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ICSANE2010 Committee
General Co-Chairs: Young-Seop Kim (KSRS, Korea), Toneo Kawanishi (JAROS, Japan)
Vice Co-Chairs: Shigeru Ozeki (ENRI, Japan), Kyu-Sung Lee (Inha University, Korea)
Members: Morio Toyoshima (NICT, Japan), Toshio Wakayama (Mitsubishi Electronics Corp., Japan), Chan-Su Yang (KORDI, Korea), Brett Nener (University of Western Australia, Australia)

Local Organizing Committee
Chair: Kwang-Eun Kim (KSRS, Korea)
Vice Chair: Chan-Su Yang (KORDI, Korea)

Technical Program Committee
Chair: Korehiro Maeda (JAXA, Japan)
Members: Kazuo Ouchi (National Defense Academy of Japan), Yoshio Yamaguchi (Niigata University, Japan), Yoshiaki Suzuki (NEC Corp., Japan), Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki University, Japan) Sonosuke Fukushima (ENRI, Japan), Seisuke Fukuda (ISAS/JAXA, Japan), Hiroshi Takase (Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan) Yong-Il Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Yong-Seung Kim (KARI, Korea)

宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会(SANE) [schedule] [select]
専門委員長 川西 登音夫 (JAROS)
副委員長 小瀬木 滋 (電子航法研)
幹事 豊嶋 守生 (NICT), 若山 俊夫 (三菱電機)
幹事補佐 谷島 正信 (JAXA)

日時 2010年10月27日(水) 10:40 - 20:30
2010年10月28日(木) 09:00 - 20:30
2010年10月29日(金) 09:00 - 13:30
議題 ICSANE 2010 (International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics) 
会場名 Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel 
住所 1255, Samdo2-dong, Jejucity, Jejudo, 690-032, Korea
交通案内 Venue information can be seen at
Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel
+82-64-729-8100 (Hotel)
他の共催 ◆This workshop is co-sponsored by Chinese Academy of Science, Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST), CSIRO (Australia), ENRI (Japan), ETRI (Korea), Fudan University of China, IEEE AESS (Japan), JAXA (Japan), KARI (Korea), KORDI (Korea), NICT (Japan),National Natural Science Foundation of China, OUC (China), Xidian University (China), UWA (Australia). This workshop is also in cooperation with AIAA JFSC.
お知らせ ◎More information will be given at the conference web page (http://www.ieice.org/cs/sane/ICSANE2010/).

10月27日(水) 午前  Registration (Ramada Ballroom, 2nd floor)
10:40 - 12:00
  - Registration
  12:00-13:00 Lunch ( 60分 )
10月27日(水) 午後  Remote Sensing (Mara Hall)
座長: Toneo Kawanishi (JAROS)
13:00 - 14:20
(1) 13:00-13:20 [招待講演]Scintillation Index of the Free Space Optical Channel: Phase Screen Modelling and Experimental Results SANE2010-68 Kerry A. MudgeEdinburgh)・Dilusha SilvaUniv. of Western Australia)・Bradley A. ClareKenneth J. GrantEdinburgh)・○Brett NenerUniv. of Western Australia
(2) 13:20-13:40 A perspective on radar remote sensing of soil moisture SANE2010-69 Sang-Eun ParkYoshio YamaguchiNiigata Univ.)・Dharmendra SinghIndian Inst. of Tech. Roorkee
(3) 13:40-14:00 An application of microwave measurement for complex dielectric constants to detecting snow and ice on road surface SANE2010-80 Kohei OsaJosaphat Tetuko Sri SumantyoFumihiko NishioChiba Univ.
(4) 14:00-14:20 Glaciated terrain classification using modified four component scattering decomposition model SANE2010-70 Gulab SinghYoshio YamaguchiSang-Eun ParkNigata University)・Gopalan VenkataramanIndian Inst. of Tech. Bombay
10月27日(水) 午後  Poster Session I -Radar and SAR Technologies- (Mara Hall)
14:20 - 15:20
(5) 14:20-15:20 EM scattering from multiple dielectric cylinders of arbitrary orientation (講演なし) Wenzhe YanYang DuZhejiang University
(6) 14:20-15:20 A Study on the Effects of the Charge Distributions on Lightning Leader Progressions Using the VHF Broadband Digital Interferometer SANE2010-71 Manabu AkitaSatoru YoshidaTakeshi MorimotoTomoo UshioZen-ichiro KawasakiOsaka Univ.
(7) 14:20-15:20 Initial Observation Results for Precipitation on the Ku-bandbroad Band Radar Network SANE2010-72 Eiichi YoshikawaSatoru YoshidaTakeshi MorimotoTomoo UshioZen-ichiro KawasakiOsaka Univ.
(8) 14:20-15:20 Influence of Sun Elevation Angles to Estimation Results of the Modified Optimization Technique SANE2010-73 Akiyoshi HosoiHiroyuki SaitoHirosaki Univ.
(9) 14:20-15:20 An Adaptive Dynamic Background Estimation and Foreground Segmentation for Object Tracking SANE2010-74 Shintaro ShinozakiKatsuto NakajimaTokyo Denki Univ.
(10) 14:20-15:20 The potential of Chinese airborne X- band PolInSAR data for forest parameters estimation SANE2010-75 Chen JiehongCAS/Graduate Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences)・Zhang HongWang ChaoCAS)・Jiang KaiEast China Research Inst. of Electronic Engineering
(11) 14:20-15:20 A three-component scattering model for compact polarimetric SAR data SANE2010-76 Liu mengCAS/Graduate Univ. of Chinese Academy of Sciences)・Zhang HongWang ChaoCAS
(12) 14:20-15:20 Fast Road Sign Recognition by Integral Image and DP Matching SANE2010-77 Yuta AokiKatsuto NakajimaTokyo Denki Univ.
(13) 14:20-15:20 Radar Signal Processing for Suppressing 2nd-trip Echoes under Existence of 1st-trip Ground Clutters SANE2010-78 Toshio WakayamaHiroshi SakamakiMitsubishi Electric
(14) 14:20-15:20 Comparative Study to Estimate Soil Moisture with PALSAR Data SANE2010-79 Patri UpenderDharmendra SinghIndian Inst. of Tech. Roorkee)・○Sang-Eun ParkYoshio YamaguchiNiigata Univ.
(15) 14:20-15:20 Detection of Rock Failures Associated with a Main Shock and Aftershocks Using Satellite-borne Microwave Radiometer (講演なし) Takashi MaedaJAXA)・Tadashi TakanoNihon Univ.
(16) 14:20-15:20 2008 eruption of Okmok volcano observed by ALOS/PALSAR SANE2010-81 Yousuke MiyagiJAXA
10月27日(水) 午後  Synthetic Aperture Radar (Mara Hall)
座長: Kwang-Eun Kim (KSRS)
15:20 - 16:40
(17) 15:20-15:40 Decomposition technique considering azimuth rotation for polarimetric SAR image analysis SANE2010-82 Toshifumi MoriyamaHiroaki MatsushitaNagasaki Univ.
(18) 15:40-16:00 Estimation of Underwater Marine Cultivation Area based on SAR Polarimetric Entropy SANE2010-83 EunSung WonKazuo OuchiNational Defese Academy
(19) 16:00-16:20 Non-Gaussianity of ocean images by SAR SANE2010-84 Akitsugu NadaiToshihiko UmeharaTakeshi MatsuokaMakoto SatakeTatsuharu KobayashiJyunpei UemotoSeiho UratsukaNICT
(20) 16:20-16:40 Estimation of Coniferous Tree Biomass from High-Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar based on the Second-Moment of Cross-Polarization Image Intensity SANE2010-85 Haipeng WangFudan Univ.)・Kazuo OuchiNational Defense Academy
  16:40-17:00 Coffee Break ( 20分 )
10月27日(水) 午後  Radar, Navigation and Communications (Mara Hall)
座長: Shigeru Ozeki (ENRI)
17:00 - 18:20
(21) 17:00-17:20 [招待講演]MMIC and T/R Module for the X-band Phased Array Radar System SANE2010-86 Jin-Cheol JeongYoun Sub NohIn-Bok YomETRI
(22) 17:20-17:40 New Alpha Beta Filters in Terms of an N-step Predicted Position SANE2010-87 Yoshio KosugeNagasaki Univ.
(23) 17:40-18:00 A Survey on Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Systems for Global Air Traffic Management
-- The Current Status of Communication and Surveillance Systems --
Sakae NagaokaENRI
(24) 18:00-18:20 Measurement Experiment of Interference From Mobile Terminals and Base Stations Using an Airship SANE2010-89 Hiroyuki TsujiAmane MiuraYoshiyuki FujinoNaokazu HamamotoRyutaro SuzukiNICT
10月27日(水) 午後  Icebreak
18:30 - 20:30
  - Banquet:
Moderator: Prof. Jung-Sun Won
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Convention Hall(2nd Floor, Ramada Plaza Hotel)
10月28日(木) 午前  Small Satellites I (Mara Hall)
座長: Hirobumi Saito (ISAS)
09:00 - 10:20
(25) 09:00-09:20 [招待講演]Present and Future of Small Observation Satellites SANE2010-90 Korehiro MaedaJAXA
(26) 09:20-09:40 [招待講演]Remote sensors mounted on AKATSUKI SANE2010-91 Masato NakamuraNobuaki IshiiTakeshi ImamuraMakoto SuzukiMunetaka UenoAtsushi YamazakiTakehiko SatohISAS)・Naomoto IwagamiUniv. of Tokyo)・Makoto TaguchiRikkyo Univ.)・Shigeto WatanabeYukihiro TakahashiTetsuya FukuharaHokkaido Univ.)・Shoko OhtsukiISAS
(27) 09:40-10:00 [招待講演]Small Satellites for EO Mission - Trends and Perspectives SANE2010-92 Sungdong ParkSatrec Initiative
(28) 10:00-10:20 [招待講演]Design and Development of Advanced Technology Demonstration Small Satellite "TSUBMAME" SANE2010-93 Saburo MatunagaHiroyuki MorishitaLSS TeamTokyo Inst. of Tech.
  10:20-10:40 Coffee Break ( 20分 )
10月28日(木) 午前  Opening Ceremony (Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor)
座長: Dr. Kwang-Eun Kim
10:40 - 11:00
  10:40-11:00 Opening Ceremony ( 20分 )
  - Chair Person : Dr. Kwang-Eun Kim
Chair, Organizing Committee of ISRS2010
Executive Director, Korean Society of Remote Sensing

Welcome Messages

Welcome to ISRS 2010
Prof. Young-Seup Kim
General Chairman, ISRS 2010

Welcome to ICSANE 2010
Prof. Taneo Kawanishi
General Co-Chair, ICSANE 2010

Congratulatory Messages
Maanee Lee
Minister, Minstry of Environment

Prof. Hajime Fukushima
Co-Chair, EMSEA, Japan

Prof. Yuei-An Liou
Co-Chair, EMSEA, Taiwan
10月28日(木) 午前  Plenary Session (Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor)
11:00 - 12:00
(29) 11:00-11:20 Status and Prospect of Remote Sensing in Taiwan L. C. ChenC. F. ChenNational Central University)・T. Y. ShihNational Chiao Tung University)・Y. H. TsengNational Cheng Kung University)・J. K. LiuLIDAR Technology Co., Ltd
(30) 11:20-11:40 [特別講演]HYSPIRI SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS SANE2010-94 Simon J. HookElizabeth MiddletonRobert O GreenCalifornia Inst. of Tech.
(31) 11:40-12:00 [招待講演]World's First Mission of Solar Power Sail by IKAROS SANE2010-95 Osamu MoriYuichi TsudaHirotaka SawadaRyu FunaseTakayuki YamamotoTakanao SaikiKatsuhide YonekuraHirokazu HoshinoHiroyuki MinaminoTatsuya EndoJunichiro KawaguchiJAXA
  12:00-13:00 Lunch ( 60分 )
10月28日(木) 午後  Small satellites II (Mara Hall)
座長: Korehiro Maeda (JAXA)
13:00 - 14:20
(32) 13:00-13:20 [招待講演]Small Satelite REIMEI for Auroa Observation
-- Five Years on Orbit --
Hirobumi SaitoISAS
(33) 13:20-13:40 STSAT-2C Test Satellite System Design for the KSLV-I Launch Vehicle Kyungin KangNohhoon MyungJongtae LimKAIST)・Eunsup SimKARI
(34) 13:40-14:00 Development of Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (CP-SAR) onboard Small Satellite SANE2010-97 Josaphat Tetuko Sri SumantyoChiba Univ.
(35) 14:00-14:20 Study on optical communication link design for 50kg-class small satellites SANE2010-98 Hideki TakenakaMorio ToyoshimaNICT
10月28日(木) 午後  Poster Session II -Space and Airborne Technologies- (Mara Hall)
14:20 - 15:20
(36) 14:20-15:20 [招待講演]ASTRO-G Project (講演なし) Yasuhiro MurataJAXA
(37) 14:20-15:20 Landing radar simulation with actual lunar DEM (講演なし) Seisuke FukudaTomohiko SakaiTakahide MizunoJAXA
(38) 14:20-15:20 Orbit Determination of Geosynchronous Satellite Using Passive Ranging System SANE2010-99 Toshihiro Kubo-okaNICT)・Seiichiro KawaseNational Defense Academy)・Shohei TaniguchiJSAT
(39) 14:20-15:20 6-Gbps Digital Coherent Optical Receiver for Satellite Laser Communication SANE2010-100 Takashi SasakiUniv. of Electro-Comm.)・Morio ToyoshimaNICT
(40) 14:20-15:20 Simulation model for generating time-varying optical signals based on atmospheric turbulence spectrum for space-to-ground laser links SANE2010-101 Morio ToyoshimaTakashi SasakiHideki TakenakaYoshihisa TakayamaNICT
(41) 14:20-15:20 Design of on board communication system for nanosatellite Ibrahim Hussain・○Shashi PoddarRatnika RastogiRamrohan DantuSRM
(42) 14:20-15:20 Development and feasibility flight test of TIS-B system SANE2010-102 Takuya OtsuyamaMakoto ShiojiShigeru OzekiMitsuhiko MigakiENRI
(43) 14:20-15:20 Error Compensations for 1030 MHz Signal Environment Estimation SANE2010-103 Shigeru OzekiTakuya OtsuyamaTadashi KogaYasuto SumiyaENRI
(44) 14:20-15:20 Autonomous Coverage Coordination Technology for Safety Enhancement in Radar Network (講演なし) Tadashi KogaENRI
(45) 14:20-15:20 Development and Test of GNSS Ground Station Technologies Jaehyun KimCheon Sig SinSeong-Kyun JeongSanguk LeeETRI
(46) 14:20-15:20 Evaluation of the Performance of TCAS-II For More Realistic Scenarios Byung-Kyu JunSang Seok LimKorea Aerospace Univ.
(47) 14:20-15:20 Development & Test of Next Generation Search and Rescue Beacon SANE2010-104 Inone JooJeom Hoon LeeSanguk LeeETRI
(48) 14:20-15:20 The Development of GPS Collar Incorporated ZigBee Communication Device for Wild Animal Tracking SANE2010-105 Katsuhiro MorishitaNagahisa MitaKazuki IwataKumamoto Univ.
(49) 14:20-15:20 A design method of Spacecraft system health management Hong Yang・○Dong weidongCAST
10月28日(木) 午後  Satellite Systems I (Mara Hall)
座長: Kazuo Ouchi (NDA)
15:20 - 16:40
(50) 15:20-15:40 [招待講演]The Results of Asteroid Exploration Mission Hayabusa
-- Outline of the Operation for 7 Years --
Makoto YoshikawaJunichiro KawaguchiHitoshi KuninakaJAXA
(51) 15:40-16:00 Overview and Status of 'KIBO' Payload Operations SANE2010-107 Takao WakatsukiChikara HaradaJAXA
(52) 16:00-16:20 [招待講演]Cryogenic readout electronics for space borne far-infrared image sensors SANE2010-108 Hirohisa NagataTakehiko WadaHirokazu IkedaJAXA)・Yasuo AraiKEK)・Morifumi OhnoAIST
(53) 16:20-16:40 Ibuki operation and TANSO on-orbit performance SANE2010-109 Naoki GotoMasakatsu NakajimaAkihiko KuzeHiroshi SutoHideharu NanbaJAXA
  16:40-17:00 Coffee Break ( 20分 )
10月28日(木) 午後  Satellite Systems II (Mara Hall)
座長: Chan-Su Yang (KORDI)
17:00 - 18:20
(54) 17:00-17:20 [招待講演]Outline of the Korean VLBI Network SANE2010-110 Se-Jin OhKASI
(55) 17:20-17:40 Four-way Doppler measurements and inverse VLBI observations for the Martian exploration SANE2010-111 Takahiro IwataJAXA)・Koji MatsumotoYoshiaki IshiharaFuyuhiko KikuchiNAOJ)・Yuji HaradaSHAO)・Sho SasakiNAOJ
(56) 17:40-18:00 [招待講演]R&D Activities of ETRI SANE2010-112 Seongkyun JeongSanguk LeeETRI
(57) 18:00-18:20 [招待講演]The past, present and future remote sensing satellite missions of Korea Hae-Jin ChoiKARI
10月28日(木) 午後  Reception
18:30 - 20:30
(58) 18:30-20:30 Reception
Moderator: Dr. Kwang-Eun Kim
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Convention Hall (2nd Floor, Ramada Plaza Hotel)
10月29日(金) 午前  Radar Technology (Mara Hall)
座長: Yoshio Kosuge (Nagasaki Univ.)
09:00 - 10:20
(59) 09:00-09:20 Network Retrieval Technique for Precipitation Attenuation on Ku-band Broadband Radar Network SANE2010-113 Eiichi YoshikawaSatoru YoshidaTakeshi MorimotoTomoo UshioZen-ichiro KawasakiOsaka Univ.
(60) 09:20-09:40 High-resolution UWB Doppler radar interferometoric imaging algorithm for multiple moving targets with smoothed pseudo Wigner distribution SANE2010-114 Kenshi SahoTakuya SakamotoToru SatoKyoto Univ.)・Kenichi InoueTakeshi FukudaPanasonic
(61) 09:40-10:00 Evaluation of a UWB Phase-Comparison Monopulse Short-Range Radar SANE2010-115 Hironori EnkoujiNatsuki HashimotoHiromitsu AokiNaohiko IwakiriTakehiko KobayashiTokyo Denki Univ.
(62) 10:00-10:20 Evaluation of Target Detection Performance for UWB Vehicle Radar at 24GHz SANE2010-116 Isamu MatsunamiNagasaki Univ.)・Akihiro KajiwaraKitakyushu Univ.
  10:20-10:40 Coffee Break ( 20分 )
10月29日(金) 午後  Closing Ceremony (Grand Ballroom, 2nd Floor)
12:00 - 13:30
  12:00-12:20 Closing Ceremony ( 20分 )
  12:00-13:00 Fairwell Lunch ( 60分 )
  - Technical tour (optional)
13:30 - 18:00
Course 1
KVN VLBI, Halla University & Scenic Spots of Jeju Island
Cost: 15,000 KRW/person
Course 2
Udo Island

一般講演発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
招待講演発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
特別講演発表 15 分 + 質疑応答 5 分
ポスター講演質疑応答 60 分

SANE 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス研究会(SANE)   [今後の予定はこちら]
問合先 豊嶋 守生(情報通信研究機構)
TEL (042)327-5825, FAX (042)327-6825
E--mail: o

若山 俊夫(三菱電機)
TEL (0467)41-2523, FAX (0467)41-2419
E--mail: WaTooabMibiElectc 

Last modified: 2010-11-08 17:12:53

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