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Special Interest Group on Internet and Operation Technology (IPSJ-IOT) [schedule] [select]

Technical Committee on Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics (SITE) [schedule] [select]
Chair Takeo Tatsumi (Open Univ. of Japan)
Vice Chair Soichiro Morishita (Cyber Agent), Yuko Murakami (Rikkyo Univ.)
Secretary Yusuke Kaneko (Japan Research Institute), Yusuke Tachibana (Fukuoka Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant Kaito Hosono (Kanagawa Univ.), Rodriguez Samudio Ruben Enrique (Waseda Univ.)

Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (IA) [schedule] [select]
Chair Toyokazu Akiyama (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.)
Vice Chair Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Toshiki Watanabe (NEC), Yuichiro Hei (KDDI)
Secretary Kenji Ohira (Osaka Univ.), Ryohei Banno (Hitotsubashi Univ.), Daiki Nobayashi (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.)
Assistant Daisuke Kotani (Kyoto Univ.), Ryo Nakamura (Fukuoka Univ.), Ryo Nakamura (Univ. of Tokyo)

Conference Date Mon, Mar 3, 2025 10:00 - 16:30
Tue, Mar 4, 2025 09:20 - 17:05
Wed, Mar 5, 2025 09:20 - 16:00
Topics Internet and Information Ethics Education, etc. 
Conference Place Ama-Home Plaza 
Address 2-1, Naze-yanagi, Amami, Kagoshima, 894-0032 Japan
Transportation Guide About 5 min. walk from Amami-Shiyakusho bus stop
Registration Fee This workshop will be held as the IEICE workshop in fully electronic publishing. Registration fee will be necessary except the speakers and participants other than the participants to workshop(s) in non-electronic publishing. See the registration fee page. We request the registration fee or presentation fee to participants who will attend the workshop(s) on IA, SITE.
Due for Registration Please proceed the payment of registration fee by 3 days before the workshop date. The meeting URL will be announced from one of the secretaries of the committee via e-mail, just before the workshop date.

Mon, Mar 3 AM  Opening (Room A: Hall)
10:00 - 10:10
(1) 10:00-10:10 Opening remarks
Mon, Mar 3 PM  IA 1 (Room A: Hall)
10:10 - 11:50
10:10-10:35 Identification Method of Vulnerable Target Areas for Crossfire Attacks Using GCN
Tianyu Wang, Noriaki Kamiyama (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
10:35-11:00 A hybrid deception mechanism taking into consideration the sensitivity of information assets Kazuma Kasahara (Keio Univ.), Takao Kondo (Hokkaido Univ.), Satoshi Kai, Satoru Tezuka (Keio Univ.)
11:00-11:25 Identifying original logging functions in source code from network log messages Satoru Kobayashi (Okayama Univ.), Gaspard Damoiseau-Malraux (Sorbonne Univ.), Kensuke Fukuda (NII)
11:25-11:50 Machine Learning Methods for Malicious Domain Detection based on Extracting Features of Domain Names in DNS Traffic Toshiki Koga, Daiki Nobayashi, Takeshi Ikenaga (KIT)
  11:50-13:00 Lunch Break ( 70 min. )
Mon, Mar 3 PM  IA 2 (Room A: Hall)
13:00 - 14:40
13:00-13:25 Evaluation of Mobile Link Selection on Connected Vehicle Kazuya Okada (TMC)
13:25-13:50 Effectiveness Evaluation of an FEC Extension for QUIC DATAGRAM Loss Recovery
Takumi Urano, Yepeng Ding, Tohru Kondo (Hiroshima Univ)
13:50-14:15 Modeling cooperation between operators in LEO satellite network Kaito Kondo, Noriaki Kamiyama (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Sumiko Miyata (Science Tokyo)
14:15-14:40 Observation of Periodic Communication Breakdowns in LEO Satellite Communications with Real Traffic Motoyuki Ohmori (Tottori Univ.), Kohichi Ogawa (Gunma Univ.)
  14:40-14:50 Break ( 10 min. )
Mon, Mar 3 PM 
13:00 - 14:40
(10) 13:00-13:25  
(11) 13:25-13:50  
(12) 13:50-14:15  
(13) 14:15-14:40  
  14:40-14:50 Break ( 10 min. )
Mon, Mar 3 PM  IA 3 (Room A: Hall)
14:50 - 16:30
14:50-15:15 Study on Comunication Control for Indoor Monitoring Robots Considering Wireless Characteristics Naruto Haruki, Masaki Haruta, Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga (KIT)
15:15-15:40 Experimental Evaluation of Floating Cyber-Physical System with WebAssembly Through Federated Learning Application Meiya Tanaka, Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga (KIT), Shu Sekigawa (KDDI Research)
15:40-16:05 Dynamic Transmission Parameter Control Method Suitable for Communication Environments for Mobile Terminals with 920 MHz Private LoRa Rikuto Tanaka, Daiki Nobayashi, Kazuya Tsukamoto, Takeshi Ikenaga (KIT), Goshi Sato, Kenichi Takizawa (NICT)
16:05-16:30 Transmission Control Method for Private LoRa to Improve Fairness with Competing IEEE 802.11ah Communications Yusuke Takeuchi, Daiki Nobayashi, Takeshi Ikenaga (KIT)
Mon, Mar 3 PM 
14:50 - 16:30
(18) 14:50-15:15  
(19) 15:15-15:40  
(20) 15:40-16:05  
(21) 16:05-16:30  
Tue, Mar 4 AM  IOT 3 (Room A: Hall)
09:45 - 11:00
(22) 09:45-10:10  
(23) 10:10-10:35  
(24) 10:35-11:00  
  11:00-11:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Tue, Mar 4 AM  IA 4 (Room B: Dai-Tamokuteki Room)
09:20 - 11:00
09:20-09:45 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Price Proposals in EV-to-EV Electricity Trading Method Using Realistic Simulation Models
Shotaro Sakaguchi, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Ittetsu Taniguchi (Osaka Univ.)
09:45-10:10 Evaluation of the Effect of Varying Electric Energy Prices with Supply and Demand Balance on Energy Trading among EVs Keigo Yamashina, Shotaro Sakaguchi, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Ittetsu Taniguchi (Osaka Univ.)
10:10-10:35 Study on an Electricity Transfer Method among EVs to Reduce Grid Load during Peak Hours at EV Charging Stations
Keita Nakao, Shotaro Sakaguchi, Yusuke Sakumoto (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Ittetsu Taniguchi (Osaka Univ.)
10:35-11:00 Investigation of the Influence of Cluster Structure on the Effectiveness of Eigenvalue Manipulation Based on Matrix Perturbation Theory Masaki Komatsu, Yusuke Sakumoto, Hiroyuki Ohsaki (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)
  11:00-11:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Tue, Mar 4 PM  IOT 4 (Room A: Hall)
11:10 - 12:25
(29) 11:10-11:35  
(30) 11:35-12:00  
(31) 12:00-12:25  
  12:25-13:35 Break ( 70 min. )
Tue, Mar 4 AM  IA 5 (Room B: Dai-Tamokuteki Room)
11:10 - 12:25
11:10-11:35 Evaluation of Client Distribution Based on Packet Size in Distributed MQTT Brokers Keiuske Yoshimura (Kogakuin Univ.), Ryouhei Banno (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
11:35-12:00 Scalability Evaluation of the Dynamic Load Balancing Method in MQTT Shared Subscription Keisuke Fujimaki, Yepeng Ding, Tohru Kondo (Hiroshima Univ.)
12:00-12:25 A Two-Stage Classification-Based Intrusion Detection Model for Mitigating Unknown Attacks on MQTT Brokers Masako Miyazawa (Chuo Univ.), Shunsuke Hashimoto (Univ. of Hyogo), Takatsugu Nakayama (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Hiroyuki Inoue (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.), Atsuo Inomata (Osaka Univ.)
  12:25-13:35 Lunch Break ( 70 min. )
Tue, Mar 4 PM  IOT 5 (Room A: Hall)
13:35 - 15:15
(35) 13:35-14:00  
(36) 14:00-14:25  
(37) 14:25-14:50  
(38) 14:50-15:15  
  15:15-15:25 Break ( 10 min. )
Tue, Mar 4 PM  SITE 1(Room B: Dai-Tamokuteki Room)
Chair: Yusuke Kaneko (Japan Research Institute)
13:35 - 15:15
13:35-14:00 Access control to prevent information leakage from patent documents using topic models and reinforcement learning Ritsuki Sone, Kaito Hosono, Tetsuya Morizumi, HIrotsugu Kinoshita (Kanagawa Univ.)
14:00-14:25 Perceptual Hashing for Audio Information Using Machine Learning Kuo Chenghsun, Kaito Hosono (Kanagawa Univ), Miyata Takamichi (Chiba Institute of Technology), Miyata Sumiko (Science Tokyo), Hirotsugu Kinoshita (Kanagawa Univ)
14:25-14:50 A Study on University Students' Reception of News Kenji Yoshimi (Seikei Univ.), Hiroyuki Fujishiro (Hosei Univ.)
14:50-15:15 Depending or Defending
-- What Causes Difference in Attitudes Toward e-Media? --

Ikuya Murata (Osaka Sangyo Univ.)
  15:15-15:25 Break ( 10 min. )
Tue, Mar 4 PM  IOT 6 (Room A: Hall)
15:25 - 16:40
(43) 15:25-15:50  
(44) 15:50-16:15  
(45) 16:15-16:40  
Tue, Mar 4 PM  IA 6 (Room B: Dai-Tamokuteki Room)
15:25 - 17:05
15:25-15:50 Evaluation of Notifing Delay in a Disaster Notification Wireless Mesh Network Applying Distributed Time Slot Control Tomoki Okuda (Kogakuin Univ), Masaaki Ohnishi (NOHMI BOSAI), Ryohei Banno (Hitotsubashi Univ)
15:50-16:15 Verification of Smart Contracts for Eliminating False and Incorrect Information in Cooperative Positioning Ryota Kamishima (Kogakuin Univ.), Yoshito Watanabe (Solid Surface Inc), Ryohei Banno (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
16:15-16:40 Performance Evaluation of Potential Energy Conversion Type Stand-Alone Wind Power Supply "Nishikaze" for Sensor Networks Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.), Shinichi Nishiura, Kosuke Mori, Kentaro Homma (Keio Univ.)
16:40-17:05 A Study on the Application of the Agro-Meteorological Grid Square Data to Fruit Tree Flowering Forecasting Systems Kazuya Suzuki, Karin Hikita (Akita Prefectural Univ.)
Wed, Mar 5 AM  IA 7(Room A: Hall)
09:45 - 11:00
09:45-10:10 Investigation of Effect of Communication Delay Reduction of AS Path in IP/NDN Mixed Environment Kohei Tanaka, Noriaki Kamiyama (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
10:10-10:35 Adjustment Payment and Stability Analysis among ISPs Using Cooperative Game ffor ICN Promotion Masaki Ito, Noriaki Kamiyama (Ritsumeikan Univ)
10:35-11:00 Performance Analysis of Task Scheduling for Workflow in Autonomous In-Network Computing
Yuki Niibe, Noriaki Kamiyama (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
  11:00-11:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Mar 5 PM  IOT 7 (Room B: Dai-Tamokuteki Room)
09:20 - 11:00
(53) 09:20-09:45  
(54) 09:45-10:10  
(55) 10:10-10:35  
(56) 10:35-11:00  
  11:00-11:10 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Mar 5 PM  IA 8(Room A: Hall)
11:10 - 12:25
11:10-11:35 Consideration of AS for VPN relay server placement to minimise detour Kohshi Yamaguchi (ICU), Kitaguchi Yoshiaki (Science Tokyo), Nagami Kenichi (INTEC), Mizukoshi Ichiro (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone East Corp), Sato Akira (University of Tsukuba), Daiyuu Nobori (IPA), Keisuke Ishibashi (ICU)
11:35-12:00 Multicast Forwarding for Active Measurement of Link Loss Rate through Collaboration among P4 Switches Rentaro Nakashima, Kazumi Igarashi, Kenji Kawahara, Masato Tsuru (Kyutech)
12:00-12:25 XenFlow: A Multi-Tenant NFV Framework realizing Zero-copy Packet Processing
Soki Koizumi, Fumio Teraoka (Keio Univ.), Takao Kondo (Hokkaido Univ.)
  12:25-13:35 Break ( 70 min. )
Wed, Mar 5 PM  IOT 8 (Room B: Dai-Tamokuteki Room)
11:10 - 12:25
(60) 11:10-11:35  
(61) 11:35-12:00  
(62) 12:00-12:25  
  12:25-13:35 Lunch Break ( 70 min. )
Wed, Mar 5 PM  SITE 2(Room A: Hall)
Chair: Soichiro Morishita (Cyber Agent)
13:35 - 15:15
13:35-14:00 A Study of Generative AI Governance in the Area of Research
-- An Analysis of the Guidelines of Japanese universities --
Kei Ejima (KDDI Research), Kato Naonori (KDDI Research/NFI/RIKEN AIP), Yosuke Murakami (KDDI Research)
14:00-14:25 A Study of Generative AI Governance in the Area of Research
-- An Analysis of the Guidelines of the European Commission --
Naonori Kato (KDDI Research/NFI/RIKEN AIP), Kei Ejima, Yosuke Murakami (KDDI Research)
14:25-14:50 Ethical Attitudes Toward Cybernetic Avatars
-- A Comparative Study in Japan, the United States, and Spain --
Minao Kukita (NU), Shun Tsugita (UT), Yurina Someya, Fuki Ueno (NU)
14:50-15:15 Moore (1985) revisited Nobutsugu Kanzaki (Nanzan Univer.)
  15:15-15:25 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Mar 5 PM  IOT 9 (Room B: Dai-Tamokuteki Room)
13:35 - 15:15
(67) 13:35-14:00  
(68) 14:00-14:25  
(69) 14:25-14:50  
(70) 14:50-15:15  
  15:15-15:25 Break ( 10 min. )
Wed, Mar 5 PM  Closing (Room A: Hall)
15:25 - 16:00
(71) 15:25-15:30 Ceremony for Student Research Encouragement Award of IA Technical Committee
(72) 15:30-15:40  
(73) 15:40-15:50  
(74) 15:50-16:00 Closing Address

Announcement for Speakers
General TalkEach speech will have 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Contact Address and Latest Schedule Information
IPSJ-IOT Special Interest Group on Internet and Operation Technology (IPSJ-IOT)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  
SITE Technical Committee on Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics (SITE)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address  
IA Technical Committee on Internet Architecture (IA)   [Latest Schedule]
Contact Address Technical Group of Internet Architecture

Last modified: 2025-02-01 08:17:46

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