsaf Azzabi(AL Ghurair University)

−−− Break ( 15分 ) −−−

1月7日(木) 午後 Session 2 (15:10~16:10)
座長: Hitoshi Tokushige (Univ. of Tokushima)

(5) 15:10 - 15:30
Study on Cyclically Permutable Property on Error Correcting Codes
○Raul Martinez-Noriega・Isao Abe・Kazuhiko Yamaguchi(Univ. of Electro-Comms.)

(6) 15:30 - 15:50
Two-dimensional barcode system with extreme density
-- some investigation on the error correcting mechanism --
○Yuichi Kaji(NAIST)

(7) 15:50 - 16:10
S-Box Bitslice Networks as Network Computing
○Hidenori Kuwakado・Masakatu Morii(Kobe Univ.)

1月8日(金) 午前 Session 3 (09:00~10:20)
座長: Tetsuo Tsujioka (Osaka City Univ.)

(8) 09:00 - 09:20
Proposal of an Ad-Hoc Network System Sharing Triage Information at a Disaster Scene
○Hideomi Miyamatsu・Wataru Uemura・Masashi Murata(Ryukoku Univ.)

(9) 09:20 - 09:40
Information Shared System with Comments in Ad-Hoc Network at a Mall
○Tsuyoshi Ueda・Wataru Uemura・Masashi Murata(Ryukoku Univ.)

(10) 09:40 - 10:00
Theoretical Analysis of Collaborative Multi-Hop Transmission over Block Rayleigh Fading Channels
○Naoki Nishimura・Koji Ishibashi・Tadahiro Wada(Shizuoka Univ.)

(11) 10:00 - 10:20
[Withdrawn 01/08/2010]Two-Level Superposition Codes for Cooperative Broadcasting
○Robert Morelos-Zaragoza(SJSU)

−−− Break ( 15分 ) −−−

1月8日(金) 午前 Session 4 (10:35~11:55)
座長: Anders Host-Madsen (Univ. of Hawaii)

(12) 10:35 - 10:55
Performance Evaluation of Optical Orthogonal Codes with Multiple Chip Rate
○Hiromi Yamamoto・Ayataka Mizutani・Tetsuo Tsujioka(Osaka City Univ.)

(13) 10:55 - 11:15
An Error Probability Analysis of 2-dimensional Sensor Networks
○Kazutaka Nishino・Shinji Tani・Ikuo Oka・Shingo Ata(Osaka City Univ.)

(14) 11:15 - 11:35
Effects of Pulse Interference on Modified Viterbi Decoding
○Yu Morishima・Ikuo Oka・Shingo Ata(Osaka City Univ.)

(15) 11:35 - 11:55
On a Soft-input Decoding Algorithm of Concatenated LT Codes
○Hitoshi Tokushige(Univ. of Tokushima)・Jun Asatani(Okayama Univ. of Science)

−−− Lunch Break ( 100分 ) −−−

1月8日(金) 午後 Session 5 (13:35~14:35)
座長: Galen Sasaki (Univ. of Hawaii)

(16) 13:35 - 13:55
Digital Watermarking Based on Fractal Image Coding Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
○Satoshi Ooga・Ryuji Hamabe(Fukuoka inst. of Tech.)

(17) 13:55 - 14:15
On Properties of a Digital Watermarking Scheme Based on Complete Complementary Codes
○Tetsuya Kojima・Yoshiya Horii・Naoki Ohtani・Thierno Sene(Tokyo Nat. Coll. of Tech.)

(18) 14:15 - 14:35
On Concatenation of Codes for Wiretap Channels
○Mitsuru Hamada(Tamagawa Univ.)

−−− Break ( 15分 ) −−−

1月8日(金) 午後 Session 6 (14:50~16:10)
座長: Narayana Santhanam (Univ. of Hawaii)

(19) 14:50 - 15:10
Performance analysis of the blacklist scheme for collusion-secure code
○Yoshinobu Iriguchi・Brian Kurkoski・Kazuhiko Yamaguchi(Univ. of Electro-Comm.)

(20) 15:10 - 15:30
Improvement in accuracy of sequence alignment by the MTRAP algorithm
○Toshihide Hara・Keiko Sato・Masanori Ohya(Tokyo Univ. of Science)

(21) 15:30 - 15:50
Classification of Influenza A Viruses by Entropic Chaos Degree
○Keiko Sato・Tomonori Tanabe(Tokyo Univ. of Science)

(22) 15:50 - 16:10
A Physical Realization of Quantum Teleportation for Non-maximal Entangled State
Masanari Asano・Masanori Ohya・○Yoshiharu Tanaka(Tokyo Univ. of Science)

1月8日(金) 午後 Closing Address (16:10~16:15)

−−− Hiroshi Kamabe (Gifu Univ.) ( 5分 ) −−−

一般講演(20):発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
招待講演(45):発表 40 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

◆Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Hawaii, IEEE IT Society Japan Chapter共催

◎Campus Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa: http://www.hawaii.edu/campuscenter/
◎University of Hawaii at Manoa: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/
◎Campus Map: http://manoa.hawaii.edu/campusmap/
◎Public Transportation, "TheBus," : http://www.thebus.org/
Route 4 waikiki (kuhio street)
Route 6 Alamoana
◎2010 IEICE Information Theory Conference: http://www.ieice.org/~it/mtg1001/

☆IT研究会今後の予定 [ ]内発表申込締切日

3月4日(木)~5日(金) 信州大学長野(工学)キャンパス [1月15日(金)] テーマ:一般:情報通信基礎サブソサイエティ合同研究会

E-mail:it-c(to IT Secretaries)

◎2010 IEICE Information Theory Conference

Last modified: 2010-01-13 10:06:05

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