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宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会(SANE) [schedule] [select]
専門委員長 福島 荘之介 (電子航法研)
副委員長 森山 敏文 (長崎大), 灘井 章嗣 (NICT)
幹事 毛塚 敦 (電子航法研), 秋田 学 (電通大)
幹事補佐 夏秋 嶺 (東大), 山梨 正人 (三菱スペース・ソフトウエア), 網嶋 武 (三菱電機)

日時 2018年11月 7日(水) 15:00 - 17:00
2018年11月 8日(木) 08:20 - 17:30
2018年11月 9日(金) 08:30 - 12:10
議題 ICSANE2018 
会場名 Xuchang, Henan, Aviation Hotel (河南许昌, 航空大酒店) 
住所 No. 1, Tianbao Road, Xuchang City, Henan Province, China
交通案内 http://www.ieice.org/~sane_ac/ICSANE2018/travel.html
他の共催 ◆IEEE AES Society Japan Chapter共催
お知らせ ◎この会議は海外で開催します.日本在住者以外からは,下記の聴講参加費を徴収しません.

  09:00-12:00 Registration (1F Lobby) ( 180分 )
11月7日(水) 午後  Opening Ceremony (2F Yong Nian Hall)
座長: Prof. Zhi Zheng
15:00 - 16:00
  - Welcome Remarks: Jihong Zhao, President, Xuchang University, China
  - Welcome Remarks: Sonosuke Fukushima, IEICE SANE Chair; ENRI, Japan
11月7日(水) 午後  Keynote Speech (2F Yong Nian Hall)
座長: Prof. Kun-Shan Chen
16:00 - 16:30
(1) 16:00-16:30 Keynote Speech 1:"Remote Sensing: A 3rd Eye for 4th Industrial Revolution", Prof Chuah Hean Teik , President, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
11月7日(水) 午後  Remote Sensing (2F Yong Nian Hall)
座長: Prof. Jian Yang
16:30 - 17:00
(2) 16:30-17:00 Keynote Speech 2:"Intelligent Processing of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image", Dr. Mingyi He, Professor, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
  18:00-21:00 Reception (Milan Restaurant) ( 180分 )
11月8日(木) 午前  Special Session in Honor Memory of late Prof. Wolfgang-Martin Boerner (Invited) (2F Yong Nian Hall)
座長: Prof. Yoshio Yamaguchi
08:20 - 10:10
(3) 08:20-08:30 "Prof. Wolfgang-Martin Boerner’s Contribution to Radar Polarimetry", Prof. Yoshio Yamaguchi, Niigata University
(4) 08:30-08:50 "Physical Models of Radar Scattering of Land Surfaces Based on 3D Numerical Solutions of Maxwell Equations", Prof. Leung Tsang, University of Michigan, USA
(5) 08:50-09:10 "Polarimetric SAR And Applications In Tropical Crops", Prof. Ewe Hong Tat, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malyasia
(6) 09:10-09:30 "On the Problem of the Characteristic Polarization State", Prof. Jian Yang, Tsinghua University, China
(7) 09:30-09:50 "Pol-TomoSAR for 3D polarimetric characteristic extraction", Prof. Hiroyoshi Yamada, Niigata University
(8) 09:50-10:10 "A Two-Branch Network With Semi-Supervised Learning for
Hyperspectral Classification", Prof. Shuang Wang, Xidan University, China
  10:10-10:30 Coffee/Tea Break (2F) ( 20分 )
11月8日(木) 午前  Special Session in Honor Memory of late Prof. Wolfgang-Martin Boerner (Invited) (2F Yong Nian Hall)
座長: Prof. Jian Yang
10:30 - 12:10
(9) 10:30-10:50 On the application of polarimetric SAR Remote Sensing to land surface environmental monitoring SANE2018-55 Sang-Eun ParkYoon-Taek JungKeunhoo ChoSejong Univ.
(10) 10:50-11:10 "Coastal Classification Using Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR
Observations", Prof. Xiaofeng Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
(11) 11:10-11:30 "Prof. Wolfgan-Martin Boerner and Disaster Monitoring by Airborne
Polarimetric SAR", Prof. Toshifumi Moriyama, Nagasaki University, Japan
(12) 11:30-11:50 "Applications of Satellite SAR to Environment Watch: A Tribute to
Prof. Wolfgan-M. Boerner", Prof. Kun-Shan Chen, Xuchang University, China
(13) 11:50-12:10 "Synthetic Aperture Radar Application in Typhoon Monitoring", Prof. Xiaofeng Li, NOAA, USA
  12:10-13:30 Lunch Break (1F Milan Restaurant) ( 80分 )
11月8日(木) 午後  Technical Session -1A Young Researcher and Student session: SAR/POLSAR, Signal Processing (3F No. 8 Hall)
座長: Dr. Toshifumi Moriyama
13:30 - 15:10
(14) 13:30-13:50 Effects of Lunar Revolution on the Performance of the Moon-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar SANE2018-56 Zhen XuRADI/UCAS)・Kun-shan ChenUCAS
(15) 13:50-14:10 L-band bistatic radar returns from bare soils: a simulation study for soil moisture retrieval using global sensitivity analysis method SANE2018-57 Jiangyuan ZengKun-Shan ChenRADI/CAS
(16) 14:10-14:30 Imaging Performance of Millimeter Wave SAR for Portable Weapon Detection SANE2018-58 Koki HommaHiroyoshi YamadaRyoichi SatoYoshio YamaguchiNiigata Univ.)・Hiroki MoriToshiba)・Kazuyoshi TakagiHironori DobashiYasushi MurakamiToshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions
(17) 14:30-14:50 Model-Based Target Classification Using Polarimetric Similarity with Coherency Matrix Elements SANE2018-59 Maito UmemuraYoshio YamaguchiHiroyoshi YamadaNiigata Univ.
(18) 14:50-15:10 A Novel Method Using Convolutional Neural Network for Polarimetric SAR ship detection SANE2018-60 Kan JinJunjun YinJian YangTsinghua Univ.
  15:10-15:30 Coffee/Tea Break (3F) ( 20分 )
11月8日(木) 午後  Technical Session -1A Young Researcher and Student session: SAR/POLSAR, Signal Processing (3F No. 8 Hall)
座長: Dr. Takeshi Amishima
15:30 - 17:30
(19) 15:30-15:50 The Study on The Use of Active Radar Calibrator for SAR Interferometry SANE2018-61 Dandan YaoChiung Shen KuXuchang Univ.)・Hanyu LuGuizhou Univ.)・Yajing YuanTao HuXuchang Univ.)・LiangBo NiGuizhou Univ.
(20) 15:50-16:10 Localization of coherent targets with UWB MIMO radars employing extrapolation of array antenna elements, spatial smoothing, and MUSIC algorithm Yuki HirotaTDU
(21) 16:10-16:30 A time of arrival estimation method combining matched filter and IHT Compressed Sensing for target point identification SANE2018-62 Seiya TamuraGuanghao SunTetsuo KirimotoUEC
(22) 16:30-16:50 Airport Detection Based on GF-3 SAR Images Using Faster-RCNN SANE2018-63 Mengyuan MaWei YangJie ChenBeihang Univ.
(23) 16:50-17:10 An Information Entropy-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Radar Sensing of Rough Surface SANE2018-88 Yu LiuCAS/Xu Chang University)・Kun-Shan ChenXu Chang University/CAS
(24) 17:10-17:30 "Mapping Complete Three Dimensional Surface Displacements With Heterogeneous InSAR: From Observation Model to Stochastic Model", Hu Jun, Central South University
  18:00-21:00 Banquet (2F Hong Qiao Hall) ( 180分 )
11月8日(木) 午後  Technical Session -2A Young Researcher and Student session: Remote Sensing, etc. (3F No. 2 Hall)
座長: Dr. Xiaofeng Yang
13:30 - 15:10
(25) 13:30-13:50 Analysis of Sea Ice Concentration Distribution in Chukchi Sea for Navigational Safety Support SANE2018-64 Hokun JeonKi-hoon NamTaeho KimChan-su YangKIOST
(26) 13:50-14:10 Sentinel-1 & GOCI/Landsat-8 based macroalgal bloom detection: A case study in the Yellow Sea SANE2018-65 Ahmed HarunAlRashidChanSu YangKIOST
(27) 14:10-14:30 A Parametric Estimation Method for Detecting Aircraft Wake Turbulence Using a Single Doppler LIDAR SANE2018-66 Rin NakamuraGuanghao SunTetsuo KirimotoUEC
(28) 14:30-14:50 Research, Design and Fabrication Microwave Modules of Receiver for Nanosatellite at S band SANE2018-67 Bui Thi HaVietnam National Univ./VNSC)・Bach Gia DuongUET
(29) 14:50-15:10 Spatial clustering analysis and visualization of children less than 5 years underweight disease worldwide SANE2018-68 Tao HuGenyuan DuDandan YaoYajing YuanXCU)・Hanyu LuGZU
  15:10-15:30 Coffee/Tea Break (3F) ( 20分 )
11月8日(木) 午後  Technical Session -2A Young Researcher and Student session: Remote Sensing, etc. (3F No. 2 Hall)
座長: Dr. Jiangyuan Zeng
15:30 - 16:30
(30) 15:30-15:50 Trainable PDEs based non-uniformity correction algorithm for infrared focal plane array SANE2018-69 Yajing YuanHongxian ZhouXuchang Univ.)・Hongshi SangHUST)・Hanyu LuGuizhou Univ.)・Tao HuDandan YaoXuchang Univ.
(31) 15:50-16:10 Thinning Technique in Cylindrical Scanning Measurement for RCS Near-field to Far-field Transformation SANE2018-70 Shun-ichi TakaokaNTUT)・Hirokazu KobayashiOIT)・Yang-Lang ChangChih-Yuan ChuNTUT
(32) 16:10-16:30 "Radar Bistatic Scattering from Inhomogeeneous Rogu Surface", Ying Yang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  18:00-21:00 Banquet (2F Hong Qiao Hall) ( 180分 )
11月9日(金) 午前  Technical Session -1B SAR/POLSAR.(3F No. 8 Hall)
座長: Prof. Sang-Eun Park
08:30 - 10:10
(33) 08:30-08:50 Imaging Performance of Bistatic SAR on Sea Surface SANE2018-71 Yu LiuCAS/Xu Chang University)・Kun-Shan ChenXu Chang University/CAS
(34) 08:50-09:10 An analysis of SAR imaging of moving targets based on EMD and RSPWVD SANE2018-72 Fangbo PanRADI/CAS/UCAS/CHN)・Kun-Shan ChenRADI/CAS/CHN
(35) 09:10-09:30 Geometric Properties of Bistatic SAR Imaging SANE2018-73 Ting ting LiKun-shan ChenMing JinRadi
(36) 09:30-09:50 Feature Synthesis and Target Classification for High-Resolution SAR Images SANE2018-74 Yang-Lang ChangNTUT)・○Cheng-Yen ChiangNCU)・Sina HadipourNTUT)・Wen-Yen ChangNDHU)・Hirokazu KobayashiOIT)・Bormin HuangUW-Madison
(37) 09:50-10:10 Polarimetric SAR Change Detection with Principal Component Analysis SANE2018-75 Chenxia HuangJunjun YinUSTB)・Jian YangTsinghua Univ
  10:10-10:30 Coffee/Tea Break (3F) ( 20分 )
11月9日(金) 午前  Technical Session -1C Imaging/Measurement Technology of Electromagnetic Waves (3F No. 8 Hall)
座長: Dr. Shunichi Futatsumori
10:30 - 12:10
(38) 10:30-10:50 Inverse scattering approach by using cost functional consisting the approximated stored energy with no information on incident field - Two dimensional case - SANE2018-76 Toshifumi MoriyamaToshiyuki TanakaTakashi TakenakaNagasaki Univ.
(39) 10:50-11:10 RCS Near-field to Far-field Transformation Estimation by Using GTD Target Models SANE2018-77 Hirokazu KobayashiOIT)・Shun-ichi TakaokaYang-Lang ChangChih-Yuan ChuNTUT
(40) 11:10-11:30 Bistatic Microwave Scattering Signal Recovery From Random Measurements Using Compressed Sensing SANE2018-78 Yu LiuCAS/Xu Chang University)・Kun-Shan ChenXu Chang University/CAS
(41) 11:30-11:50 Comparison about Performance of Microwave Imaging Methods for the Target Behind Random Media SANE2018-79 Tie-Yan YiKun-Shan ChenRADI/CAS
(42) 11:50-12:10 Climatological Averaging and Application of Optical Vegetation Index Based on MODIS Jing LiangHanyu LuXiang JiSong WuLiangbo NiGuizhou Univ.)・Tianjian LuCentral South Univ.
  12:10-13:30 Lunch Break (1F Milan Restaurant) ( 80分 )
  13:30-18:00 Technical (Culture) Tour (1F Lobby) ( 270分 )
11月9日(金) 午前  Technical Session -2B Navigational and communication systems, etc (3F No.2 Hall)
座長: Dr. Atsushi Kezuka and Dr. Sonosuke Fukushima
08:30 - 10:10
(43) 08:30-08:50 A Concept of Automatic Trajectory Modification for Mitigating Complex Air Traffic Situations with a High Difficulty Index Value SANE2018-80 Sakae NagaokaHiroko HirabayashiMark BrownENRI/MPAT
(44) 08:50-09:10 Throughput and Frame Error Rate Evaluation in different frequencies for Integrated-Aeronautical Mobile Communication Terminal SANE2018-81 Kazuyuki MoriokaNaoki KanadaShunichi FutatsumoriAkiko KohmuraNaruto YonemotoYasuto SumiyaENRI
(45) 09:10-09:30 Initial Analysis of Impact of DME Ranging Error Caused by Propagation Issue on Integrity Assurance SANE2018-82 Atsushi KezukaTakayuki YoshiharaNaoki FujiiENRI
(46) 09:30-09:50 Evaluation of Aircraft Electromagnetic Field Propagation Characteristics at 4 GHz Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Band
-- Numerical Analysis Based on Airbus A320-200 model and Field Measurement Using Beechcraft B300 aircraft --
Shunichi FutatsumoriNorihiko MiyazakiENRI)・Tetsuya SekiguchiTakashi HikageToshio NojimaHokkaido Univ.
(47) 09:50-10:10 A Simple and Effective Privacy Preserving Method for Crowdsourcing Database SANE2018-84 Shengli TianYingyu QiuYuan PingXuchang Univ.)・Baocang WangXidian Univ.
  10:10-10:30 Coffee/Tea Break (3F) ( 20分 )
11月9日(金) 午前  Technical Session - 2C Remote Sensing (3F No.2 Hall)
座長: Dr. Chan-Su Yang and Dr. Yu Liu
10:30 - 12:10
(48) 10:30-10:50 Investigation of the effect of bispectrum on scattering from non-Gaussian sea surface SANE2018-85 Dengfeng XieRADI/CAS/UCAS/CHN)・Kun-Shan ChenRADI/CAS/CHN
(49) 10:50-11:10 Classification of Hyperspectral Image using Convolutional Neural Network to Detect Coastal Water Features SANE2018-86 Tae-Ho KimChan-Su YangKIOST
(50) 11:10-11:30 Measurement of dependence of ocean surface backscattering on oceanwinds by using airborne SAR SANE2018-87 Akitsugu NadaiShoichiro KojimaJyunpei UemotoNICT
(51) 11:30-11:50 Stability Analysis of AMSR2 Brightness Temperature Data Dased on GCOM-W1 Satellite Hanyu LuGuizhou Univ.)・Dandan YaoXuchang Univ.)・Panpan YaoTsinghua Univ.)・Song WuXiang JiLiangBo NiGuizhou Univ.
(52) 11:50-12:10 Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA): Ship Detection by Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar SANE2018-89 Kazuo OuchiKIOST)・Gerard M. MartinGMV)・Chan-Su YangKIOST
  12:10-13:30 Lunch Break (1F Milan Restaurant) ( 80分 )
  13:30-18:00 Technical (Culture) Tour (1F Lobby) ( 270分 )

一般講演発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分

SANE 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会(SANE)   [今後の予定はこちら]
問合先 毛塚 敦(電子航法研)
TEL: 0422-41-3191
E--mail: en

秋田 学(電通大)
TEL: 042-443-5171
E--mail: abuc 

Last modified: 2018-10-30 11:12:45

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