Technical Committee on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE) |
[schedule] [select]
Chair |
Akitsugu Nadai (NICT) |
Vice Chair |
Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.), Makoto Tanaka (Tokai Univ.) |
Secretary |
Manabu Akita (Univ. of Electro-Comm.), Takeshi Amishima (Mitsubishi Electric) |
Assistant |
Ryo Natsuaki (Univ. of Tokyo), Masato Yamanashi (Mitsubishi Space Software), Shunichi Futatsumori (ENRI) |
Chair |
Fumihiro Yamashita (NTT) |
Vice Chair |
Hisashi Sujikai (NHK), Hiroyasu Ishikawa (Nihon Univ.) |
Secretary |
Hiroki Shibayama (NTT), Masaaki Kojima (NHK) |
Assistant |
Shinobu Nanba (KDDI Research), Takuya Okura (NICT) |
Conference Date |
Wed, Feb 19, 2020 10:00 - 16:45
Thu, Feb 20, 2020 10:00 - 15:30 |
Topics |
Conference Place |
Sponsors |
This conference is co-sponsored by IEEE AES Society Japan Chapter.
Copyright and reproduction |
All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Notwithstanding, instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial classroom use without fee. (License No.: 10GA0019/12GB0052/13GB0056/17GB0034/18GB0034) |
Registration Fee |
This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on SAT, SANE. |
Wed, Feb 19 10:00 - 11:40 |
(1) SANE |
10:00-10:25 |
Multi-bit Δ-Σ Modulator Based DSP Transceiver for High Dynamic Range Chirp Radar System SANE2019-97 |
Tomoki Abe, Yamao Yasushi (UEC) |
(2) SANE |
10:25-10:50 |
Fundamental Study on Communication-Radar Integrated System Using OFDM Signal and Mismatched Filter Reception SANE2019-98 |
Hayato Watabe, Tomoki Abe, Yasushi Yamao (UEC) |
(3) SANE |
10:50-11:15 |
Signal Subspace Classification Framework for Small UAV Surveillance SANE2019-99 |
Ryoma Yataka, Kazuki Hirashima, Takafumi Matsuda, Tai Tanaka, Masato Gocho, Masashi Shiraishi (MELCO) |
(4) SANE |
11:15-11:40 |
Study on Super-resolution Range Estimation Using Extended HQR Algorithm for HF Oceanographic Passive Radar SANE2019-100 |
Yoshiki Takahashi, Ryuhei Takahashi, Tadashi Oshima, Yuji Tanaka (Mitsubishi Electric) |
11:40-13:25 |
Break ( 105 min. ) |
Wed, Feb 19 13:25 - 14:15 |
(5) SANE |
13:25-13:50 |
Incoming wind velocity estimation using Doppler LIDAR SANE2019-101 |
Takayuki Kitamura, Masaharu Imaki, Hiroshi Sakamaki, Kei Suwa (MELCO) |
(6) SANE |
13:50-14:15 |
Early mega-tsunami warning system based on aitborne radar altimeters SANE2019-102 |
Akitsugu Nadai (NICT) |
14:15-14:25 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Feb 19 14:25 - 16:05 |
(7) SANE |
14:25-14:50 |
Investigation for the Visivility of the 7th QZSS Satellite SANE2019-103 |
Mitsunori Kitamura, Nanako Oyagi, Hiroshi Watanabe, Takeyasu Sakai (ENRI) |
(8) SANE |
14:50-15:15 |
A Study on Multipath Detection Using Asynchronous Multiple GNSS Receivers SANE2019-104 |
Tomoaki Takewa, Takafumi Nagano (Mitsubishi Electric Corp) |
(9) SANE |
15:15-15:40 |
Development and operations of a transportanble optical ground station (TOGS) for space optical direct communications
-- Space optical communications technology -- SANE2019-105 |
Tatsuya Mukai (JAXA), Yoshihisa Takayama (TU), Tomohiro Araki (JAXA) |
(10) SANE |
15:40-16:05 |
Demonstration Experiment on 2.6 Gbps Downlink Communication from Low Earth Orbit Satellite SANE2019-106 |
Hirobumi Saito (JAXA), Tomoki Kaneko (Todai), Hiromi Watanabe (Keio), Noriyuki Kawano, Keishi Murakami, Yoshinori Kunii, Takahisa Tomoda (JAXA), Kei-ichi Hirako (Keio), Shinichi Nakasuka (Todai), Seiko Shirasaka (Keio) |
16:05-16:15 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Wed, Feb 19 Chair: Fumihiro Yamashita(NTT) 16:15 - 16:45 |
(11) |
16:15-16:45 |
[Invited Talk]
Space electromagnetic environment exploration via scientific satellites SANE2019-107 SAT2019-66 |
Hirotsugu Kojima (Kyoto Univ.) |
Wed, Feb 19 Chair: Masaaki Kojima(NHK) 10:00 - 11:15 |
(12) SAT |
10:00-10:25 |
An Evaluation of Amount of Remained Data on RF/FSO Hybrid Routing for Satellite Constellation Systems SAT2019-67 |
Yuki Kanaya, Masaki Bandai (Sophia Univ.) |
(13) SAT |
10:25-10:50 |
CREST ASTRA Japan's Satellite Development, Its Missions, and Potentials of Visible-Light Communications SAT2019-68 |
Hiroki Sugimoto (CAJ) |
(14) SAT |
10:50-11:15 |
Report of experimental results related to reinforcement signal of quasi-zenith satellite SAT2019-69 |
Kyohei Aoki, Nobuaki Kubo, Daisuke Hatta, Zhang Haoyan, Zhang Yize (TUMSAT) |
11:15-13:00 |
Break ( 105 min. ) |
Wed, Feb 19 Chair: Takuya Okura(NICT) 13:00 - 15:05 |
(15) SAT |
13:00-13:25 |
A Study on the Effect of Multi-Beam Placement Control on Throughput in High Throughput Satellite Communication System SAT2019-70 |
Masaki Takahashi, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.) |
(16) SAT |
13:25-13:50 |
Rain Attenuation Compensation Technique using IP Transmission for 21-GHz Satellite Broadcasting
-- A study for Diverse Reception System using LDPC Code for Satellite Broadcasting -- SAT2019-71 |
Yoichi Suzuki, Yuki Koizumi, Tomoya Kusunoki, Kazunori Yokohata, Hisashi Sujikai (NHK) |
(17) SAT |
13:50-14:15 |
Network Optimization for Large-Scale Satellite Communication Systems SAT2019-72 |
Yuma Abe (NICT/Keio Univ.), Masaki Ogura (Osaka Univ.), Hiroyuki Tsuji, Amane Miura (NICT), Shuichi Adachi (Keio Univ.) |
(18) SAT |
14:15-14:40 |
Separate Detection of Collided Packets using Parallel Interference Cancellation over Space-based AIS Channels SAT2019-73 |
Yuwa Takanezawa, Yuyuan Chang, Kazuhiko Fukawa (Tokyo Tech.), Daichi Hirahara (JAXA) |
(19) SAT |
14:40-15:05 |
Performance comparison between OFDM/PM and OFDM systems with nonlinear amplifier SAT2019-74 |
Daisuke Murayama, Masato Saito (Ryukyu Univ.) |
Thu, Feb 20 Chair: Hisashi Sujikai(NHK) 10:00 - 12:05 |
(20) |
10:00-10:25 |
Propagation Measurement for Mobile Satellite Communications Using WINDS at Okinawa SANE2019-108 SAT2019-75 |
Tomoshige Kan, Byeongpyo Jeong, Takashi Takahashi, Hajime Susukita, Morio Toyoshima (NICT) |
(21) |
10:25-10:50 |
Comparison of Shadowing Ratio of Ka-band Mobile Satellite Communication in 40 Major Cities, Japan SANE2019-109 SAT2019-76 |
Byeong-pyo Jeong, Tomoshige Kan, Takashi Takahashi (NICT) |
(22) |
10:50-11:15 |
Evaluation of communication quality of 169 MHz band data transmission wireless system for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles SANE2019-110 SAT2019-77 |
Takuya Watanabe, Shoichi Kitazawa, Masaumi Ueba (Muroran IT) |
(23) |
11:15-11:40 |
Radio enviroment model for multipule frequency bands used by small unmanned aerial vehicles SANE2019-111 SAT2019-78 |
Shoichi Kitazawa, Mio Taniguchi, Takehiro Kimura, Takuya Watanabe, Rina Tamaoki, Ryo Yokoyama, Masazumi Ueba (Muroran IT) |
(24) |
11:40-12:05 |
The R&D of low-profile active electronically scanned array antenna for aircraft
-- The desgin of 64 elements array antenna of transmission side -- SANE2019-112 SAT2019-79 |
Takuya Okura, Takashi Takahashi, Tomoshige Kan, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Morio Toyoshima (NICT) |
12:05-13:10 |
Break ( 65 min. ) |
Thu, Feb 20 13:10 - 13:40 |
(25) |
13:10-13:40 |
[Special Talk]
GNSS Satellites Visibility on the Flight around Hachijojima Island SANE2019-113 SAT2019-80 |
Mitsunori Kitamura, Hiroshi Watanabe, Takeyasu Sakai (ENRI) |
13:40-13:50 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
Thu, Feb 20 13:50 - 15:30 |
(26) SANE |
13:50-14:15 |
Performance evaluation of distributed parallel backprojection for stripmap SAR imaging on various accelerators SANE2019-114 |
Masato Gocho, Noboru Oishi (Mitsubishi Electric) |
(27) SANE |
14:15-14:40 |
Acceleration Techniques for Chirp Z-Transform using AI-accelerator SANE2019-115 |
Ken Mitobe, Saki Matsuo, Masato Gocho, Akira Kakitani, Masashi Shiraishi (MELCO) |
(28) SANE |
14:40-15:05 |
Validation of buried pipe detecting method using ground penetrating radar SANE2019-116 |
Yuya Iwaki, Takehiro Hoshino, Kei Suwa (MELCO) |
(29) SANE |
15:05-15:30 |
Consideration on Signal Separation System for Space based AIS Experiment 3 (SPAISE3) SANE2019-117 |
Koji Nishimura (ROIS), Daichi Hirahara (JAXA) |
Thu, Feb 20 10:00 - 11:40 |
(30) SANE |
10:00-10:25 |
A Study of Weighted Clustering Method Based on DOP in Interference Source Localization System SANE2019-118 |
Tomoaki Yorozuya, Tadashi Oshima, Takeshi Amishima, Ryuhei Takahashi (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.) |
(31) SANE |
10:25-10:50 |
Experimental Study on 2-D Human Position Estimation by Passive Radar Using Wireless LAN SANE2019-119 |
Tatsuya Ogawa, Masanori Gocho, Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata Univ.) |
(32) SANE |
10:50-11:15 |
A Proposal of a Novel Narrow band Interference Suppression Scheme using Interference Replica for Automotive FMCW radar SANE2019-120 |
Daiki Ammen, Shintaro Ishikawa, Masahiro Umehira, Xiaoyan Wang, Shigeki Takeda (Ibaraki Univ.), Hiroshi Kuroda (Hitachi Automotive Systems) |
(33) SANE |
11:15-11:40 |
A Novel Wideband Interference Suppression Technique using Adaptive Suppression Windowing Control for Automotive FMCW Radars. SANE2019-121 |
Takeo Okuda, Masahiro Umehira, Xiaoyan Wang, Shigeki Takeda (Ibaraki Univ.), Hiroshi Kuroda (Hitachi Automotive Systems) |
Thu, Feb 20 Chair: Hiroki Shibayama(NTT) 13:50 - 14:40 |
(34) SAT |
13:50-14:15 |
Soft error mitigation using CNN DAE for onboard digital payload SAT2019-81 |
Shigenori Tani, Yasutaka Yamashita, Shigeru Uchida, Hiroshi Aruga (Mitsubishi Electric) |
(35) SAT |
14:15-14:40 |
A Study on Power Control Method Using Q-learning to Extend Life of Satellite-Borne Batteries in Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Communication System SAT2019-82 |
Hikaru Tsuchida, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato (Tohoku Univ.), Kazuma Kaneko, Shigenori Tani, Shigeru Uchida, Hiroshi Aruga (MELCO) |
Announcement for Speakers |
General Talk | Each speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Invited Talk | Each speech will have 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Special Talk | Each speech will have 25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
Technical Committee on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
anabu Akita(UEC)
TEL: 042-443-5171
E- : a    bu c
Takeshi Amishima(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
TEL: 0467-41-2062
E- : A   Ta  ak Mi bi Elect c |
Technical Committee on Satellite Telecommunications (SAT) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Secretary: t_ - c  
Hiroki Shibayama (NTT)
Masaaki Kojima(NHK)
Shinobu Nanba(KDDI Research)
Takuya Okura(NICT) |
Last modified: 2020-02-12 15:45:51