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パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU) [schedule] [select]
専門委員長 馬場口 登 (阪大)
副委員長 斎藤 英雄 (慶大), 鷲見 和彦 (三菱電機)
幹事 北原 格 (筑波大), 仙田 修司 (NEC)
幹事補佐 大町 真一郎 (東北大), 角所 考 (京大)

日時 2007年10月25日(木) 09:05 - 19:05
2007年10月26日(金) 09:30 - 16:30
議題 第二回日韓パターン認識ワークショップ(KJPR) 
会場名 宮城県 ホテル松島大観荘 
住所 宮城県宮城郡松島町松島字犬田10-76
交通案内 仙台駅で仙石線に乗換え松島海岸駅(快速約30分),「松島循環バス」にてホテルまで3分.
東北大学 大町真一郎

(1) 09:00-09:05 開会挨拶(馬場口 登)
10月25日(木) 午前  Keynote Speach 1
09:05 - 10:05
(2) 09:05-10:05 Towards Highly Versatile Document Image Analysis PRMU2007-90 Henry BairdLehigh Univ.
  10:05-10:20 休憩 ( 15分 )
10月25日(木) 午前  International Session 1
10:20 - 12:00
(3) 10:20-10:45 Copyright Protection of Images Based on Large-Scale Image Recognition PRMU2007-91 Koichi KiseSatoshi YokotaAkira ShiozakiOsaka Prefecture Univ.
(4) 10:45-11:10 State-wise Potential Description for Modeling Relationships between Distant Nodes in Markov Random Fields PRMU2007-92 Younghee KwonJin Hyung KimKAIST
(5) 11:10-11:35 Video Classification Using Linear Subspace Methods PRMU2007-93 Kei KikuchiSeiji HottaTokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.
(6) 11:35-12:00 Combining Three Different Types of Local Features for Generic Object Recognition PRMU2007-94 Yasunori KamiyaNagoya Univ.)・Yoshikazu YanoAichi Inst. of Tech.)・Shigeru OkumaTomokazu TakahashiIchiro IdeHiroshi MuraseNagoya Univ.
  12:00-13:30 昼食 ( 90分 )
10月25日(木) 午後  Keynote Speach 2
座長: Hitoshi Sakano
13:30 - 14:30
(7) 13:30-14:30 Pattern recognition: the edge of science, from the viewpoint of science fiction PRMU2007-95 Hideaki SenaTohoku Univ.
  14:30-15:00 休憩 ( 30分 )
10月25日(木) 午後  Invited Talks Session
15:00 - 16:30
(8) 15:00-15:30 A Road Map to Active Eyes
-- Geometry and Photometry Aspect and Prospect of Robotics Vision --
Koichiro DeguchiTohoku Univ.
(9) 15:30-16:00 Business Opportunity and Technical Hurdles of Pattern Recognition in the Internet Portal Company PRMU2007-97 Jae bum LeeNHN
(10) 16:00-16:30 Computer Vision for Virtual/Mixed Reality: Trends and Perspectives PRMU2007-98 Hideo SaitoKeio Univ.
  16:30-16:40 休憩 ( 10分 )
10月25日(木) 午後  Keynote Speach 3
16:40 - 17:40
(11) 16:40-17:40 Creating Special Effects in film Utilizing 3D Graphics and Pattern Recofnition Technology PRMU2007-99 Manjae LeeETRI
  17:40-17:50 休憩 ( 10分 )
10月25日(木) 午後  International Session 2
17:50 - 19:05
(12) 17:50-18:15 Extraction of Structure of Silhouette Images by Weighted Minimum Common Supergraph PRMU2007-100 Tomo MiyazakiShinichiro OmachiHirotomo AsoTohoku Univ.
(13) 18:15-18:40 Time Series Data Mining and Behavioral Recognition for Computer Games Player Modeling and Adaptation PRMU2007-101 Chee-Onn WongJongin KimJongyeol YangKeechul JungSoongsil Univ.
(14) 18:40-19:05 Image Registration Method of Multiple Motion-Regions and Its Applications PRMU2007-102 SoonKeun Chang・○Masao ShimizuMasatoshi OkutomiTokyo Inst. of Tech.
  19:30-21:30 懇親会 ( 120分 )
10月26日(金)   International Session 3
09:55 - 10:45
(15) 09:55-10:20 UML based Data Model and Process for Efficient Integration of Heterogeneous Highway Traffic Image Data PRMU2007-103 Yoon-Hyuk ChoiSegil JeonSeong NamkoongExpressway & Transportation Tech.Inst.
(16) 10:20-10:45 Simulator for Measuring Elderly Visual Performances While Driving PRMU2007-104 Tomoaki AdachiHiroshi YamamotoMeijo Univ.)・Muneo YamadaNAGOYA ELECTRIC WORKS)・Mikiko KawasumiAichi Shukutoku Univ.)・Osami YamamotoTomoaki NakanoShin YamamotoMeijo Univ.
10月26日(金) 午前  日本語セッション 1
09:30 - 10:45
(17) 09:30-09:55 ヒストグラムを用いたピクセル生成モデルにもとづく逐次モンテカルロ動画像追跡 PRMU2007-105 宮島雄一早大)・松井 淳NHK/早大)・中田洋平松本 隆早大
(18) 09:55-10:20 RFIDタグとカメラ映像を用いたサーベイランス映像中の人物同定 PRMU2007-106 中嶋大介伊藤義道新田直子馬場口 登阪大
(19) 10:20-10:45 フレームクラスタリングを利用したCGM動画像コンテンツ検索手法の提案 PRMU2007-107 帆足啓一郎上向俊晃松本一則菅谷史昭KDDI研
  10:45-11:00 休憩 ( 15分 )
10月26日(金) 午前  International Session 4
11:00 - 11:50
(20) 11:00-11:25 Study on Recognition / Decision Performance Measurement System for Assessment of Elderly Driver's Ability PRMU2007-108 Hisayuki TanahashiTatsuomi NodaMeijou Univ.)・Muneo YamadaNagoya Electric Works)・Mikiko KawasumiAichi Shukutoku Univ.)・Osami YamamotoShin YamamotoTomoaki NakanoMeijou Univ.
(21) 11:25-11:50 Traffic Sign Recognition Using Color Histogram and Mutual Information PRMU2007-109 Sunworl KimChonnam National Univ.)・Wanhyun ChoMyungeun LeeChonnam National Univ)・Soohyung KimChonnam National Univ.)・Soonyoung ParkMokpo National Univ.
10月26日(金) 午前  日本語セッション 2
11:00 - 11:50
(22) 11:00-11:25 情景内カラー文字の最適2値化と変形耐性認識の検討 PRMU2007-110 横林 実若原 徹法政大
(23) 11:25-11:50 k-meansクラスタリングと固有空間外れ値検出器を用いた欠陥検出 PRMU2007-111 天野敏之奈良先端大
  11:50-12:50 昼食 ( 60分 )
10月26日(金) 午後  International Session 5
12:50 - 14:05
(24) 12:50-13:15 Hands Gesture Recognition Based on Dynamic Bayesian Network Framework PRMU2007-112 Heung-Il SukBong-Kee SinBeom-Joon ChoPukyong National Univ
(25) 13:15-13:40 Accurate, Real-time 3D Reconstruction of Human Postures from Orthogonal Images Based on Neural Networks PRMU2007-113 Dong-Wan KangWaseda Univ.)・Zhongze ChanUniv. of South China)・○Jun OhyaWaseda Univ.
(26) 13:40-14:05 Body-part Segmentation fro a Real Human Wearing Multiple-Colored Suit by a Mean Shift Based Algorithm PRMU2007-114 Huimin GuoJun OkazakiDong-Wan Kang・○Jun OhyaWaseda Univ.
10月26日(金) 午後  International Session 6
12:50 - 14:30
(27) 12:50-13:15 Segmentation of On-line Handwritten Japanese Characters of Arbitrary Line Direction Using SVM PRMU2007-115 Bilan Zhu・○Masaki NakagawaTokyo Univ. of Agriculture and Tech.
(28) 13:15-13:40 Staff-Line Detection and Removal Algorithm for a Camera-Based Recognition of Music Score Images PRMU2007-116 Soo-Hyung KimHwa-Jeong SonSung-Ryul OhChil-Woo LeeChonnam National Univ.)・Il-Seok OhChonbuk National Univ.
(29) 13:40-14:05 An Attempt of CUDA Implementation of PCA-SIFT PRMU2007-117 Masakazu Iwamura・○Takayuki HondoKazuto NoguchiKoichi KiseOsaka Pref. Univ.
(30) 14:05-14:30 Signboard Recognition by Consistency Checking of Local Features PRMU2007-118 Jihoon KimTaik Heon RheeKee-Eung KimJin Hyung KimKAIST
  14:30-14:45 休憩 ( 15分 )
10月26日(金) 午後  International Session 7
14:45 - 16:25
(31) 14:45-15:10 Automatic Region-of-Interest Extraction from Dental Panoramic Radiographs for Forensic Personal Identification PRMU2007-119 Febriliyan SamopaAkira AsanoAkira TaguchiHiroshima Univ.
(32) 15:10-15:35 Detecting Abandoned Luggage using Bayesian Inference and Finite State Automaton PRMU2007-120 Sooyeong KwakGuntae BaeHyeran ByunYonsei Univ.
(33) 15:35-16:00 Color Image Classification Using Block Image Replacement and Local Averaging Classifier PRMU2007-121 Kazuki KondoSeiji HottaTokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.
(34) 16:00-16:25 Garbage Model Formulation for Sign Language Spotting with Conditional Random Fields PRMU2007-122 Hee-Deok YangSeong-Whan LeeKorea Univ.
10月26日(金) 午後  International Session 8
14:45 - 16:30
(35) 14:45-15:10 PCA-Based Personal Favorite Scene Selection from Broadcast Soccer Video PRMU2007-123 Masao IzumiOsaka Prefecture Univ.
(36) 15:10-15:35 Image Retrieval based on Object Extraction and Kansei Estimation PRMU2007-124 Nanik SuciatiHiroshima Univ. / ITS)・Darlis HerumurtiJoko Lianto BulialiDyah Wardhani KusumaAhmad SaikhuITS)・Chie Muraki AsanoAkira AsanoHiroshima Univ.
(37) 15:35-16:00 Depth Estimation from Two Vanishing Points PRMU2007-125 Jinsu JoJongwon HanYillbyung LeeYonsei Univ.
(38) 16:00-16:25 The architecture of device that manipulates image in which each set of activities is ignited through transference of impulses PRMU2007-126 Shinji KarasawaMiyagi Kosen)・Masatoshi IwamotoTohoku Gakuin Univ.
(39) 16:25-16:30 閉会催札(Bong-Kee Sin)

PRMU パターン認識・メディア理解研究会(PRMU)   [今後の予定はこちら]
問合先 PRMU研究会幹事
仙田修司(NEC) TEL: 0743-72-3717,FAX: 0743-72-3549
大町真一郎(東北大学)TEL: 022-795-7087, FAX: 022-263-9418
発表申し込み用メールアドレス: pr-bt 

Last modified: 2007-10-02 23:49:59

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