Chair |
Yohsuke Kinouchi |
Vice Chair |
Hideto Ide |
Secretary |
Hirofumi Nagashino, Masafumi Uchida |
Assistant |
Masatake Akutagawa, Hisaya Tanaka |
Conference Date |
Mon, Nov 15, 2004 10:00 - 18:00 |
Topics |
Conference Place |
School of Engineering, Tohoku University |
Address |
Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, 980-8579 |
Transportation Guide |
http://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/eng/haichi.html |
Contact Person |
Prof. Ryoko Futami
022-217-7143 |
Mon, Nov 15 AM 10:00 - 18:00 |
(1) |
10:00-10:25 |
The Model of Nerve Network in which a Transmission of Activity forms a Structure of Activities in a 3-Dimensional Space |
Shinji Karasawa (MNCT) |
(2) |
10:25-10:50 |
Network structure-dependent dynamics of a biological neural network model |
Shinya Sasaki, Norihiro Katayama, Akihiro Karashima, Mitsuyuki Nakao (Tohoku Univ.) |
(3) |
10:50-11:15 |
A relationship between EEG dynamics and the neural activities during transition of sleep stages |
Yuuichi Tamakawa, Akihiro Karashima (Tohoku Univ.), Yoshimasa Koyama (Fukushima Univ.), Norihiro Katayama, Mitsuyuki Nakao (Tohoku Univ.) |
(4) |
11:15-11:40 |
Auditory MEG responses evoked by sequential musical tones: comparison between musicians and non-musicians |
Satoshi Kanda, Keisuke Ohta, Yoshihiro Hirata, Shinya Kuriki (Hokkaido Univ.) |
11:40-12:40 |
Lunch Break ( 60 min. ) |
(5) |
12:40-13:05 |
Fundamental Investigation about an Optimum Design of Crown and Bridge Made of The Fe-Pt Magnetic Alloy
-- Examination which uses three-dimensional magnetic field analysis by The Integral Element Method -- |
Nobuki Shoji, Sinn Kasahara, Kohei Kimura, Osamu Okuno (Tohoku Univ.) |
(6) |
13:05-13:30 |
Application of rare earth magnets to dental clinical field
-- Fundamental and clinical observation of magnetic attachment -- |
Hiroshi Mizutani (Grad.Schl.TokyoMed.&Dent.Univ.), Kazuo Nakamura (Int'l Univ Hlth and Welfr.), Vygandas Rutkunas (Vilnius Univ.), Tsuneyoshi Yamazaki (Grad.Schl.TokyoMed.&Dent.Univ.) |
(7) |
13:30-13:55 |
The effect of magnetic field on a bacteriophage infection model |
Keiko Takiyama, Junji Arisawa, Toshitsugu Sugawara, Kazuyuki Kimura (HIT) |
(8) |
13:55-14:20 |
Changes of the proliferation of HSV-1 infected to Vero cells under 10 Hz and 62 mT magnetic field condition |
Yuta Sawaguchi, Kazuyuki Kimura, Kenji Misawa, Junji Arisawa (HIT) |
14:20-14:30 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
(9) |
14:30-14:55 |
Coupling electrophysiological model and mechanical dynamics model for accurate simulation of myocardial tissue contraction |
Toshifumi Nishi, Jianyin Lu, Natalie Schneider, Akira Amano, Tetsuya Matsuda, Hidetoshi Kotera, Akinori Noma (Kyoto Univ.) |
(10) |
14:55-15:20 |
Model Generation Interface for Simulation of Left Ventricular Motion |
Yu Kamei, Akira Amano, Kenichi Kanda, Tsukasa Shibayama, Tetsuya Matsuda (Kyoto Univ.) |
(11) |
15:20-15:45 |
Intercellular synchronization of intracellular Ca2+ oscillation in cultured cardiac myocytes |
Yukako Nakayama, Koichi Kawahara, Hitoshi Aonuma, Yoshiko Yamauchi, Takayuki Nakajima, Takeru Hachiro (Hokkaido Univ.) |
(12) |
15:45-16:10 |
Extraction of fetal electrocardiogram by blind source separation and its analysis |
Michiyoshi Sato, Yoshitaka Kimura, Mitsuyuki Nakao, Norihiro Katayama (Tohuku Univ.) |
16:10-16:20 |
Break ( 10 min. ) |
(13) |
16:20-16:45 |
Discrimination of beverages based on electrical and optical response patterns of mixed lipid membrane and principal component analysis |
Hironori Tazaki, Kenji Misawa, Masataka Kitama, Junji Arisawa (HIT) |
(14) |
16:45-17:10 |
Influence of serum on the virus detection using the metal-coated hollow fiber membrane |
Makoto Ebikawa, Toshitsugu Sugawara, Kazuyuki Kimura, Kenji Misawa, Junji Arisawa, Osamu Igarashi (HIT) |
(15) |
17:10-17:35 |
Development of EMG-driven type lower limb FES control system |
Tsutomu Kawanishi, Shin'ichiro Kanoh, Imre Cikajlo (Tohoku Univ.), Ryoko Futami (Tohoku Univ) |
(16) |
17:35-18:00 |
A basic study of auto mammography tumor detection system using Gabor filter |
Ai Takeda, Tomoharu Kaeriyama, Hiroyuki Tanaka (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.), Toshiteru Sato (Nagaoka chuo general hp), Ichiro Fukumoto (Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.) |
Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information |
Technical Committee on ME and Bio Cybernetics (MBE) [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address |
Masatake Akutagawa
Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Eng., Faculty of Eng., The Univ. of Tokushima
2-1 Minamijosanjima-cho, Tokushima, Tokushima, 770-8506, Japan
TEL088-656-7477 FAX088-656-7477
    ee    -u |
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